So, it was exactly going great, but it could've been worse. Oh, who am I kidding, this is already pretty bad! Three hero students separated from the rest of the team, one of which was now trying to survive against a stomach wound, one was caring for him, and the last was taking the brunt of the blows that seemed to come from nowhere. Which wasn't going too well, really. I had bleeding cuts and nicks all over my body, I could barely dodge some of the attacks, and I couldn't even block some of them. But I kept going. I mean, it wasn't like I could give up. Eve would probably die if I did, and I would probably bleed out from so many cuts, then Amina would be left alone to deal with all of this. The least I could do was stall and give them and the rest of the team time to find us.
I dodged, and tucked myself behind the counter, lying on my stomach, head down on the ground, eyes closed, hands and arms wrapped protectively around my head. Now, I said I wasn't giving up, and I'm not. I had received a warning from Amina, since she was apparently going to use her power to somehow delay or stop the attacks. And the second I was safely tucked behind said counter, I could hear a loud, surprised, almost pained cry ring out, along with a couple of thuds and grunts of effort. It took a little while, but silence followed after, leaving me waiting.