Side chapter: Cain Backstory

On a peaceful afternoon, under the wide blue sky, Cain and Abel went fishing by the sparkling shores of their home. With just wooden spears and eager hearts, they hoped to catch some fish.



As they looked out at the sparkling water, Abel felt a surge of excitement. "Dear Brother," he said eagerly, "let's explore deeper into the sea. I'm sure there are lots of treasures waiting for us there!"



Cain, aware of their parents' warnings about sea monsters in the deeper parts, paused when his brother suggested going deeper. "But Father warned us not to go too far," he reminded Abel, looking worried. "Mother and Father said there are dangerous creatures in the deep waters. We need to be careful, or we might get into trouble."


But Abel persisted, looking at his brother with pleading eyes. "Come on, brother, we're just going to fish," he insisted, his voice filled with eagerness. "We'll be careful, I promise."


With a reluctant sigh, Cain relented. "Fine, but always remember to be cautious, okay?" he said, emphasizing the importance of safety.


Abel nodded eagerly. "Got it, Sir!" he replied with a grin.


Cain chuckled at his brother's enthusiasm. "Alright then, let's go," he said, leading the way as they ventured into the deeper sea together.


As they went deeper into the sea, Cain started feeling uneasy, like something wasn't right. Suddenly, he saw Abel splashing around in the water as if he was in trouble. Cain got really worried and rushed towards him.


"Brother! Abel!" Cain cried out in alarm, panic seizing his chest as he rushed towards his sibling's side.


But as Cain drew closer, his concern turned to confusion as Abel's panicked cries gave way to mischievous laughter. With a sly grin, Abel popped out of the water, his eyes dancing with amusement.


"Surprise, Brother Cain!" Abel exclaimed, his laughter echoing across the waves as he reveled in his prank.


Cain's relief quickly turned to irritation as he realized he'd been duped. "Oh, for Goodness sake, Abel!" he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of exasperation and amusement. "Don't scare me like that!"


Abel laughed and splashed water at Cain, teasing him. "Aw, come on, Brother! Where's your sense of humor?" he joked, making both of them feel better after the scary moment.


With a shake of his head and a fond smile, Cain couldn't help but laugh along with his brother, grateful for the bond they shared and the moments of joy they found even amidst life's uncertainties.


In the calm sea, Cain and Abel's happy time suddenly turned tragic as they encountered a danger hidden in the water.


Cain felt a strong sense that something was wrong, a feeling of fear creeping up his spine. "Abel, did you hear that?" he asked, looking around nervously. "It seems like there's something in the water."

Abel looked worried, matching Cain's concern as he tried to figure out where the strange sound was coming from. "I heard it too, brother," he said, his voice showing he was nervous. "But I didn't see anything."


But without a moment to spare, Cain's eyes widened in terror as he saw a frightening shape rising from the deep behind Abel. "Look out, Abel!" he shouted, his heart racing with fear.


Abel spun around just in time to see the massive squid looming over him, its tentacles ready to attack. Acting on instinct, Abel raised his spear to defend himself, but before he could strike, a sudden, searing pain shot through his head, leaving him disoriented and defenseless.



Cain's heart squeezed with fear as he saw his brother's pain. "Abel, what's wrong?!" he cried out, his voice filled with desperate worry.


But as Cain jumped in to help, he was suddenly fighting for his life against the giant squid. Using all his strength and determination, Cain fought as hard as he could, each punch and kick fueled by his strong desire to protect his brother.


Then Cain's rage surged as he faced the monstrous squid. "You bastard!!!" he roared, thrusting his spear with a swift, decisive strike. His strength, augmented by his heritage as the firstborn of Adam and Eve, making him strong, Causing the creature to escape injuredly


In the aftermath of the chaotic battle with the monstrous squid, Cain's heart pounded with a mixture of relief and dread as he turned to check on his brother. "Are you okay, brother?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.


Abel stayed silent, his eyes empty as if lost in a distant realm beyond Cain's reach. Panic seized Cain's chest as he realized something was terribly wrong.

[But what Cain didn't realize was that the squid he had injured had already infiltrated Abel's mind.]

"Brother?" Cain called out again, his voice trembling with fear.


Before Cain could figure out what Abel's silent look meant, his brother's behavior changed quickly. Abel's body stiffened as if someone was controlling him, and he charged at Cain with an empty eyes.


Cain's instincts kicked into overdrive as he dodged Abel's wild attack, his mind spinning with disbelief and confusion. "Please, calm down, brother!" he begged, desperation coloring his words as he struggled to make sense of the terrifying situation unfolding before him.


But Abel, controlled by something he couldn't resist, didn't respond to Cain's pleas. His attacks kept coming, relentless and unstoppable.


As their struggle brought them crashing against the jagged rocks of the sea, Cain's heart hurt so much he could barely bear it. "Please, stop!" he begged, his voice choked with tears as he struggled to push Abel away.


In a brief moment of clarity, Abel's cry cut through the chaos, a desperate plea to be freed from the agony that tormenting his mind. "Brother, I'm not myself anymore, Please kill me!" he sobbed, his voice filled with pain.


Cain's heart shattered as he witnessed the torment etched upon his brother's face, his own hands trembling with anguish and indecision. "I can't, I won't!" he protested, his voice echoing with the weight of this impossible burden.


Abel's desperate plea pierced through the chaos, striking Cain's heart like a sharp blade. "Please, brother, make it stop," Abel cried, his voice trembling with tears as he charged towards Cain, their destiny sealed by the cruel hand of fate. 


In a cruel twist of fate, Cain's hand acted on its own, his spear finding its mark with devastating precision. Horror washed over him as he watched in disbelief, the spear piercing Abel's flesh with a sickening thud.


Cain's scream echoed across the sea, his heart torn apart as he held his brother's lifeless form. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks as he whispered words of sorrow and love, consumed by an overwhelming sense of grief and regret.


In the aftermath of tragedy, Cain was left broken. His heart ached constantly, burdened by the memory of his brother's last words and the painful truth that tormented him till these day.


As Adam and Eve witnessed Cain holding his brother's lifeless body, their hearts shattered into a million pieces


Adam's voice boomed with anger as he demanded answers from Cain, his eldest son. ."What have you done, Cain?!" he shouted, his words condemning the terrible tragedy that had struck their family.


Cain, filled with remorse and guilt, could only offer a broken apology, his tears flowing freely as he knelt before his parents, his soul laid bare in a moment of devastating vulnerability. "Father, I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice choked with anguish.


Amidst all the sadness and confusion, Eve's motherly instincts kicked in. She forgot about her own sadness for a moment and hurried to comfort Cain, her only son left.

Her tears flowed freely as she enveloped Cain in a tender embrace, seeking to offer him solace in the face of overwhelming despair. "No, no, my dear boy," she murmured softly, her voice trembling with emotion. "It's not your fault, Cain. Whatever happened, whatever led to this tragedy, you are not to blame."


Feeling overwhelmed by the blame and anger directed at him, Cain's cries of sadness broke the silence, echoing across the land.


"Mother, I... I killed Abel," he confessed through tears, his voice choked with remorse and despair. "It's all my fault!"


Adam's voice boomed with anger, his eyes burning with fury as he faced his eldest son. "You killed your own brother!" he shouted, his words a harsh judgment of the terrible crime that had torn their family apart.


Eve, torn between sadness and kindness, tried to understand the tragedy. "There has to be a reason," she said, her voice shaky with pain as she tried to comfort Cain.


Kneeling before his parents, Cain's broken form trembled with remorse as he begged for forgiveness. "Father, I... I am sorry," he whimpered, his words a desperate plea for absolution.


But Adam's heart remained hardened, his resolve unyielding in the face of Cain's tearful confession. "Enough!" he declared, his voice a thunderous decree as he turned his gaze skyward. "We already carry the weight of our sins before the Almighty Father, and now we add another. Leave! I do not want to see you anymore."


Eve's heart shattered at the finality of Adam's Tears streamed down her face as she pleaded on his behalf. "But Adam, he is just a 15-year-old boy," she begged, her voice full of desperation for mercy in such a terrible situation.


But Adam spoke with strong conviction, his voice filled with seriousness as he repeated his decision.


"No, Eve," he affirmed, his tone unwavering as he addressed his wife. "Cain must be held accountable for the grave sin he has committed. Killing is a sin—an act of violence that defies the sacred commandments set forth by our Heavenly Father."


Taking a moment to think about how serious their mistakes were, Adam's gaze turned skyward, his voice filled with solemn reverence as he talked about what happened when they ate the forbidden fruit. "When we ate that fruit, we gained knowledge of good and evil. We know the commandments, the rules, the sacred words that guide our path," he said, sounding like he knew a lot. "Our Heavenly Father abhors such acts of violence, It's against His rules and He thinks it's really wrong."


In that solemn moment, Adam's words were a clear reminder of the unchanging rules that guide their lives and the punishment for breaking them. With a heavy heart, he promised to stick to their religious beliefs, even though it was hard after such a terrible event.


In that deeply painful moment, Cain's determination solidified, his face streaked with tears as he struggled to find the strength to speak. With a heavy heart and eyes brimming with sorrow, he quietly bid his parents farewell.


"Goodbye, Mother, Father," he managed to utter, his voice barely above a whisper amid the storm of emotions swirling inside him.

As Cain walked away, he could hear his mother's desperate cries behind him. Her voice was full of pain as she called out, "No, Cain, no!" But his father stopped her, saying, "No." Eve's heartbreak was clear in her voice as she watched Cain leave.

And with that, he ran away into the wild lands, his steps echoing in the empty places as he tried to find a safe place away from the heavy burden of his sadness and regret.


After two centuries had passed, Cain's secluded refuge was unexpectedly intruded upon by the appearance of a young girl. Startled by her sudden presence, he cautiously inquired, "Who are you?"


Caught off guard by Cain's cautious demeanor, the girl stumbled over her words as she tried to explain. "Um, please don't hurt me. I'm Awan, and I'm an adventurer. I wanted to explore the world, but I ended up getting lost," she confessed, her voice shaky with uncertainty. "And then, I just found myself here."


Cain was taken aback by the presence of this unexpected visitor in his secluded abode. "I asked again, who are you?" he reiterated.


"I already told you, I'm Awan," she replied.


Cain persisted, seeking clarification. "No, not that. I mean, who are your father and mother?"


Awan paused, recognizing the gravity of Cain's inquiry. "Weird, but my father was the grandson of Adam, and my mother is also a granddaughter of Adam," she explained.


Cain's astonishment deepened at this revelation. "So, it's been three generations," he said aloud.


Awan shook her head gently, correcting him with a small smile. "Actually, it's four generations," she clarified.


In that moment, Cain's mind raced with the implications of this encounter. Four generations had gone by since he had disappeared into hiding, yet here was a descendant of his own family, a living connection to the distant past.


And so, in that touching moment, Cain and Awan's paths crossed, marking the start of a story yet untold—a tale of love, redemption, and family ties. But for now, their meeting was just a glimpse of what could be, a promise of a future yet to come. Their story would unfold with time, guided by destiny and fate, destined to be remembered for generations. But for now, their tale remained a mystery.

The end