Chapter 18: The Adventure of Roe (12)

The air crackled with tension as Belz and I faced off against Aurathos, a powerful adversary whose very existence is abomination. "Let's do this, Belz," I said, my voice firm with resolve as we prepared to engage.


"Come!" Aurathos shouted, his voice booming through the area with a chilling intensity. .



Belz nodded, her eyes filled with determination as she started to work her magic. With a smooth motion, she conjured a spinning ball of water energy. "Water Ball!" she shouted, sending the orb flying straight towards Aurathos with accuracy.


But Aurathos was quick to react, using his tentacles to block Belz's attack. He then moved toward us with menacing intent. With two arms tipped with sharp claws and the other two covered in squirming tentacles, he looked incredibly powerful and intimidating.


As I felt the power of the air swirling around me, I focused my mind on summoning my magic. Gathering the energy of the elements, I directed my attention, shaping the air into a strong gust. With a firm push, I sent an "Air Palm" rushing towards Aurathos, knocking him off balance and making him stumble backward.



"Aurg!" Aurathos growled, showing he felt the force of our attack. "You're powerful," he admitted, staring at me with a mix of defiance and respect.



As I soared through the air, launching my attack against Aurathos, Belz saw her chance to show how much she'd improved with her earth magic. With a focused expression, she conjured a complex array of symbols and sigils in the air, forming a magical circle right in front of Aurathos.


"Earth Shake!" she shouted, commanding the magic she'd summoned.


Suddenly, the ground beneath Aurathos started to tremble and shake violently. Rocks and dirt flew up everywhere, making it hard for him to keep his balance. It was like the earth itself was rising up against him, thanks to Belz's magic.


Then Aurathos jumped up, his tentacles flailing around wildly as he tried to stay steady in the air. But I could see the determination in his eyes, that much was clear from the fierce look in his eyes. With a loud yell, he descended upon us once more, his tentacles swinging at us with deadly accuracy.


With my air strike, I sent a strong blast of wind at Aurathos, making his tentacles sway and miss their mark. Using the chance, I used the air to push myself up high into the sky. As I flew through the air, I focused, shaping the wind around my hand into a powerful blast.


"Take this!" I shouted, directing the blast straight at Aurathos.


"Bring it on!" Aurathos roared in response, his determination unshaken as he prepared to face our combined assault.


[Meanwhile Ediz and Lero side]

As Ediz thrust his wooden spear infused with fiery spells at the mini Aurathos, he felt the heat pulsating through the wood, amplifying the force of his attacks. With each strike, he aimed to pierce through the creature's defenses, but its agile movements made it a challenging target.


Meanwhile, Lero swung his wooden sword, its blade enveloped in flames, attempting to fend off the relentless assaults of the other mini Aurathos. Dodging and parrying, he focused on finding openings to exploit in its defenses.


"Shit, this little guy is strong," Ediz grunted as he deflected the tentacles of the mini Aurathos, feeling the strain in his muscles as he pushed back against the creature's relentless attack.


"Yeah, they are indeed strong," Lero replied, his voice tense with exertion as he maneuvered to evade the tentacles of his opponent, his eyes scanning for any sign of weakness.


As Ediz quickly thought about what to do next, focusing on how the battle was unfolding. He looked at Lero and could see that they were on the same page, both determined to win. They didn't need to say anything; their shared determination spoke volumes.


"I have a plan," Ediz declared, his voice cutting through the chaos of the fight.


Lero's brow furrowed in confusion. "What?" he asked, his attention divided between parrying the mini Aurathos's attacks and listening to Ediz.


Ediz gritted his teeth, his grip tightening around his wooden spear as he spoke. "I can cast spells of both fire and water," he explained, his words punctuated by the clash of between them and the monster."And you can cast spells of both fire and air."


Lero's eyes widened in realization as he blocked a particularly fierce attack from the other mini creature. "So.., what's your point?" he asked, trying to grasp Ediz's idea.

Ediz ducked under a tentacle, narrowly avoiding being struck. "My point is," he continued, his voice strained with effort, "that we can use these elemental combinations to our advantage."


Lero's gaze flickered with understanding as he began to see the possibilities unfold. "You mean we can combine our elemental attacks?" he asked, his excitement growing with each passing moment.


Ediz's eyes lit up with realization. "Exactly! Remember what Roe taught us?"


Lero's brows furrowed in concentration for a moment before his face lit up with understanding. "Oh, oh, I know! I know! Combining air and fire creates Air Fire."


"Exactly!" Ediz exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement. "If we merge our magic circles to form a blend of air and fire, and then aim it at these little pests, I'm certain they won't stand a chance."


"Let's do it," Lero agreed, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes as he readied himself for the coordinated assault.


With a nod of affirmation, Ediz and Lero synchronized their movements, their wooden weapons crackling with elemental energy as they prepared to unleash their combined attack.


As the mini Aurathos attacked again, Ediz and Lero reacted quickly. Ediz drew complex symbols in the air with his wooden spear, and Lero did the same with his sword. Their weapons glowed, and the symbols merged into one powerful circle.


"Air Fire!" they chanted in unison, their voices resonating with the elemental forces they commanded.


The air buzzed with electricity as the mixed magic flowed through the formed circle, blending fire and wind into a captivating display of elemental power.


The spell they cast created a swirling tornado of flames mixed with wild winds. With a thunderous roar, the cyclone of elemental energy shot forth like a blazing comet, hurtling towards the Two mini Aurathos with unstoppable force.

Caught off guard, the two creatures couldn't do anything as the flames surrounded them, their cries lost in the fire.


As the smoke disappeared and the fire settled, Ediz and Lero stood victorious. They were breathing heavily, feeling both tired and happy. But as the excitement faded, they suddenly felt very tired, like they had used up all their energy.


With their bodies drained of energy and their muscles refusing to obey, Ediz and Lero found themselves collapsing to the ground, unable to stand any longer. They lay side by side amidst the remnants of their victory, their breathing ragged and labored.


Ediz, his laughter ringing out amidst the aftermath of battle, grinned up at the sky. "AHAHAHAHA, We did it," he exclaimed.


Beside him, Lero shared his excitement, his smile mirroring Ediz's. "Damn right, partner!" he chimed in.


Together, they lay there, basking in the glory of their triumph, their bond as comrades stronger than ever before as they gazed up at the sky above.


[Mero and Xia side]

Meanwhile, Mero and Xia found themselves facing off against two mini Aurathos, the creatures' malevolent gaze fixated on them with predatory intent.



Feeling a pressing need to defend themselves, Mero swiftly summoned a watery shield around them. The water formed a sparkling barrier, swirling and coming together to create a protective bubble against the relentless attacks of their foes.



Breathless from the intensity of the situation, Mero managed to gasp out her words. "Xia," she said, her voice strained between breaths, "there are two of these miniature creatures, they are strong."


Xia's eyes sparked with excitement as she suggested, "What if we trapped them using the earth elements? You know, that spell Belz taught us?"



Mero nodded, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. "You mean Prison Earth?" she confirmed, recalling the technique they had learned from Belz's teachings.



"Exactly!" Xia exclaimed, her voice tinged with a hint of malevolence. "Once we've trapped them in the earth, I unleash my fire spells and roast them alive!"



Mero chuckled softly, though her exhaustion was evident. "Xia, you're hardly the delicate lady now," she remarked, shaking her head in a mix of amusement and disbelief. It was not the first time she had witnessed Xia's transformation into a more sadistic and evil strategist when faced with a challenge.



With renewed determination, Mero and Xia turned their attention back to the battlefield, their eyes focused and their magic at the ready.



Mero and Xia worked together, moving their hands in sync, summoning the elements. They formed a complicated circle in the air, weaving their magic with precision. As they moved, energy swirled around them, forming their spell.



"Let's caught them," Mero suggested, her voice filled with grim determination as she concentrated on the spell.



Xia agreed with a nod, her eyes gleaming with malice as she contributed her mana or energy. They joined forces, chanting the ancient words for the Earth Prison spell. Their voices combined in harmony, as they called upon the forces of nature to obey their command.


As they finished the last motions, a strong burst of magic burst forth, forming a swirling mass of earth and stone. With a loud noise, the spell surrounded the mini Aurathos, trapping them in a cage made of solid rock and dirt.


The creatures cried out in anguish, their struggles becoming more desperate as they tried to break free from their earthen prison. However, despite their frantic efforts, they remained trapped within the unyielding grip of Mero and Xia's magic.



Satisfied that their enemies were securely bound, Mero and Xia exchanged a triumphant glance, their lips curling into matching smiles of satisfaction.

"Now, Time to end this," Xia declared, her voice tinged with sadistic glee. as she conjured a circle of spell to create ball of flame in her palm.


Mero nodded in agreement, her own magic crackling with anticipation as she prepared to unleash a devastating barrage of water spears upon their helpless foes. Together, they launched their attack, the water mixing with sharp flames, killing the mini Aurathos in agony.


[Meanwhile Roe and Belz]



As I faced Aurathos, a surge of emotions coursed through me—fear, anger, and a deep-rooted determination. My voice rang out across the battlefield, a mixture of frustration and disbelief lacing my words.


My gaze flickered to Belz, lying unconscious on the ground in the distance, filling me with a sense of urgency and determination.


"You bastard, how did you become this strong?!" My voice reverberated with frustration and disbelief as I confronted Aurathos, my eyes blazing with intensity.


Aurathos's sinister laughter echoed in response, sending a chill down my spine. His taunting words only fueled my determination as I braced myself for the impending confrontation. 

"I told you, I've feel it.... the fundamentals of your so called magic," Aurathos sneered, his voice dripping with malice as he prepared to unleash another spell.


Fear and determination surged through me as I watched Aurathos summon a sinister spell, its malevolent energy crackling in the air. I was shocked—I couldn't believe my eyes. Dark magic, right there in front of me.


"Impossible! Is that... dark magic?!" I gasped, my mind struggling to comprehend the depths of Aurathos's power.


Aurathos's smirk widened, but there was a flicker of confusion in his eyes as he observed the spell he had unleashed. "Dark magic?" he questioned, his tone tinged with uncertainty. " Hmm... I like the sound of it—dark magic. Then I'll call this dark magic." he declared, his grin filled with sinister intent.


With Aurathos Adapt the fundamentals of magic and even creating a new form known as dark magic, the stakes have reached a new height for Roe and his companions. Can they overcome this formidable foe now armed with such magic? Can they win against him and stop his dark magic? Find out in the next chapter!


To be continue