Design Manual

"Sir, you asked me to decrease the temperature of the conditioner, are you sick?" Evan asked

Kayden turned to stare at him and Evan quickly lowered his head. He can't dare look into those gorgeous yet intimidating grey eyes.

"Do I look sick to you?" Kayden replied with a question.

Evan shook his head. "No, I was just concerned"

"Then that's not your business Evan" Kayden said coldly and Evan apologized instantly.

Back at work, Lux approached Alynah, who was busy with her laptop. 

"Well done Aly!" Lux beamed, briefly glancing at her design. 

"Thank you" Alynah smiled. 

"Aly, I need your help" Lux said nervously and Alynah looked up. 

"How may I help you ma'am?" She said dramatically and they both laughed.

"Please can you go to the boss'office and get me a design manual?" Lux asked and Alynah scoffed. 

"Why me?" 

"C'mon Aly! You're new here, Mr Hart won't tell at you!" Lux explained.

"If you were to go, will he yell at you?" Alynah asked again.

"I don't know, I'm just so afraid to face him" Lux replied.

"Are you going, pleeaase?" She pouted and Alynah sighed. 

"See who's acting like a kid" she said with an eye roll and stood up. 

"Thank you so much, Aly!" Lux beamed. 

Alynah rolled her eyes and left for Mr Hart's office.

For her, the whole thing sounds absurd. Why are they so scared of him? Not like he's some kind of demigod or something. He's their boss, their leader, they should learn from him and walk in his footsteps not unnecessarily get scared of him. 

Alynah reached the elevator and waited for it to open. When it opened, Alynah's jaw dropped. It was Kylie and Brett. Brett caged Kylie in the corner, absolutely flirting with her. 

"Uhmm uhmm" Alynah had to clear her throat since they didn't seem to notice her presence. Kylie gasped and Brett moved away. 

"Oh Aly, it's you!" Kylie stuttered as her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. 

"Yeah" was Alynah's short reply. 

"Stop thinking negative" Brett snapped when he saw her smiling mischievously. 

"And who told you I was thinking negative? What if it was the boss not me?" Alynah smirked.

"Then he must be jealous for firing us. He chose not to date anyone, no one forced him to" Brett rolled his eyes. 

"Will you say that to his face?" Alynah asked.

"Not like I can, but it's the truth" Brett scoffed.

"Get out of my way now. Office romance is prohibited" Alynah said and pushed them out of the elevator and got in. 

"I'm going to the boss' office and I'm gonna tell on you" Alynah smirked and pressed the button, the elevator closed. 

The elevator opened and Alynah walked out. Her heart suddenly began thumping hard as she reached Mr Hart's office. 

Wait! I thought she said she isn't scared? 

'Calm down Aly, calm down" her subconscious mind comforted and she took a deep breath. 

Meanwhile, Kayden was busy staring at her from inside and he smirked. Alynah could only see her reflection from outside since the office is completely made with magic glass. 

Alynah knocked on the door and she heard his deep commanding voice urged her to come in. Alynah walked in, her eyes pinned on the floor 

"Uhmm... Good... morning...s...sir" she stuttered, trying so hard to to freak out. 

"Uhmm" Kayden hummed a response.

"What do you want?" He asked icily and her heart skipped a beat. 

"I came to take the design manual" she replied.

"What for? I thought you're almost done with the design" Kayden stated, leaning back on his executive swivel chair and gently twirling left and right. 

Alynah couldn't help but to look up, admiring his graceful movements. He looked too handsome to be ignored. The view of him sitting there was extremely jaw dropping, Alynah thought that she was imagining things but then, even her wildest imaginations couldn't come up with a scene like this one. He's undoubtedly the most handsome man she'd ever seen. 

Kayden smirked when he saw her gaping at him and he gently fingered his hair, his slender fingers brushed through his thick dark hair as if he was posing for a picture. 

Alynah's heart skipped a beat. 'Get hold of yourself Aly!' her subconscious mind scolded and she quickly lowered her head. 

Kayden bit his lower lip, suppressing his laughter. 

"Or did the design Manager gave you a new task?" He asked again.

"Yes... I mean no! I was just going to check on it for further details. I don't want to work completely on my imaginations" Alynah replied, trying is hard not to meet those captivating grey eyes. 

Kayden stared at her face, down to her neck, he moved his gaze further south, scrutinizing her. Alynah could feel the burning gaze on her skin but she dared not look up at him. 

"Come take it, it's in the cabinet" he pointed. Alynah bowed and obeyed.

After she took it, she bowed and left. 

Kayden watched her leave and then he sighed and glanced at the wall clock. According to Evan, he have an appointment with the CEO of Fox Empire, Mr Ezekiel Hunter. 

He took his phone and jacket and left. 

Alynah entered the elevator, when it was about to close, Kayden out his leg, preventing it from closing and it opened again. 

Alynah's heart jumped to her mouth as her eyes met with that gorgeous grey ones in closer view. Kayden entered and stood meters away from her and the elevator started moving.

Alynah's heart kept accelerating, his manly cologne clouded her mind, intoxicating her senses and she kept admiring his manly and structured back view. 

She didn't admire him for so long cause she already reached the 10th floor, where she worked. 

The door opened and she took steady steps out, she stood there for a while and waited for the elevator to close then she let out the deep breath she'd been holding for a long while. 

"Why was that?" She held her chest, trying to stabilize her breathing. 

"You again!" Velvet approached her. Alynah rolled her eyes and turned to leave. 

"You don't walk out of me when I'm talking to you!"