Chapter 2: Creation

With his galaxy starting to look like something, Joe shifted his focus to the next step: making planets. He'd already made all the stars he wanted, but now he had to make one of those stars with a planet where life could happen.


With a determined expression, Joe focused his mind on the task at hand. He summoned the Creation System and called forth the planet creation mode, ready to bring his vision to life.


"Alright, let's do this," Joe muttered to himself, his fingers poised over the controls.


The system responded with a series of prompts, guiding Joe through the process of crafting the outline of his planet. He began by defining its size and shape, sculpting the contours of its surface with precision and care.


As he worked, Joe couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him. This wasn't just any planet - it was his planet, a world that he alone had the power to shape and mold according to his desires.


Once the basic outline was complete, Joe moved on to the next phase: determining the planet's composition and atmosphere. He experimented with different elements, mixing and matching until he found the perfect balance for his fledgling world.


With each adjustment, the planet began to take on a life of its own. Mountains rose up from the surface, valleys carved deep into the earth, and drew rivers winding across the land like shiny ribbons.


But despite his progress, Joe knew that his work was far from finished. A planet was more than just land and sky - it was a living, breathing ecosystem, teeming with life in all its forms.


"I need to focus on creating the basic framework," Joe thought to himself, his brow furrowed in concentration. "I can worry about the details later."


So, Joe kept working on his planet with a fresh determination. He put in things like volcanoes, canyons, and deserts, each one showing how creative he could be.


But as the hours passed and the planet took shape before him, Joe couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. It was as if his creation lacked a soul, a spark of life that would bring it to life in all its glory.


"I need to create the conditions for life to thrive," Joe realized, his mind racing with possibilities. "But where do I begin?"


Turning to the Creation System once more, Joe sought guidance on how to best infuse his creation with the essence of life itself.


"System, how can I bring life to my planet?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and apprehension.


A window suddenly popped in

Species Creation Options:

Single-celled organisms: Basic microscopic life forms, such as bacteria and protists.

Plants: Various flora including trees, flowers, shrubs, and grasses.

Insects: Diverse insect species like beetles, ants, butterflies, and bees. Fish: Aquatic creatures ranging from tiny minnows to massive whales.

Amphibians: Animals capable of living both in water and on land, like frogs and salamanders.

Reptiles: Cold-blooded vertebrates such as snakes, lizards, and turtles.

Birds: Avian species encompassing everything from songbirds to birds of prey.

Mammals: Warm-blooded animals including mammals like rodents, carnivores, primates, and more.


Mixing Options:

Hybridization: Creating new species by combining traits from existing ones, like a bird with the scales of a reptile.

Genetic Modification: Altering the DNA of organisms to introduce desired characteristics or abilities, such as increased resilience or enhanced senses.

Evolutionary Adaptation: Allowing species to naturally adapt and evolve over time in response to environmental changes, leading to the emergence of new traits and behaviors.


With these options, Joe has a wide range of possibilities for creating and modifying life on his planet, fostering diversity and innovation in his evolving ecosystem.


"Sweet, with these options, I can create my own creatures," Joe said excitedly, feeling a rush of enthusiasm as he imagined all the different kinds of creatures he could create.


Then as the system gave Joe step-by-step instructions on how to add life to his planet. Joe created all kinds of living things, from tiny cells to big animals. He made sure each creature could survive in its environment.


Even though Joe had made lots of life on his planet, he knew there was still a lot to do. Keeping everything alive and helping it change and grow would be a big challenge.


I may have created life, but now I must nurture it," Joe thought to himself, his mind already buzzing with ideas for how to protect and preserve the fragile ecosystems he had painstakingly crafted.


And so, with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, Joe embarked on the next phase of his journey as a god: the stewardship of his living, breathing world.


But then, a thought nagged at the back of Joe's mind, a concern he couldn't ignore.


Joe paused, his brow furrowed with concern, as he turned back to the Creation System. "Hold on a sec," he said, "I didn't make heaven because, well, I don't want them to see the part of me that's, you know, not so great. But what happens to my animals or creatures if they die?"


Joe's question hung heavy in the air, filling the room with a sense of uncertainty. He anxiously awaited the system's answer, feeling a weighty concern settle over him. He couldn't shake the worry that without a specific afterlife, his creations might face an uncertain fate.


The system took a moment before responding. "Host, in the absence of a designated afterlife such as heaven or hell, the souls of deceased creatures will return to the cycle of life and death, their energy reincorporated into the natural world."


Joe furrowed his brow, his mind racing with questions. "So, you mean they'll be reborn as new life forms?" he ventured, seeking clarification.


The system nodded in affirmation. "Yes, host. The energy of their souls will be recycled, contributing to the perpetuation of life on your planet in a continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth."


A sense of relief washed over Joe as he absorbed the system's explanation. While he had initially been concerned about the lack of a traditional afterlife, the idea of his creations returning to the natural world felt strangely comforting.


"Thank you, system," Joe said, his voice filled with gratitude. "That puts my mind at ease."


Feeling better about the fate of his creations, Joe turned his attention back to the task at hand, eager to keep working on his new world.


Joe furrowed his brow, contemplating another possibilities. "Anyway, System, I can create gods like Outer Gods, Inner Gods, or even Greek Gods right?"


The System replied, "Yes, host, but you need more contribution points."


Joe's eyes widened in surprise. "Contribution points? What are those?"


The System explained, "Contribution points are earned by watching the lives of your creations, empowering them, and guiding them to greatness. The more impact they have, the more points you will accumulate."


Understanding dawned on Joe. "So, to create gods, I need to gather these points by influencing the lives of my creations? The more impact they have in the world the more points I have."


The System nodded. "Exactly, host. Afterall you're not strong enough yet, but by nurturing your creations and helping them shape their own destinies, you will gain the strength needed to create gods."


Joe felt a rush of excitement as he realized the importance of what the system had revealed. Not only could he create life, but he also had the potential to do even more amazing things by helping his creations grow and succeed.


"Alright, system. Let's get to work," Joe declared, his voice filled with determination. "I'll do whatever it takes to earn those contribution points and become the god my world needs."


Feeling more determined than ever, Joe focused on his planet again, ready for the next part of his journey as a god.


Joe smiled mischievously as he looked at his creations. Alongside the animals and creatures he made, he added some monsters, just for fun. He felt excited thinking about his humans finding encountering these fantastical beasts in their world. It made him feel powerful, almost like a mischievous god playing with his toys.


Then With determination blazing in his eyes, Joe set out to create humanity. He summoned the Creation System, eager to embark on this monumental task.


"Alright, let's create humans," Joe declared, his voice filled with resolve.


The system gave Joe a list of choices to create his humans. Joe thought about each one, like what they would look like.


Physical Appearance:

Skin Color: Choose from a spectrum of hues ranging from light to dark.

Hair Texture: Select from options such as curly, straight, wavy, or bald.

Eye Color: Specify the color of their eyes, including blue, brown, green, and more.

Height: Determine the average height range for your humans, from short to tall.

Body Type: Define the general build of your humans, such as slender, muscular, or average.


Random Intellectual: It depends on their birth if they are intellectual or not.


Joe was taken aback by the System's revelation. "So, it's just a random intellectual? I can't create someone who can have a high IQ?"


The System's response was calm but firm. "Yes, host, you can't. But, host, you can modify them after you've created them. If he or she turns out to be less intelligent than you desired, However, you can only do this once every thousand years."


Joe's shock reverberated through the ethereal space as he processed the system's revelation. "So, you're telling me I can't create a genius from scratch, but I can tweak their intelligence levels after I created them?" he clarified, his voice tinged with disbelief.


The system confirmed what Joe had understood. "Precisely, host. You have the ability to modify your creations after you make them. allowing you to adjust their intellectual capabilities as much as needed."


Joe felt a surge of frustration as he tried to understand what this meant. "But why can I only do it once every thousand years?" he asked, looking worried.


The system's response was matter-of-fact, its tone unwavering. "Because, host, you are still in the early stages of your journey as a god. Your power is limited, and it will take time and effort to accumulate the necessary contribution points to unlock greater abilities."


Joe felt overwhelmed as he tried to understand everything. He had thought he could create whatever he wanted and help his creations become amazing. But now he realized he couldn't do everything he thought he could. It made him feel frustrated and like he wasn't good enough.


With a renewed sense of determination, Joe resolved to make the best of the situation. He may not have the power to create prodigies at will, but he could still nurture and inspire his creations to reach their full potential.


Turning to the system once more, Joe focused on the task at hand. "Alright, let's create some humans," he declared, his voice filled with resolve.


To be contiued