"Fuck!!! Has he gone mad?" Gong Pildu screamed while fighting some 8th-grade monsters.

Yu Jung-Hyeok, who was at first fighting monsters, has now been fully consumed by rage and is now even killing humans.

'He's like a mad animal!!!' Gong Pildu screamed inside his head.

Yu Jung-Hyeok has killed many people so far and is still going on without even showing a bit of mercy. His Berserk Skill has fully consumed his human form and he is now on a full rampage.


Yu Jung-Hyeok's roar sent shivers to everyone standing there. He had killed many monsters and even humans.


"What the fuck is wrong with this guy? He's now eating humans too," Yi Ji-Hye spoke with a disgusted look.

"Hey fucking Constellation, are you going to help us or not!!!!" Kim Namwoon screamed in a frustrated voice.

['Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' doesn't know any solution. It says just stop that guy from killing until the time runs out.]

"Stop that guy!!!" Kim Namwoon and Yi Ji-Hye spoke at the same time as both of them looked towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, who was moving at a speed barely visible with the naked eye and was killing everyone like a hungry monster. Even the monsters were trembling in front of him.

['Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' says that the Dragon Soul has a unique ability of soul transfer.]

['Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' says the more souls it consumes, the stronger it will become.]

['Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' says if it opens its second seal, then... you all are pretty much dead..]

"....." Kim Namwoon read the message loudly, and this time both Kim Namwoon and Yi Ji-Hye had unreadable expressions.


"So what's the plan?" Yi Ji-Hye asked with a grim look on her face.

"What, just go and beat the shit out of him!!!" Kim Namwoon spoke with the same experience, but there was hidden hesitation behind his words.

"We could have done that, but... you know who we're talking about. That guy is a psycho, and surely you have felt that he's dangerous. And right now, he's more dangerous..." Yi Ji-Hye spoke while Kim Namwoon just stood there looking at Yu Jung-Hyeok, who just bit a guy on his neck and took out his Adam's apple.

Kim Namwoon knows that Yu Jung-Hyeok is much stronger than him. He had felt it at Yaksu Station, that feeling of superiority from him, and this time it was much stronger. His instincts were screaming that this guy was dangerous and getting between him would be fatal.

'What am I doing right now!!! I should leave this guy here and run. I don't care what happens to him, but....' Kim Namwoon grabbed his head as he felt it throbbing with sharp pain.

Never show your weakness to anyone. Be strong and let everyone know who you are and what you can do!!!

His grandfather's voice was ringing inside his head. His eyes were feeling heavy as a sudden dizziness started to take over his body. He couldn't hear Yi Ji-Hye's concerned voice coming towards him as his head was feeling light-headed now.

[The character 'Kim Namwoon' Stigma is evolving.]

"The fuck is wrong with this guy!!!" Yi Ji-Hye looked at Kim Namwoon, who was kneeling on the ground. No matter how much she shook him, he wasn't responding to her words.

"I have to do something, I can't let them die like this!!!" Yi Ji-Hye spoke as she took out her sword and launched herself towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, who was running towards a group of people from the Landlord Alliance.



Yi Ji-Hye swung her sword with full force, but it was easily blocked by Yu Jung-Hyeok, who grabbed her sword with one hand.

[Ghost Walk.]

'How the heck did he find out even after my attribute?' Yi Ji-Hye, who had thought that her sneak attack would surely work on Yu Jung-Hyeok, now had a shocked look as he easily found out about her.


"UWWWHHHHHHH!!!" A strong kick sent a painful sensation inside Yi Ji-Hye's stomach as she was thrown back to the wall, which broke due to the sheer force of the kick.


Blood started to come out of her mouth as she kneeled on the floor with a painful expression.


'I can't defeat him like this...' Yi Ji-Hye thought to herself as she activated Ghost Walk to dodge Yu Jung-Hyeok's attack.

'What should I do???' Yi Ji-Hye held her stomach, which was aching due to the previous attack, as she scanned through the area to find something that could help her fight this monster.

"Hey, old man!!!" Yi Ji-Hye screamed as she looked towards a particular person standing there with a cap and a tired expression.

"What do you want?!!!" Gong Pildu answered with an annoyed look as he was tired due to the use of his mana on the monsters and didn't like any interference.

"If you wanna live, then help me!!" Yi Ji-Hye asked as she somehow dodged Yu Jung-Hyeok's sharp claw and focused on her head.

"Don't you see I'm trying to stay alive, you fucking girl!!!" Gong Pildu screamed as he used his skill 'Private Property' to make a safe place for himself, but he knew it wouldn't save him forever.

"Old man, if you don't help me defeat this guy, then no one is safe here. Monsters are not the problem right now, this guy is much more problematic. So how about a truce for now.... Ahhhhhhh!!!" Yi Ji-Hye screamed as she deflected some attacks, but a sharp claw grazed her arm and made a big cut there.

"Fuck!!!" Yi Ji-Hye cursed her luck and her weakness as she couldn't inflict any damage even after using every skill she could.


Yu Jung-Hyeok's golden-blue eyes glowed with a dangerous look as he slowly walked towards her with a distorted face.

"Damnit!!!" Yi Ji-Hye stood up. Her right hand had been deeply wounded and her stomach was aching very badly due to the previous attack.

Yi Ji-Hye looked towards Yu Jung-Hyeok with sharp eyes as she held her sword with her left hand.

'What the heck am I doing!!!!!' Yi Ji-Hye's mind was a mess right now. She didn't know why she was still fighting this fight when she knew she couldn't win.

"Please save us!!!"


Yi Ji-Hye turned around and saw people getting chewed up by monsters, and she couldn't do anything. She bit her lips so hard that blood started to come out.



Her internal thinking was cut off as Yu Jung-Hyeok rushed towards her, and she blocked his attack with her sword, but she could feel the force behind that attack, and because of that, a surprised gasp came out of her mouth.



Yu Jung-Hyeok, with his sheer force, threw the sword out of her hand and kicked her again in the same place with much more strength than before.

Yi Ji-Hye fell to her knees as vomit and blood both started to come out from her stomach. The pain was so strong that she could feel her internal organs getting crushed due to the force.


Yi Ji-Hye lifted her head and looked into Yu Jung-Hyeok's eyes with a pained expression. She didn't even have the strength to grab her sword properly as she could feel her consciousness drifting away from her.

'It seems we are going to meet again much faster than we had thought, Na Bori....' Yi Ji-Hye had given up on being saved. She didn't want to die like this. She didn't want to waste the sacrifice of her best friend, but sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you have to lose.

'I tried my best, but now it seems it's my time to rest with you...' A drop of tear fell to the ground as she looked towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, who was lifting his hand to end this miserable soul.


As she was ready to embrace the darkness that would take her away and help her meet her long-lost friend, a sudden thud took her out of her grief as her losing consciousness caught a glimpse of a person standing in front of her.

"Na Bori ...." At first, she thought it was her long-lost friend, but suddenly the figure in front became much clearer and she saw a boy's back with a school uniform and white hair standing in front of her, facing his back towards her.

"" She wasn't able to complete her sentence as she fell unconscious there, but this time the fear of dying was long gone and for some reason, a small smile crept onto her mouth.
