I looked around, following the wall, trying to focus on finding my way out. I need to get Willaim to safety, I need to get back and help the others. I tried to block out the screams and laughs that echoed through the walls. I tried to focus on the way the wall felt against my right hand. The way some shadows were more inviting than others. And I tried to pay attention to our surroundings. I made sure to keep Willaim close to my chest at all times. I didn't want anyone to nab him away. I spotted a light at the end of the hall, and followed it, wondering where it lead. I blinked, and looked around, placing my free hand on one of my dagger hilts. But all I could see was the festival, as if nothing had happened. I could hear laughter and cheering. But the strange thing was, no one was moving. Everything stood still, as if stopped by time. And that worried me. But I tried not to freak. I managed to push through my panic, shove it down, and walk around slowly, watching for any signs of danger as I went along.