
"Dammit, I can't believe I fell for that!" - Kim Namwoon.

"That illusion was strong; even I couldn't distinguish properly." - Yu Jung-Hyeok.

"Yeah, I don't care!" - Kim Namwoon.

Right now, the two of them were walking through the tunnels going toward the next station.


Suddenly, a scream took their attention and both of them looked towards the source of the scream.


"It's those rats again!" - Kim Namwoon spoke with an annoyed look.

"There are people there too," - Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke as he looked forward and saw the rats attacking two people.

"So what, should we help?" - Kim Namwoon.

"I think we should," - Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke as he brought out his knife.

"They're just five rats. You can take care of them..." - Kim Namwoon spoke, and hearing him, Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at him for a bit and then turned around towards them.


With a very fast speed, he moved towards those rats in an instant.


And in two slashes, he cut them off very easily. His knife skills have become much better and much faster; his body is getting used to his skills now.

"Aaa... THANK YOU FOR SAVING US!!" - Suddenly, Yu Jung-Hyeok heard a loud voice near his ears.

"Aaa... Sorry, sir, I was very happy to stay alive and see another day of my life..." - Suddenly, a teenager spoke with an embarrassed look.

"Yi Ji-Hye, look, we are saved..." - The boy looked towards a particular girl kneeling on the ground while holding a Japanese-looking wooden katana.

"Yes?!" - Yi Ji-Hye opened her eyes and looked here and there like a small child trying to find out what happened to her.

"I'm not dead??" - She spoke with a narrowed look on her face.

"Heck, why is she being so annoying??" - Suddenly, Kim Namwoon spoke as he walked towards her.

"Hey! Bastard, who are you calling annoying, white hair monkey??" - She spoke while showing her middle finger to him.

"What did you say–"

"That's enough, we'll be leaving now..." - Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke while cutting Kim Namwoon's words in mid-sentence.

"Hey! I'm not hearing your orders here–"

[The Incarnation 'Yu Jung-Hyeok' has activated skill 'Crowd Control Lv.03']

Her voice got cut off by a strong pressure descending upon the atmosphere.

"Don't make me repeat my words." - Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke very coldly, and hearing him, everyone in the surroundings trembled.

"Yeah, I was saying that we should move..." - Yi Ji-Hye with a trembling voice "...but before that, we should take these monsters' corpses with us..."

"Very well, take whatever you need." - Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke, and both of them got to work.

Kim Namwoon just stared at Yu Jung-Hyeok with a different look as if thinking about something.

"We are done!" - Yi Ji-Hye spoke as she and the kid beside her took everything they wanted.

"Let's move then." - Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke, and everyone politely nodded their heads.

[A Constellation which hasn't revealed his modifier is touched at meeting an old comrade.]

[Lee Jihye's sponsor welcomes the Constellation, who hasn't revealed his modifier.]


A small breeze hit Yu Jung-Hyeok on his face as everyone walked towards the next station.

[Main Scenario #2 – Meeting has ended.]

[You have earned 500 ©.]

"We are here!" - Yi Ji-Hye spoke as she pointed towards the approaching station in front of them.

[You have entered Chungmuro.]

[The third scenario is currently in progress.]

[#GIR-8761 channel is active.]

[#BIR-3642 channel is active.]

"Suddenly, many new messages started to appear in front of them." - Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the message, then turned his eyes towards the dispute going on in front of them.

"Hey! Fuck off..."

"Don't come near us, you bastard!"

Many people were fighting with each other as the scene in front of them was very chaotic.

"Is it always like that?" - Kim Namwoon spoke while pointing toward the crowd.

"Well, it is the case after the third scenario has been announced." - Yi Ji-Hye spoke while grabbing the hilt of her wooden katana.

Suddenly, some middle-aged people saw us and waved their hands.

"Oh, little samurai. You brought new people?"


"Well, that's good, that's very good!"

"Where did you get alcohol to drink, old man?" - Yi Ji-Hye spoke with a narrowed look on her face.

"Hahahaha! Well, I bought them from above the floors..." - The middle-aged man spoke in a very relaxed tone.

"But did your friends come through the tunnel? How great...won't they have a lot of coins?"

The middle-aged man looked towards both newcomers with narrowed eyes, and his eyes fell on Yu Jung-Hyeok.

"Young man, you look very rich. What's your name?" - He spoke while looking towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, who was not in the mood to talk with some old dudes, so he just stood there silently, while ignoring him properly.

"Not much of a talker, I see. Well, anyway, you over there, young man. Do you know what's going on here?" - Suddenly the guy with a huge smile on his face.

"How will I know, old pants? I just got here!!" - Kim Namwoon being Kim Namwoon answered in a rude tone.

"Kids these days don't know how to respect their elders..." - The old man just clicked his tone as he was annoyed by these newcomers.

"Hey, old dude, don't trick them. They saved my life..." - Yi Ji-Hye came forward in their defense.

"Ohh, you saved our little samurai. That's nice. Well, I think they should know what's going on here!!" - The middle-aged guy spoke in a low tone.

"Get lost, before you get injured, old man.." - Yi Ji-Hye spoke with a serious tone.

"Why is she so barbaric??" - Kim Namwoon spoke to himself, and hearing him, Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at him with a weird look.

"What??" - Kim Namwoon didn't like that look on his face.

"Nothing," - Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke with a weird look.

"Tsk..." - Kim Namwoon clicked his tongue as he looked at the scene in front of him.

"Get lost, old bastard!!" - Yi Ji-Hye screamed while showing her sword to him.

"Kids these days are so barbaric..." - The middle-aged guy spoke and walked away from the crowd.

Yu Jung-Hyeok turned around and looked at the scene in front of him. Chungmuro Station was filled with people, but the tension here was very high as everyone was looking at each other as if they were their enemies.

"You saved my life, so I would help you get used to this place..." - Yi Ji-Hye spoke but got cut off by an unexpected voice.

"Everyone listen to us!" - Suddenly a loud noise gathered their attention towards them.

"From now on, this place is under our control, and no one will try to take the rooms here as they also come under our control..." - An old man walked out from the stairs on the ground floor and looked towards the crowd.

"What the hell are you talking–"

"Yes, you can't take all the rooms here!!"

A big dispute started in this station, and everyone started to look at the scene with trembling eyes.

"They are the guys who have taken control of this place in their hands..." - Yi Ji-Hye spoke as she pointed towards them.

"They have the control of the upper floors in their hand, and now they are even trying to take the rooms given by the scenario..."

"What's the scenario??" - Yu Jung-Hyeok asked with a narrowed look.

"It's the Third Ma–" - Yi Ji-Hye tried to explain but got cut off by the commotion.

"We won't let you take it away from us..."


People started to protest against their rule and blocked their way.

"W-what t-the hell a-are you guys t-talking??" - Suddenly a voice took everyone's attention towards him.

Yu Jung-Hyeok, hearing that voice, looked toward the source of the voice with a shocked expression.

"I-if any o-one of y-you tries to resist, then, I-I would b-boom this w-whole place d-down on you all..." - A giant man with a big beard and a homemade bomb in his hand walked towards the crowd with a sinister smile on his face.

[The guy Yu Jung-Hyeok hates the Most.]

"G-get back, y-you bastard!!" - He walked towards them while holding a bomb in his hand and pushed a guy down on the ground.

[The man who forced Yu Jung-Hyeok to take a path he didn't want, the man who was the cause of Yu Jung-Hyeok's death in the Zero Regression.]

"I won't–: Uwuuhhhh!!" - The guy tried to say something but wasn't able to as a spanner hit him on his head.

[The terrorist, Choi Han-Gyu....]

"Uwuuhhhh!!" - Seeing the guy in pain, Yi Ji-Hye's eyes twitched in anger.

"Hey bas–:" - As she tried to stop this scene, her words got cut off by a man running from behind her at an unimaginable speed, so fast that she could feel shockwaves hitting her in the face.


Yu Jung-Hyeok slashed his knife, and Choi Han-Gyu's spanner, which got hit by it, was thrown away very far.

Seeing that, someone suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air surprised Choi Han-Gyu, and a shocked look came upon his face.

'This time, I'll kill this bastard!' - Yu Jung-Hyeok thought to himself as he looked towards Choi Han-Gyu.
