






"Run!! RUN!!"


Two people, who were in their mid-twenties were running from a shadow figure.




They were hiding inside a convenience store, but suddenly a loud noise got their attention.

"Did it find us..." One of them, who had a big scar on his left hand from which pools of blood were flowing asked the other guy.

"I don't know..." He spoke as the whole place had an unsettling Silence. They could even hear their breathtaking voice.

"Here, where are you going??" The one with a scar spoke as the other guy left his side and walked towards the exit gate.

"To see whether he left us or not.." He spoke in a low voice.

"But, what if he is still there..." The other guy said in a trembling voice.

"Then, we are doomed..." He spoke again and walked towards the door.

These two were the survivors of the First Scenario and were currently, going to the second Scenario location.

But something stopped them and killed the others, who were with them.

"It seems, he is gone now..." The other guy looked out and saw that no one was there and hearing him, the injured one took a deep breath.

"Now let's move, we can st....." Suddenly he stopped talking and hearing him stop in mid-sentence the other guy narrowed his eyes and looked towards him.


"Uwuuhhhh!!!" He saw the other guy's head rolling on the ground and seeing that, he screamed with Terror.


Suddenly steps of Something could be heard Coming towards him.

"Please, Don't kill me, I beg you please pl.. Uwuuhhhh!!!" The screams of the guy were spread through the surroundings, the painful cries of him getting higher and higher till they stopped.

"GURRRRURRRR..." A Roar of a creature, which Shouldn't exist in this world was heard and then Everything became Silent.

The blood could be seen flowing out of the convenience Store...Lots...Of..Lots...Of...



[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' Speaks to incarnation Yu Jung-Hyeok to run much faster.]

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' says that kids run much faster than this Incarnation.]

[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' just yarns after seeing Incarnation Yu Jung-Hyeok is just running and not fighting.]

"Gurrr..." Small Roars of Coyotes were Coming into the surroundings as a Young man wearing a black Color Shirt and pants was running from these creatures while holding a green color item in his mouth.

'These Constellations are of no good, they just know how to comment and that's all.'

He was running at full Speed Jumping from here and there closely Dodging the sharp paws of the creatures running behind him.


"Gurrr..." Yu Jung-Hyeok used his iron rod to hit one of those creatures and agile Dodging their Claws.

[ 10 Minutes left for the Scenario to end.]

'I don't have much time..' Yu Jung-Hyeok was running with his all might as upgrading his Stats had given him the boost, he needed to outrun those Creatures.

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' Cheers for you to win this race against Time.]

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' has Sponsored you 200©.]

[A small number of Constellations are cheering for you.]

[ 'Mouse That Eats Fingernails' is nervously eating his nails.]

[A small number of Constellations have sponsored you 300©.]

[ Some new Constellations are joining the channel.]

[ 'God Of Wine and Ecstasy' looks at you with an interested look.]

"Gurrrrr..." Suddenly a Coyote jumped at Yu Jung-Hyeok trying to kill him but suddenly, he was cut into pieces.

'What was that..' And seeing that Yu Jung-Hyeok stopped and looked behind only to see that other Coyotes were running away from something.

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' Wants to know, why they are so scared.]

"GURRRR..." Suddenly a Roar was heard and Yu Jung-Hyeok looked behind as his eyes got bigger with shock.

There stood a creature with straight big legs that looked as if they were made up of Rock. His Paws had big Claws coming out of it which had blood sticking on it.

The creature was 40 meters long while standing on his feet as his eyes looked toward Yu Jung-Hyeok with a deadly gaze.

'A bear...' Yu Jung-Hyeok saw a huge bear, impossibly huge standing on his two feet looking at Yu Jung-Hyeok with an angry look.

[A small number of Constellations are surprised by your bad luck.]

[A small number of Constellations has Sponsored you 500© on your bad luck.]

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' looks towards 'The Great Polar Bear' with shining Eyes.]

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' says it's her first time seeing a cute bear like it.]

' This thing is Cute for them...' I looked towards the white furry bear, who was looking at me with a dangerous gaze.

' It seems, I don't like bears...' I thought to myself as I looked at the running bear trying to kill me.

Thud..Thud.. Thud...

The bear was very big, whenever it moved it created a huge Shock way and small earthquakes.

"GURRRRR!!!" The bear Roared and used its Claws toward Yu Jung-Hyeok, who Dodged his attack, through small gaps.

'It's fast Even after, he is so big...' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself as he Dodged the bear's Claws Carefully.


' I have to do something...' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself, while he charged towards the Bear.

"GURRRR!!!" The bear had a surprised look as he saw Yu Jung-Hyeok Jumping on his head, while easily dodging his attacks.

"I don't have time for this..." He spoke and Jumped away from the Bear.


But the bear was also not very slow as it grabbed his legs and threw him away.

"Ahhh..." A painful cry came out of Yu Jung-Hyeok's mouth as he was thrown towards the wall with great force.


The wall behind him had several cracks on it after the collision with him.

"GURRRRR!!" The bear looked at Yu Jung-Hyeok and Roared while charging towards him.

"It seems, I have to use it..." Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself and a golden light suddenly started to come out of him.

[ Attribute 'Pro Gamer' has been activated.]

[Measuring The player's overall stats.]

[Time limit: 1 Minute.]

[Your Overall Stats will Double for 1 Minute]

'It seems raising my overall stats has given me much time this time.' Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself as he stood up.

"GURRRRR..." The bear started to attack Yu Jung-Hyeok but this time, he very easily Dodged his attack.

"GURRR!!!!!" A painful cry came from the Bear's mouth as Yu Jung-Hyeok used his Iron rod and stabbed it inside its Eyes.

"Die bastard!!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok screamed as he hit the Bear with his leg, which made the Bear fall to the ground.

"GURRR!!!" The Bear screamed in anger and hatred as he looked toward Yu Jung-Hyeok with one eye.

"GURRRRR!!!" The bear tried to get up but suddenly a Sharp pain came from his Claw.

His one Nail was missing and blood was coming out of that place.

"What finding this...TAKE IT!!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok screamed as he used the Bear Nail to stab his Neck.

But it got blocked by the other paw as he tried to attack him back.

"GURRRRR!!" The bear screamed in agony as his other eye was Pierced by the pointy side of the iron rod.

" You animals are just mindless creatures and nothing more, that attack was Bait for this one." He spoke as he looked towards the Bear with a cold look.

"Now Die!!" Yu Jung-Hyeok used the Bear Nail which he took out when he got distracted due to his eye.


He stabbed the Sharp long Nail on his right ear then used his Iron Rod as a hammer to send that Nail much Deeper in his brain.

[ Incarnation Yu Jung-Hyeok Have Slane a grade 8 monster 'The Great Polar Bear'.]

[ You have Unlocked a hidden Achievement 'The Polar Eye picker'.]

[ You are the first person to have successfully hunted Grade 8 Species.]

[ You have Earned 700© as being the first person to slay a Grade 8 Species.]

[ You have Earned 600© for Unlocking a hidden Achievement ( Rare ).]

[ Many Constellations are Cheering for you.]

[Many Constellations are sponsoring 500© to you.]

[Your Stamina, Agility, and strength have increased.]

[ STAMINA: 07<<<08]

[AGILITY: 08<<<09]

[STRENGTH: 05<<<07]

[COINS: 3200©]

[Attribute 'Pro Gamer' has been Deactivated.]

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' is praising you for your Spirit.]

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' has Sponsored you 200©.]

[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' is looking at you with a interested look.]

[ 'God Of Wine and Ecstasy' is impressed by your performance.]

[ 'God Of Wine and Ecstasy' offers you a Drink.]

[An item has been sent to Incarnation Yu Jung-Hyeok.]




A Glass filled with a red liquid appeared in front of him. Yu Jung-Hyeok narrowed his eyes.

'Why are these Constellations being so nice to me.' He thought to himself as he picked up the glass in his hand.

'They won't Drug me right..' He thought to himself as he Drinks the liquid.

'Its...Good..very Good...' Yu Jung-Hyeok could feel his body getting healed up very quickly as the pain from the fight started to vanish.

' Now, I should leave...' He thought to himself as he looked at the skies.

'I don't know, what they want from me but it seems right now, I have to stay as their puppet.' He clenched his fist ' Till, I became strong.'
