Love Letter (1)

"I don't know the best way to write a love letter in our modern world. Is it better to write it on paper? But there are other ways, for example, you can do it on the phone... Or would it be less romantic...?"...

…It was a group chat of four people. There was me (Akane Chibana), Hana, Hina, and Akari.

Lying on the bed I opened the chat.

Hana: "What kind of dates do you girls like?"

Huh, I wonder why she asked that question.

Me: "I'd like to go to space hehe."

Hana: "Akane, really?"

Me: "Yes, doesn't that sound romantic? lol"

Hana: "It's expensive for students though."

Me: "I'm joking, but seriously, I just wonder what it's like up there you know."

Hana: "Space tours aren't the most amazing thing right now lol."

Me: "Do you have something bigger in mind?"

Hana: "Flying to another planet..."

Me: "Pffft. Whoa! Such things are not allowed for ordinary citizens though."

The screen showed the text "Akari is typing..."

After a moment, a new message appeared.

Akari: "I heard that 'Michiru Robotics & Exploration' company has their own space port near our town..."

Me: "Pfft. So, you wanna go too?"

Akari: "No, just for info. Not my thing, personally."

Me: "I see, I see"

Hana: "Well girls, but seriously. Where would you like to go?"

Akari: "Hmmm… I'll have to think about it."

Me: "Well, space and all that is very cool, but I wouldn't mind a simple date. An arcade, or just a cafe, whatever honestly."

Hana: "Really? You? I thought you were sick of casual dates or something."

Me: "Why? You make it sound like I've been on a lot of dates."

Hana: "There are lots of guys interested in you. You're telling me you've never been on a date?

Me: "I'm not really interested in those guys."

She sent a laughing emoji.

Hana: "So that's how it is... I see, I see. I thought you'd agree with me though. Isn't it boring to just go to a cafe?"

Me: "I don't know... To be honest, I'm more interested in the feeling than the place."

I didn't realize how I became more serious and more honest, even though at first I just wanted to joke about it.

Hana: "So, you're saying I'm not a genuine girl?"

Me: "No, no! Not really… I'm just inexperienced, really."

Hana: "You?! That's a good one."

Me: "Lmao, it's true though."

Hana: "Well… What if you want to, like, ask someone out yourself and you want to surprise them? Where would you take them?"

Me: "Hmm… I'm not sure. I'll have to think about it."

She really stumped me. I haven't really considered where to take a guy I like on a date.

Hana: "What about you Akari? Come up with something?"

Akari: "Well, I guess regular dates too. To be honest, I'm not very good at it either..."

Hana: "Oh my god."

Hana: "Hina are you here? These girls are totally boring."

Hana: "What kind of dates do you like now? Or is it the same old thing? You haven't gone on a date in a long time."

We waited for her answer. But she didn't answer immediately.

Akari: "Maybe she's busy?"

At that moment, the screen showed "Hina is typing" almost instantly, as if she was reading our minds.

Hina: "I'm here..."

Hina: "Hmm... dating? Well..."

She sent a thoughtful sticker.

Hina: "I'd say a regular date... cafe maybe."

Hana: "Really! You too?!"

Hina: "Yeah. Why are you surprised?"

Hana: "Nothing. You've already been to the cafe many times! Don't you want to go somewhere more romantic?"

Hina: "Well... I guess I'm boring too, hahaha."

Hana: "You're just messing with me, aren't you?..."

Hina: "What about you though? What kind of dates do you like, Hana?"

She sent a smirking emoji.

Hana: "Me? Why me? I was the one who asked."

Hina: "That's not fair though. Everyone answered, so you have to, too."

Hana: "I'm not much of a date person. Your friendship is all I need, hehehe"

She sent an emoji of a tongue sticking out.

Hina: "Come on, stop it, as soon as the question comes to you, you immediately run away, don't you?"

Hana: "Hahahahaha, well..."

Hina: "You're hiding something, aren't you, huh?"

Hana: "I'm not hiding anything, no seriously."

Hina: "We've known each other a long time. Is there something I don't know about you hmm? Why are you asking all this like you're in love with someone? Come on, what kind of dates do you like?"

Hana: "Pfft. Nothing, I've honestly not given it much thought."

Hina: "Must be something kinky... Probably a love hotel."

Hana: "Oh shut up."

Hina: "Hahahahaha."

Me: "LOL"

Akari: "Hmmm... I think I've figured out where I'd like to go on a date..."

Hana: "Really? Tell me!"

Akari: "Amusement park."

Hana: "Hmmm…"

Hana: "That's a really good idea actually!"

Me: "Actually romantic and simple…"

I put my phone down on the nightstand and its screen slowly faded. Despite the late hour, I couldn't resist the urge to indulge in the manga I had recently become addicted to. It was a mystery series with characters solving various puzzles that kept me on the edge of my seat. But what really captivated me was the sweet romantic subplot. I squealed with delight at every romantic scene. Maybe there's something wrong with me? Am I really that hungry for romance? No, it can't be...can it? Although the shelves piled with shoujo manga in my room said otherwise. Ah, I must be crazy.

I remembered the surprise on Izumi's face when I expressed my love for that thriller anime. Yes, I liked thrillers, but I liked romance the most. And the cheesier the romance, the better...

As I lay on my bed, thoughts of romance swirled in my head.

Does someone like me have a chance of finding love? I had looks, popularity, and style, and I had a lot of guys who wanted my attention. But none of them could really interest me. Each love confession felt more boring than the last. Boring, huh? No wonder they thought I was insensitive.

And then there were the guys who thought I was an unapproachable queen and a b*tch. They were popular, athletic, fashionable, and handsome. But why didn't my heart flutter for them? Would it flutter for anything? Maybe holding hands? Or a kiss? A kiss. Although, considering how I've been rejecting guys left and right, I highly doubt it...

Some girls didn't like me either. Some admired me and wanted to be friends with me because of my popularity, while others were jealous and resentful of the attention I got from guys. Maybe my personality is partly to blame?

Maybe I really should just be alone? Then no one would break my heart...

I was full of contradictions. On the one hand, I longed for romance, but on the other, I was repulsed by it.

Okay, I should stop thinking. I started to cringe at myself… It's a good thing no one's listening to my thoughts.

With these conflicting emotions bubbling up inside me, I drifted off to sleep, still clutching the manga in my hands. Ah, arcades! Hmmm, a date to an arcade sounds like fun...

…When I got up in the morning, I knew my mom had already left for work.

The apartment greeted me with its emptiness.

I heard a noise in the kitchen that made me get out of bed. Instead of going straight to the kitchen, I went to the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I looked in the mirror. In the mirror, I saw a pretty ordinary girl. My hair was a bit of a mess. With no nice clothes or makeup, I was just an ordinary girl.

Would these guys still be interested in me if they saw me like this? I doubt it... But then I looked at myself again. My body didn't look bad… I didn't work out for nothing. I walked out of the bathroom with a satisfied smile.

When I entered the kitchen, I saw that the robot was already preparing breakfast.

"Miss, good morning," its mechanical voice greeted me without emotion.

"Good morning, Ken."

People often gave robots nicknames like pets or even human names. These robots were not conscious, they were just assistants. But humans work in a strange way, they can get attached to even such things. And I was no exception.

"Did you sleep well?" It asked in its synthetic voice.


"You should wash your face while I make breakfast." 

"I already washed my face, Ken."

I took a seat at the table, put my hands on the table and rested my head on them, watching it work.

We've had Ken practically since I was a kid. Some of its parts had been replaced with newer ones, but it was clearly an old model. His movements were far from perfect, often clumsy and slow compared to the newer models, and it often broke down. As a result, it spent most of its time in the hallway. Only occasionally, when I needed it, would I turn it on to perform its duties.

I rose from my seat and approached it from behind.

Upon closer inspection, I noticed dust on its cold metal shoulder. Smiling, I gently brushed it off with my hand.

The robot seemed so fragile that it would crumble into fine dust if touched, but every time I touched it, my hand met nothing but heavy, solid metal.

Ignoring my actions, it continued to cook.