"Hey, how far more!!!"

"Haven't You Traveled to Dongmyo


"Ah!! I have but Still, it didn't take that Long to Travel..."

"Because you were On a Train and we are on Foot..."

"You think I don't know, what you think of me a Moron."

To Yi Ji-Hye's Constant Nagging Kim Namwoon didn't said much and just stared at her as if Saying it's the Most Obvious thing in this World.

"Hey Don't look at me like that Bastard!!!"

"Who are you calling Bastard, You Stupid Girl!!!"

"The Fuck did you say....."

"Keep Quiet you both...."

Suddenly Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke and both got Quiet and this Surprised Yu Jung-Hyeok a little bit as he can Understand Yi Ji-Hye bit Kim Namwoon acting so Passive didn't Fit with Yu Jung-Hyeok properly.

Still, it's not like he care as his Main Goal is in front of him other's can do anything as long as they Don't Come in between of his Goals.

Yi Ji-Hye just Frowned as She didn't like to get Scolded and not when She couldn't have her Say in the Matter and She knew Yu Jung-Hyeok wouldn't Listen to anything from her, so She used her Right to be Silent.

Yi Ji-Hye turned her Head towards Kim Namwoon and Clicked her Toung in annoyance and then Turned her head Ahead and Saw Lee Hwan looking at his Phone with a Serious look.

"Hey what the hell is in that Phone tell me, Why are you just Keep Staring at the Screen..."


Lee Hwan, who just got asked a Question out of the Blue looked towards Yi Ji-Hye with a Narrowed look.

"What??... It's not like you have a Saying, You are our Hostage, it's not the Other Way Around!!!"


Lee Hwan Clicked his Toung Ignoring Yi Ji-Hye, Which hurt Yi Ji-Hye's Pride as She took out her Newly Gifted Sword from Yu Jung-Hyeok and Pointed it towards Lee Hwan.

"What the hell are you getting Annoyed, You Piece of Trash!!!. If I want, I can Kick your ass right here and Right now!!"

"Tsk.... You'll Know after we'll get in Dongmyo"

Lee Hwan didn't like this Girl's Way of Talking, The Only reason he was so Polite to her was that, She was From Yu Jung-Hyeok's Team.

If it wasn't for that Monster, he would have Attacked her and Killed her this Instant for Annoying him so much.

Lee Hwan doesn't know the Extent of Yi Ji-Hye's Power as he didn't Show her Fight much and thinks that, She's a Little Strong but not Stronger than him and the Only Reason, She's on the team is to Entertain Yu Jung-Hyeok.

' I make her Pay when I get the Chance...'

Yi Ji-Hye has Annoyed Lee Hwan from the Beginning and Lee Hwan had Decided to Eliminate her after he and his leader found a Way to Deal with this Monster.

"We've arrived."

[ You are Now Entering Dongmyo ]

"Excuse me, Yu Jung-Hyeok-nim?"


"Our Representative must be Waiting for you Inside"

They Walked towards a Medium-Sized Tent Possibly, The Representative's Tent.

"Hey this Guy look's like a Person with a Good Taste, I Now Really Want to meet this Person!!"

Yi Ji-Hye Spoke with a Satisfied look as she walked on a Red Carpet Guiding them to the Entrance of this Shabby Tent.

As they got Inside the Shabby looking Tent Turned into a Luxurious Room though not so good looking but Still very Great.

There was a red carpet and a bed that seemed to have been stolen from a luxury hotel. There was a round table for a meeting and a small desk with a computer.

The most interesting thing was the boy concentrated on surfing the Internet. The boy was Young but still had dark circles and sat on the chair in his pajamas.

There was Also a Navy Blue Flag Tightly Held in his hand as if he was Scared of Losing it.

The Boy's Eyes were Fixed on the Screen his Hand was Moving, While his Finger WWasDancing on the Keyboard as he Write Something and Saw Others chatting.

"Representative Han Donghoon?"

The Boy's Hollow Eyes turned towards us with a Very Slow and Minimal Movement.

"They have Come..."

"I, Is, Is T, Is That So....H, H, H ell...o"


"h, Huh!!"

Yi Ji-Hye Screamed with a Shocked look and the Boy, who heard that Scream Panicked for a Moment.

"You are the Representative of Dongdaemun!!!"

"Y, Y, Yes!!!"


Yi Ji-Hye had a Shocked and a Trembling look according to her, the representative of Dongdaemun should be a Person with a Cunning Mind and Smart Demeanor but all She See's is a Scared little kid, he is way different than what she had in Mind.

"Hey Stop, Your Scaring the Kid!!!"

Kim Namwoon didn't give a Fuck about the Kid but knowing that they were in Enemy Territory, he tried to Calm Down Yi Ji-Hye.

"Hey look, Do you really think that he Could be a Representative Fuck, this Kid looks like a Dead Corpse, who had Given up on life a While Ago!!!"

"Keep Quiet!!!"

This Time Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke and Even though not like it Yi Ji-Hye Stopped Mid-way and Just Stared at the Kid with a Dissatisfied look.

"Now we Should Start the Meeting...."

Lee Hwan Spoke and Pointed his Finger towards the Table and Signalled them to Sit.

Kang just Stood there as his new Leader was Now Yu Jung-Hyeok after he took over Myeongdong, so he waited for his Approval.

The Boy hearing Lee Hwan Walked towards one of the Seats and Placed himself there while Biting his Nails.

Yu Jung-Hyeok looked at the Scene and for Some reason, he felt that Something was Wrong in this Place.

Yu Jung-Hyeok turned back and Saw that Kim Namwoon also had a Same-wired look on his Face but didn't show any Interest on the Matter as for Yi Ji-Hye, she had already found her way to a Comfortable Seat for herself.

"Representative-nim please Start the Meeting..."

"Y, Yes..."

The Boy with a worried look Started to look here and there and take Deep Breaths.

"S, S o...W, We...have... heard about.... y, you...a...lot....S, Sir...You—"

"Stop, You Speak...we don't have Much Time"

Seeing that the Kid was just wasting there Time Yu Jung-Hyeok turned towards Lee Hwan and as if he had anticipated it, he Started to Speak without even Talking about his Leader's Approval.

"As Our Leader was Saying, we have heard Quite a Lot about you Yu Jung-Hyeok"

Lee Hwan Spoke with a Calm look way Different than his previous look as if he had been Possessed by a Ghost.

"The People, who left Chungmuro had Told us about the Walking Monster of Chungmuro"

Lee Hwan spoke and hearing him Yu Jung-Hyeok just narrow his Eyes. He didn't know whether he should take this as a Compliment or disrespect.

"Don't Worry, Yu Jung-Hyeok, we don't mean any Disrespecte, we are just passing your Strength"

"As I Thought..."

Suddenly Yu Jung-Hyeok turned his Face towards the Boy, who was Sitting in the Chair Motionlessly.

"W-What happened??"

"This Boy is just a Puppet Representative..."

Yu Jung-Hyeok Spoke as he stood up and Walked towards the Kid, whose eyes Shot Open as if he had seen a Ghost.

"He is just a Puppet Face while his Thread is in the Hands of Someone Else"


[ Character Information]

[Name: Han Donghoon

Age: 17 years old

Constellation Support: Shadow behind the Curtain

Private Attribute: Noble Invalid Hermit (Hero)

Exclusive skills: Wide-area Internet Lv. 5, Comments Manipulation Lv. 3,Keyboard Attack Lv. 3, Small Eater Lv. 6, Sound Wave Blocking Lv. 2...

Stigma: Lack of Presence Lv. 2

Overall Stats: Physique Lv. 10, Strength Lv. 10, Agility Lv. 19, Magic Power Lv. 26.

Overall Evaluation: A person who is the peak of the Noble Invalid Hermit type. His Wide-area Internet skill installs a virtual LAN cable to specific devices through the dokkaebi channels.]
