Not a Date (2)

"Are you asking me out on a date?" she finally asked.

"Well..." I trailed off.

"Well?" she asked in a calm tone.

"...Well, what if I did ask you out on a date. Would you say no?"

"A date with you? Boring," she replied in a casual voice.

"So hanging out with me is boring to you? Rude."

I quickly returned to my previous state, seeing this whole exchange as just another game Akane didn't mind playing. Yes, on the surface, my words were just part of the game.

"You're the one who ignored me for a week," she said.

"What? That's not true at all."

"Oh, not true?"

"Yes, not true. You never even messaged me once yourself."

We fell silent, each lost in our own thoughts.

"Let's go to the arcade instead?" she suggested after a pause.



"Well, I know just the place."

"I'm not surprised."

We stopped and I reached into my pocket to pull out my phone and order a taxi.

My gaze was forward, avoiding direct eye contact with her. On the outside I pretended to be calm, but inside I was in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. This isn't a date! We're just friends. We're just friends. We're just friends. Stay calm! It's not a date!

Even though Akane seemed to be calm as well, I was sure that her calmness came from genuine indifference, unlike my own facade of calmness.

"So you like arcades?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"I like the ones with dancing games," she replied.

"I can't play those games... I can't dance..."

"I'll have to teach you then."

The self-driving taxi I had ordered through the app arrived quickly. We got in and sat in silence for a few minutes. Again, we avoided eye contact, both of us staring straight ahead.

"By the way, you asked me about Riku the other day, but I was wondering how you and Akari became friends," I asked.

"It all started with us walking home in the same direction."

"But you two seem so different..."

"Yeah... You know, during lunch breaks at school, she always preferred to eat alone and disappear somewhere. Even on weekends, she preferred to study rather than go out."

"Who studies on weekends? Even I, one of the best students, want to hang out with friends."

"You, lol? Why are you lying? You like studying too."

"Well, not as much as her, apparently."

"Well, Akari seems to like being alone."

We spoke calmly, with a steady and seemingly indifferent voice, without showing the slightest emotion on our faces.

"I've noticed she's a little reserved. But I like her," I admitted.

"You like her?"

"I mean, as a friend."

"I see..." 

Her tone seemed unusually dry when she said it, but maybe that was just my imagination.

It didn't take us long to reach the arcade.

There were many arcade machines, but not many people.

We started with the usual video games. I beat her many times and she just looked at me with angry eyes. I could feel her silent challenge, "I'll get back at you. Just wait."

Then we started playing the dance arcade games. She was finally getting her revenge for her earlier defeats. It was then that I realized she was deceiving me when she said she would teach me to dance better; throughout the game, she just laughed at my clumsiness. Like some kind of villain, I couldn't believe it.

"You do remember what drink I like, right?" she asked.

"Of course," I replied and rushed to find her favorite drink in the vending machine. Luckily, there was a strawberry drink that she liked.

After quenching our thirst, we went back to playing.

We explored the arcade and tried different games. Surprisingly, the ones I had previously found boring were incredibly enjoyable in her company.

As we walked through the arcade, my attention was constantly drawn to the claw machines and items for sale.

Is it weird to want to win a plush toy for her? Would she think I had an ulterior motive? Do friends give each other stuffed animals anyway? Um… should I buy her a gift? Then again, maybe not the best idea. It might send the wrong message and complicate our friendship. Yes. I probably shouldn't. Today's been great as it is; no need to overdo it. There's no need for gifts. There's really no need for gifts…

"Hey, do you mind if I go to the restroom real quick?" I asked involuntarily.

"Huh? Okay, go ahead, I'll wait for you here…"

Earlier, I had spotted something interesting - a pair of matching panda key chains. Without a second thought, I grabbed them and made a purchase.

On my way back, I couldn't help but wonder why I had bought them. I wasn't going to give it to her, so what was I thinking?

I quickly put the key chains in my pocket, realizing that I probably wouldn't give it to her. Just thinking about it made my cheeks burn with embarrassment. Matching key chains? Seriously, Izumi, what were you thinking? Don't you know that people usually give them to their girlfriends or boyfriends? There was no way you could give her something like that.

When I got back to where she was supposed to be waiting, I noticed a guy in another school's uniform standing next to her. It was obvious that he was flirting with her just by the look on his face. And it was clear from Akane's expression that she wasn't thrilled. The familiar unpleasant feeling somehow started to creep into my heart again...

"Can't you just piss off?" Akane's voice cut through the air with a hint of irritation.

I had seen a scene like this before at school; Akane always seemed to handle situations like this with ease.

Akane's popularity was not only due to her looks, but also to her personality. She exuded self-confidence, sometimes casting a haughty glance at those around her. Perhaps some people found her a bit arrogant or unapproachable. At school, her reputation even helped her deal with delinquents.

She had a kind of leadership role among the girls, but many whispered behind her back. It was simple: her popularity and attractiveness attracted countless admirers, but she did not hesitate to reject them all. Because of this, guys thought she was heartless and girls thought she was overconfident. I knew she was aware of this, even if she pretended she wasn't. But it didn't seem to bother her.

Despite my usual caution in such situations, this time I approached Akane confidently.

"Hi," I said firmly.

"And who are you?" the guy replied, turning to me.

"She's my girlfriend," I said, taking her hand and standing next to her.

"Girlfriend?" he repeated, confusion flashing in his eyes as he froze.

Without moving, he stood there, seemingly unsure of what to do next.

"So she's not single. You can go. Or should I call the police? I know some good cops, you know," I said.

If he had any sense, he would have walked away, just like he did at that moment.

As he walked away, Akane just fixed her hair in silence. Giving me an appraising look, she asked, "Police?"

"I mean... I didn't know if he was bothering you..."

Only now do I realize what I've done. My girlfriend? Are you serious? Our friendship is ruined!

"And did you say I was your girlfriend?" she asked, her tone cold.

I knew it! Her eyes looked at me with such coldness… She's totally mad at me! Now she totally hates me! What should I say?

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled, my heart sinking.

But then she burst out laughing.

I stared at her in disbelief. What? She's not mad? Wait a minute... Maybe... She's just playing along? Yeah, we always joke around like that, don't we? Well, uh... If that's the case...

I felt a wave of relief.

"But I had it under control, you know. I was ready to kick him in the balls if he got on my nerves," she noted, her tone softening, "but thanks for helping me out."

For some reason, I remembered that day…

...That day, Akane and I waited for Akari and Riku in front of the school. Being alone with her for the first time, I couldn't help but feel a little unsure of what to expect from her.

She seemed absorbed in her phone.

"Hi," she said, breaking the silence.

"Hi," I replied.

The time was dragging on, Akari and Riku were late, and I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. What could I say in such a situation? I was afraid that Akane would find me awkward and quiet.

And then a guy I didn't recognize appeared out of nowhere. Tall, handsome, radiating confidence, he approached Akane as if I was invisible.

He stood in front of Akane with his hands in his pockets. "Hey, is that guy hitting on you? Do you need help?" he asked.

Akane met his gaze with quiet confidence. "He's my friend. Thanks, but I'm fine," she replied.

A friend? Her words sent a pleasant feeling through my body. It wasn't anything romantic at the moment, but the realization that Akane saw me as more than just an acquaintance was really nice.

But the guy wasn't ready to give up just yet. "Really? This guy is your friend? Are you sure he's not hitting on you?" he sneered, as if I was the bad guy. As if it's unthinkable that a girl like Akane would spend time with me.

But then Akane's attitude changed. Her reaction was quick and sharp, her eyes piercing through him. "I'm sorry, but you want me to rip your thing off?" she replied icily, "And the only one who's bothering me is you, so back off, okay? Kindly?"

I didn't have time to think about his words and give in to my doubts; Akane's response was quick. I wouldn't want to be in that guy's shoes; Akane looked so intimidating and cold at that moment.

The surrounding students started to pay attention to Akane's voice, which sounded with unshakable confidence. The guy, who also noticed this, muttered "b*tch" and backed away.

Akane returned her attention to the phone as if nothing had happened.

After a pause, I just said, "Thanks..."

I didn't even know why I was thanking her. Maybe because she called me her friend so easily?

Akane calmly shifted her eyes from the phone to me. "Buy me a drink instead of thanking me. I'm thirsty," she said half-jokingly.

Her request surprised me, but I couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth from the way she spoke to me so calmly. "Sure, what kind?" I asked.

"Just surprise me," she replied.

"What if I get the one you hate?"

"Then I'll take a few points off you."

When I returned with the drink, her surprised expression was replaced by a smile. "You got the one I like," she remarked.

"I didn't even know," I admitted shyly.

"You didn't?"

"I didn't..."

"You're lying. You memorized what kind of drink I like."

"Well, maybe... Is that... bad?"

"No... I'll give you points for that."

I smiled at her and looked into her eyes. "Hey, you know..." I said uncertainly.

"Yeah?" She looked at me curiously, sipping her drink.

"He has no right to call you that." I didn't know how to say those words, and I didn't want it to sound weird or awkward... But in that moment, that's exactly what I wanted to tell her.

"Pfft... Thank you... I don't care about his opinion, so don't worry."

We didn't have many opportunities to be alone together after that day, but the memories remained.

…As the two of us stood in the arcade, I felt something elusive in the air. This wasn't a date, just two friends spending time together, I reminded myself. And even though the atmosphere around me was trying to tell me otherwise... I didn't let myself get lost in it.

"Should we leave?" I asked, interrupting the colorful charm of the arcade.

Akane hesitated, her expression hinting at hidden thoughts. When she finally spoke, there was a hint of disappointment in her words. "I guess so."

Picking up on that nuance, I stepped over my awkwardness and decided to make a suggestion. "Or... we could try the claw machines? We haven't tried them yet."

She sighed, her demeanor calm but reluctant. "If you insist, we can try them."

"Do you like stuffed animals?" I ventured.

"Why?" Curiosity flared in her.

"I thought I'd try to win one for you," I suggested.

"For me?" Her surprise was obvious.

"If you want one. Do you want one?" I asked, trying to catch a glimpse of what she was thinking.

Her reply was both cryptic and playful. "Well, who knows? Try to win me one and we'll see."

As I pondered her words, a thought occurred to me: Isn't this what guys usually do with their girlfriends? Win stuffed animals for them? But I pushed the thought away. It was just a friendly gesture, nothing more. I shouldn't read too much into it. After all, we were just friends.

…We walked down the street, immersed in the comforting silence as her fingers danced across the screen of her phone. She held the device in one hand and the stuffed animal I'd given her in the other. In the end, she didn't give me the answer, but I was too cowardly to remind her.

"Who are you chatting with all the time?" I asked.

"With my friends... why?"

"No reason, I thought it was your boyfriend or something."

"You know I don't have a boyfriend."

"Well, maybe you found someone."

"I'm not interested in that stuff, it's so stupid," she said calmly.


"Yeah, guys are boring."

"Do you like girls then?"

"I don't think so. I mean, I guess I just haven't found a guy I like yet."

I fell silent.

"What about you? Do you like anyone?" she asked casually.

"Me? Nah, not really."

"Hmm, I see. And I thought you liked me lol."


"I mean... you wanted to make sure I was single, right? Isn't that why you asked about a boyfriend?" she teased.

"Just making conversation, you know?" I shrugged.



"I see, why suddenly so curious though?" she asked.

"No specific reason honestly…"

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah…" I replied.

"So you aren't interested in me?"

"Um… Well… no?"


"Why what?"

"Why don't you like me?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I'm hot and all."

"Well, yeah, you are hot. But we're just friends, right?" I said.

"So you do think I'm hot?"

"I didn't say that."

"You did."


"Hmm… Really?"


"You shouldn't fall in love with me."

"I wouldn't…"

"Well, that's good."

All the while, her eyes were glued to the phone screen.

"What if I fall in love with you?" she asked suddenly.

I blinked, not sure if I'd heard her right.

I couldn't shake the uncertainty of whether she had really asked the question or whether I had imagined it. Strangely, I hesitated to meet her gaze.

And then it hit me. She had asked the question, but there was a nonchalance in her tone, as if the words didn't really mean anything. In any other context, I would have taken it as a subtle hint. But since the question was coming from her, I realized that there was probably no deeper meaning behind it.

"You? That's a good one..."

"Yeah, you're right. That would be cringe."

"Yeah, especially with someone like me..."

"I know right."

There was silence between us again. She just kept texting someone with a completely indifferent face, and I looked ahead.

How long are we going to play this game? I didn't really care...

"Hypothetically..." I said.


"What if I confessed to you?"

"You?" Despite my question, there was no surprise in her voice or face.

"Yes. What would your answer be?"

"So you do like me?"

"I said hypothetically."

"Ah, well, to find out, you'd have to confess first."

I shoved my hands in my pockets and twirled the key chains I'd bought earlier, berating myself for my cowardice.