The guy had a mysterious smile on his face as he walked towards Yu Jung-Hyeok's group with small and slow steps.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Kang Ilhun, and we are from Dongdaemun Station."


"Ohh!! Calm down, guys, we are not here to figh—..."

"Shut it, fucker...."

Yi Ji-Hye spoke with an annoyed look on her face. Right now Kang Ilhun was tied up with his other members in a rope. It took 10 seconds for Yu Jung-Hyeok's group to capture them.

"Tell me why are you here...."

"As I told you, we are here to form an alliance with Chungmuro, and after we saw the flag, we knew you were the representative of Chungmuro, so we decided to have a chat with you, that's all..."

Kang answered with a small smile as he looked towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, who was silently staring at him, which made Kang shudder his body in fear.

"Please believe me, we don't mean any harm to you, so can you tell this beautiful lady to let us go..."

Kang tried to play his victim card by showing how uncomfortable he was and tried to explain how helpful he could be to them.

"I know a lot about this scenario, the Fourth Scenario has been going on in our station for about two days, so by forming an alliance with us, you'll gain a lot..."

Kang tried to explain with a polite look on his face while Yu Jung-Hyeok and Kim Namwoon both stared at him.

"What, do you really think that we would believe in something like this..."

"Ok, we believe you."

"Yes, we didn't...WHAT!!!!"

Yi Ji-Hye looked towards Yu Jung-Hyeok with a surprised look on her face and hearing the representative of Chungmuro, a small smile crept up on the group member of Dongdaemun Station.

"Hey, are you mad? It's clear that this guy is lying..."

"Yes, I know..."

"Then why believe in him? You know if he gets out he would attack us..."

"It doesn't matter, I can easily take them out; after all, I'm the strongest..."

Yu Jung-Hyeok with a calm look spoke in a prideful tone which made Yi Ji-Hye's mouth twitch.

"We don't need to let them go...We can just torture them until they break and spill out everything..."

This time Kim Namwoon spoke as he walked towards Kang while holding a knife in his hand.

"Tell me about everything you know...Where are the people who are going to ambush us hiding, and what is your plan?"

"I told you we are here to form an all—"

"I don't like people who lie to me."



Kim Namwoon slashed a cut on his hand and blood started to pour out from it and with a crazy smile, he asked his question again.

"Where are your people and what's your plan..."

This time with much greater weight in his words, a dark aura started to come out of him which put much pressure on the people of the alliance.

"I'll tell you, just let us go!!!"

"Nooo!!! You idiot..."

"I don't want to die, bastard!!!"

One of the members from Kang's group spoke with a scared look, he had enough of this, he didn't want to die for a stupid excuse like this, even if he had to betray his group members.

"We have ten members hiding much further, waiting for you so that we can ambush you all—"

"That's enough, bastard, do you really think they would let us live after that? We would die—!!!!!"

[ The Incarnation 'Yu Jung-Hyeok' has activated skill 'Crowd Control Lv.04']


"You keep quiet and you speak!!!"

Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke with a cold look and seeing that, everyone trembled in fear while Kim Namwoon and Yi Ji-Hye looked at him with a surprised look.

'This guy can control his skill now....'

Whenever Yu Jung-Hyeok had activated his skill in the past, he didn't have enough control to target a particular person and had always harmed everyone around him, but this time Yi Ji-Hye and Kim Namwoon weren't affected by him, which means he had become stronger.

"Ahh!! Yes, there is an ambush ahead. We planned to divert you from your group and then attack them when you are away. Without the representative, the group can't do anything, and we can easily take over your station. Then, after they are under us, we will destroy the other stations by making your people sacrifice themselves and protect ours."

The group members spoke everything about their plan, and hearing it, the members of Dongdaemun lowered their heads with shame and fear.

"Even knowing this won't help you...I have called the members; they will be here anytime, and you three will die. If you want to live, then let us take your flag and your outpost!!!"

Kang, whose talking scene had taken a 360 turn, spoke with a crazy smile. It was hard enough for him to even breathe in this pressure, but still, he decided to play the tough one here to scare them.

"Your station must be getting attacked right now, and you can't do anything, so surrender!!!"

"What should we do? If they place their flag there, then we will lose our territory!!!"

Yi Ji-Hye spoke with a little worried look while Kim Namwoon looked at the guy with an irritated look, and Yu Jung-Hyeok just stood there silently observing the scene.

"They are here...."

Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke as he and the others looked toward the darker area of the tunnel and saw ten people running toward them.

"Attack them—Ahhhh!!!!"

Kang Ilhun screamed at the top of his lungs as a strong kick came flying to his stomach, rendering him unconscious.

"You two leave for the station while I will catch up after sending them to their graves..."

Yu Jung-Hyeok spoke while he took out his dagger and pointed it towards the group of invaders while Yi Ji-Hye and Kim Namwoon ran back towards the station.

"You want this flag, don't you...."

Yu Jung-Hyeok took out the white flag and waved it in front of them.

"Defeat me and take it..."


The group ran towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, who stood there without any worry in the world.

"You're dead!!!!"

A guy screamed as he launched his attack towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, who disappeared out in thin air, leaving everyone shocked.

"Where did he go!!!"

"I don—Uwwwhhhhh—..."

"What happened ????"


"This crazy bastard—Uwwh—...."

One by one, people started to fall and die. No one knew what was happening; their eyes were incapable of seeing this monster's movement.


"Where is he, fuck!!!!"

The guy standing in front saw everyone dying one by one, and now he was the only one left in the ambush group.

"Where did you get these swords from...."

"At your back!!!!!"



Kang tried to warn the other guy, but Yu Jung-Hyeok was fast and had already struck his blade inside his chest and stabbed his heart.

"I don't think you need this anymore...."

Yu Jung-Hyeok took the blade in his hand, which was a simple double-edged sword, much weaker and lighter than his previous sword, but at least it didn't have the soul of a dragon trying to take over his body.


Yu Jung-Hyeok turned around towards Kang, who was looking at him with eyes filled with hatred.

"Sir, you will let me go, right!!!"

The guy who had betrayed Kang spoke with a trembling look. Kang turned towards him and growled like a dog to a scared cat.

"I never said that I would let you leave..."


"The person who betrayed their team members is not human and does not deserve to live..."



"Push through to the flag holder!"

Meanwhile, in Chungmuro, a battle had taken over to decide the fate of the people from this station.

"It's a mess..."

Yi Ji-Hye spoke while looking at the scene in front of her.

"Gong Pildu is holding good, but I don't think he will survive for long..."

Gong Pildu has used his Armed Zone and Private Property to hold back these people till now. If it weren't for him, the Chungmuro Station had already fallen.

"March forward!!!!"

During this battle, a guy with a red flag wrapped around his head like a bandana gave orders to other people.

"He must be the representative...."

"Then why is his flag red...."

"I don't know, but we have to stop him or Chungmuro will fall...."


[ Ghost Walk Activated ]

[ Black Flame Activated ]

Both Kim Namwoon and Yi Ji-Hye rushed toward the representative as the guy was marching toward the flagpole, which was heavily guarded by Gong Pildu and the Landlord Alliance.

"Everyone march forward, gain control later! It will be over if I just put the flag in!"
