[ Chungil High School.]

"Hey!! Throw the ball here..."

"Catch it!!!"



In a School Basketball Court, There Could be Seen many Kids playing Basketball with each other.

"Throw it here!!!"

A Thin Young man with Dyed white Hair, Walking Down near the Court, While Minding his Own Business.


"Hey Namwoon, Throw the Ball here!!!"

Suddenly a ball came bouncing near his Feet. Kim Namwoon looked at the Ball with a Calm look.

"Hey Freak, throw it!!"

A boy Screamed at him but Kim Namwoon didn't give much attention to him and Just Picked the basketball ball in his hand.

Step... Step...Step...

He walked towards them Slowly and Stood in the Middle of the Court While looking at them in their Eyes.

"You want this ball, Don't you.." He Spoke with a Small Smile.

"Yeah, Can't you hear, You Otaku, Chuunibyou. Don't tell me, You would do your Dark Magic or Something...Hahahahaha"


The Guy, who had Blond Hair and a Handsome face Spoke with a mocking Tone and hearing him others Started to Chuckle on Him.

"I think, You're mistaking about Something..."

Suddenly Kim Namwoon spoke with a Calm Expression and Hearing him the Blond Guy Narrowed his Eyes.

"What you Say??"

The Guy Spoke while pointing to his Ears, Showing that he didn't hear him.


Kim Namwoon Bounced the Ball on the Ground and grabbed it.

"I said you're Wrong about that..."

"Ohh and What's Wrong, I'm taking, Don't tell me you're going to use a Curse Now..Hahahahaha"

"What I like is not Any Magic Stuff or anything.." Kim Namwoon spoke while Bouncing the Ball in the Court.

"I like Military Stuff...Ass Wipe!!!" He spoke with a big Grin on his face " And Military teach Something very Important..."

Hearing him call him an Ass Wipe angered the Guy as he walked towards him to punch his Face.

"Bastard, what do you call me!!!"

"It teaches that anything can be used as a Weapon..." Kim Namwoon Spoke While looking at the ball in his hand and Seeing the Guy's face.


"Uwuuhhhh!!" The Guy Screamed as a Ball Came Flying to his Face and broke his Nose He Got knocked out on the ground.

"Don't try to Scare me, I Never Scared From anyone..."

Kim Namwoon spoke and Walked Away From there With a Calm look, while no one moved as they were Shocked as to what just happened here.

My Grandfather was a Military Man back in his Days and Always Told me about his Stories of How bravely, He Killed the Enemy Soldiers with his Knife.

He was a Master Knife man and had Clearly Completed many Assassin's Missions and his primary weapon was always a Knife.

He never liked Guns, he said it's no Fun using them. It's much better to Slice Someone's Neck while Standing in front of him Seeing the fear in their Eyes in their last Moments is much better than anything.

He spoke to me one thing, The fear is important but not in your eyes, it should be in your Enemies' Eyes when you are Cutting their Neck with your knife.

And because of that, I always wanted to be like him. After my Parents Died in a Car Accident, It was My Grandfather who made me who I am now.

He taught me Knife Skills so that I won't look weak in front of this Damnit, Fucked up World, But again He also Left me and Lost to this Damnit World. The Cancer took my Grandfather away from me.

At his last Days, He spoke to me that there are three types of people in this world.

First who Sacrifice themselves for others, they are stupid because they are the ones who always die first.

Second Who Can't protect themselves because they're Scared, they Run from their Problems and think that God will Come to protect them, they are Weak and they Always Die Alone.

Third Who Never Dies, They are Strong they Face Everything, they can be Categorized Evil Sometimes but they are the only Ones, Who Survive At last, No matter how bad the Situation is they Can Come out of it and they Never Fear anything.

And you have to be the Third one, Never Fear anyone and stay Strong Until the End, So that Even in your Last moments, Everyone would Fear after hearing your Name.

I always Asked him, why till my End, why can't I never Die and he always Told me that we Humans no matter how much Get Strong are Bound to Nature and had to one Day be mixed in this Nature, So everyone has to Die one Day but till that Day. Never let anyone Kill you.

And Just Like that, he also left me and got mixed in the Nature. But I wanted to Survive, I will not Die Just like my Grandfather and I got that Chance as this World got Changed and I got the Chance to Break that limit which Stops us From becoming the Strongest.

I Adapted to this Broken World just like My Grandfather had Taught me, I killed to Survive to become Stronger to become Who am I right now and Decided to Never get Feared in my life.

But then Why???

Why am I feeling Scared looking at the person standing in front of me?

The Person in Black Coat Holding a White Knife Standing in between of Many Corpses Slaughtered by him in just some Few Seconds. He's emitting a Black Aura, So Dark and Creepy that my body Doesn't want me to move.


I fell on the ground on my knees, My body Doesn't want to Move. I'm Scared this Feeling I wanted in my enemies, Why is it in my Eyes.


Yu Jung-Hyeok Slowly Walked Towards Kim Namwoon, who was Lost in his Thoughts and Stood in front of him.

"Let's Move..." He spoke in a Calm and Scary tone with an Unreadable Expression on his Face, his Right hand had A Dagger, which just Now Slaughtered Everyone in this Station and his left hand was Closed making a fist.

"Ahhh..." Hearing his Voice Kim Namwoon came out of his Retrieve and looked towards the Bloody Scene in front of him with a Shocked look.

"Ahh-Yes but What about him.." Kim Namwoon Pointed Towards the Dead Body Of Lee Hyunsung lying between the Sea Of Corpses.

"You wait here and I'll Go out to give him a Proper Funeral..." He Spoke in a lifeless Tone.

Why Does he make me remember myself, When I was a kid and had lost my parents, I tried to make it look like it didn't bother me but from inside, I was broken just like him.

"I'm leaving..." Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke Coldly as he lifted Lee Hyunsung Body Gently on his Shoulder.

"Yes then I'll hunt Some Ground Rats for you to eat and heal yourself..." Kim Namwoon spoke Still in very Shock, he can't even believe that he was acting so politely to someone but right now his Mind was not working properly.

"Yes..." Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke and walked away.


[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' has Sponsored you 500 © for giving a Good Funeral to Lee Hyunsung.]

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' Sent her Condolences to 'Master of Steels' for losing his Incarnation.]

[ 'Master Of Steels' Doesn't react to the Message.]

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' narrowed her Eyes and Asked Other Constellations.]

[ Many Constellations Say they Don't know where 'Master of Steel' is.]

[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' Says he might be Hiding Somewhere Crying for the loss of Incarnation.]

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' says he Doesn't Care.]

[ 'God of Wine and Ecstasy' Looks at the Scene with. A Calm look.]

"Let's move now..." Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke as he packed his Bags and Stood up.

"Yeah let's move after all this Meat is just Bad, if its ability to heal This Poisonous gas effect wasn't there then I wouldn't ever had Touched it Again." Kim Namwoon spoke as he looked at the 20 Rats, he had Killed a while ago, his plan was to kill just Two but because of the Rats' Hostility against him. They kept Coming and it Turned out like this.

[ STRENGTH: 04<<<08]

[ AGILITY: 06<<<09]

"Well Fighting them for So long had helped me, Quite a bit..." Kim Namwoon spoke while Clenching his fist.

"Let's go...we have to Complete this Scenario and Meet others, I don't know why it didn't get Completed here, So let's move further in..." Yu Jung-Hyeok.

'Have you ever thought It's because, You killed Everyone afterall the Scenario was to Meet not to kill..' Kim Namwoon Thought with a werid look but didn't Say anything.

"And What if they attacked us again like this..." Kim Namwoon.

"Then we'll Kill them..." Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke Coldly while Touching his head which was Now Wrapped with a White Cloth.

"Well that's what I like..." Kim Namwoon Spoke with a big grin.

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' Praise For Your Strong Will.]

[ 'Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' Has Sponsored you 300©.]

[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' is Excited for the Future Journey.]

[ 'Prisoner Of The Golden Headband' has Sponsored you 600©.]

[ 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' wants to See new interesting Things.]


After Moving 20 MINUTES they Stopped for a bit because they were Attacked again by the Rats and After killing them Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the message received.

[ 'Knife Training (Lv:01<<<02)']

After looking at the message Emotionlessly, he got up and looked towards Kim Namwoon and Spoke.

"Let's move our Next Destination is Chungmuro Station." Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke as he walked further but Suddenly a message Stopped his tracks.

"What's Now..." Kim Namwoon spoke in an annoyed tone.

[ A new sub scenario has arrived!]

[ Sub scenario – Welcome Prison has begun!]
