Mask (2)

...I strolled down the hallway, enjoying the warm rays of sunlight caressing my skin.

The corridor was bathed in the golden rays of the setting sun, casting a warm glow on everything in its path.

Most students had already left, and even club activities were winding down, leaving the hallways and classrooms almost deserted.

Two girls approached me, each carrying a box. One of them was a student from the drama club whom I had met a few times before. She had short, curly brown hair, wore glasses, a light sweater, and a skirt just above her knees. Standing next to her was a member of the student council whom I recognized.

"Oh, Akiyama-san?" she exclaimed, obviously surprised to see me.

"Hello, Senpai," I replied.

I looked again at the boxes in their hands and thought, Maybe this isn't the best time to be here. They're going to ask me for help.

Confirming my suspicion, she immediately asked, "Are you busy? Could you help us move some chairs from the storage room?"

I was right.

"Honestly, I'm a little busy..." I paused, struggling to think of an excuse, but nothing came to mind.

Sensing my hesitation, Senpai gave me a pleading look. "Please! We're short on time. One of our actors got injured, and we need to prepare quickly.... Please?"

Ugh... I can't say no to her. I just hope it doesn't take too long.

"Uh, okay... where are they?"

Senpai's face lit up with a grateful smile. "They're in the storage room down the hall. The door is open if anything." She turned around as if to point in the direction they had come from.

"And where should I take them?"

"To the auditorium."

I knew they were making some kind of movie and it looked like they were in the middle of shooting a scene. I followed the girl's directions to an open door in one of the rooms, which was obviously a storage room.

Next to the door, I noticed a robot that was turned off. It was a special robot designed to carry things, but now it was just gathering dust. Unfortunately, students were not allowed to use it. Supposedly, the reason for this rule was to teach students to do ordinary tasks by themselves, thereby teaching them responsibility, cleanliness, and physical fitness.

I thought it was stupid. We already had physical education, why couldn't we use robots for their intended purpose?

It didn't matter. There was no point in dwelling on it. I wouldn't be able to use them at school anyway.

With a sigh I entered the room.

The floor was littered with numerous boxes, and the walls of the room were mostly occupied by cabinets. A long curtain covered part of the room.

Looking around, I noticed some decorative chairs. Hmm, those chairs? I walked over and picked one up; I wasn't very strong and preferred not to carry two at once.

As I prepared to take the chair to the auditorium, I turned toward the door. Suddenly I heard a rustle.

"Who's there?" I shouted.

The sound came from behind the curtain that was opening from the other side.

Startled, I instinctively took a step to the side, tripping over one of the boxes scattered across the floor. As I lost my balance, the chair slipped from my grasp and fell beside me. I braced myself for the fall, but before I could hit the floor, someone's hands deftly caught me around the waist.

"Are you all right, Hina?" a voice inquired.

I looked up to see someone standing over me, their hands supporting me.

The figure was dressed in a knight's costume, and their face, eyes, and hair were concealed by a helmet. I couldn't tell if their broad shoulders were natural or padded.

"I'm fine," I assured them, as I regained my balance. "Thanks."

The knight continued to hold my hand, reminiscent of a prince escorting a princess to a dance. Despite the glove, I could feel the warmth from their touch.

Now that we were standing face to face, I noticed that their height matched mine.

I looked at the helmet again. The sunlight streaming through the doorway reflected off the helmet, giving the knight a dreamy appearance.

Finally they let go of my hand.

"Do I know you?" I asked.

They paused, turning their head slightly to the side. Even without seeing their face, I sensed the hesitation.

"Well..." they began in an uncertain voice, "no, not really..."

I immediately saw through the lie.

"You're lying. You called me by my name, didn't you?"

"Oh... Well... I know you... But you don't know me." The knight's voice sounded awkward.

So that's how it is. Well... Okay, if you want to play this game, I'll play along.

"Whatever. What were you doing here anyway?" I asked.

"Well... Changing clothes." 

There was nervousness in the knight's voice again.

"Huh? And those fools didn't tell me? If they knew someone was changing, they could have at least warned me."

"Uh... Sorry."

"Well… it's not your fault."

We both fell silent, each for a different reason. I pondered what the knight might say, but they didn't seem to know how to continue the conversation.

They seemed to be lost in thought, wanting to ask something but unable to formulate it.

"You really don't remember me?" the knight finally asked.

It seems that our knight, because of their nervousness, didn't realize how dangerous it was to ask that question. But I decided not to take advantage of it and continued the game, finding the situation quite amusing.

"Should I?"


The knight could have just walked away, but for some inexplicable reason they stood there, torn apart by indecision. God, I felt so sorry for them. Maybe I shouldn't torment them anymore. Besides, the drama club members were probably waiting for me.

Convinced that they wouldn't say anything more, I decided to leave them alone. "Well, I'm going," I said.

I picked up a chair from the floor and headed for the door, ready to leave. But then a loud and unexpected shout interrupted my movements. "Wait! Hina!" a voice suddenly came from behind me.

Confused, I turned back to them. "What now?" I asked, uncertainty creeping into my tone.

"I wanted to tell you something..." The knight's words trailed off, leaving a temporary pause in the air.

"Well?" I tried to figure out what they were trying to say.

Their speech seemed strained, each word weighed down by indecision. "As long as you can't see me..."

Another pause followed, as if they were gathering their courage to speak.

"Well?" I asked, feeling my impatience grow.

"I…" Another pause, filled with uncertainty.

"I... I... I love you." The confession finally came out, their voices trembling with emotion, and they lowered their gaze, unable to meet my eyes.

Whaaaaat?! Uh, what did you just say?

At first I was frozen in shock.

Did I hear that right? Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God! Am I dreaming? Is this finally happening?

I wasn't expecting a confession in such a place and at such a time, and judging by the knight's reaction, neither were they. It was as if it came out of the blue for both of us.

No, no, no. Calm down. I quickly pulled myself together. Even though I was screaming with joy inside, I kept a calm expression on my face. I might not get another chance like this.

I didn't want the knight to recant, so when I noticed their nervousness, I asked, "So... when did you realize you were in love with me?"

Hearing my question, they lifted their head slightly. "Well... it doesn't matter…"

"What do you mean, it doesn't matter? My answer depends on it."

I tried my best to keep my composure.

They nervously waved their hands in response. "We won't be together anyway, you won't like me. I just wanted to confess to make myself feel better," they admitted, raising their voices with agitation.

Their words sounded awkward and yet somehow touching.

So cute...

"You think I don't like the way you look?" I persisted, refusing to let them dodge the question.

"It's not that..."

I had no intention of giving them a chance to escape.

"Take off the helmet and say it again, then I'll answer," I interrupted sharply, my tone serious and commanding.

But they just took a step back. "Wait... Really... I don't need an answer..." They paused, "I just wanted to confess... That's all."

What kind of nonsense are you talking about? I don't need any excuses. Confessing love like that was cowardly.

"Take off the mask. Now," my voice became more and more demanding as I tried to break their resistance.

I'll make you... I just have to push a little harder...

"Or should I take it off myself?" I threatened.


They stopped my hand from reaching for their helmet and grabbed my wrist. Despite the sudden movements, their grip didn't hurt me at all.

"Hmm? Why?" I asked, moving a little closer.

I attempted to grab their helmet again.


They jerked back.

They reaction was unexpected and abrupt, even a little surprising to me. It was then that I realized that my actions seemed to have the opposite effect of what I wanted. But it was too late.

Without waiting for an answer, the knight abruptly fled the room and disappeared into the hallway. "I'm leaving! It's late!" their voice echoed down the hall.

It happened so quickly and unexpectedly that I found myself alone in the room, struggling with frustration.

"Wait... At least say it without the mask!" I shouted in disappointment into the now empty silence...