Chapter 20: The Adventure of Roe (14)

As Momoa uttered those words, he swiftly lunged forward, clearly determined to confront Aurathos. With a quick movement of his hands, he called upon his magical abilities, forming a circle with his hands to use his spell. "Earth Spear!" he shouted.


The ground shook as a sharp spear of earth shot up, heading straight for Aurathos. But Aurathos, with his eyes glowing darkly, was ready. He swiftly weaved his own magic, molding the surrounding shadows into a menacing spear. "Perhaps I shall call this 'Dark Spear" he said with a hint of satisfaction.


Momoa's eyes widened in disbelief as Aurathos effortlessly countered the earth spear with his own dark magic. "Ma-ma-magic?" he stuttered, unable to comprehend what he was witnessing.


Approaching Momoa, I spoke softly but urgently, trying to convey the gravity of the situation. "Yes, Momoa. Aurathos possesses the ability to wield magic, but it's not just any magic—it's dark magic."


"Dark magic?" Momoa's voice trembled with unease as he struggled to grasp the implications.


"Yes, precisely," I confirmed, my tone grave. "Dark magic is forbidden, a taboo among practitioners who use magic.".


Momoa's shock deepened, his voice barely above a whisper as he repeated, "Taboo?"


I nodded seriously, looking directly into Momoa's eyes with a sense of worry and empathy. "Yes, Momoa. Dark Magic is really a taboo because it's extremely dangerous and can have a corrupting influence. 


"But how come you didn't tell us about it?" Momoa's voice was filled with a mixture of confusion and apprehension.


"It's precisely because of its dangers," I explained, my voice carrying the weight of years of caution and concern. "Dark magic isn't just another form of sorcery; it's a malevolent force that seeps into the very fabric of one's being, corrupting the essence of who you are. The more you delve into its mysteries, the more it grips your mind and soul, twisting them until they're unrecognizable."



I paused, letting the gravity of my words sink in before continuing. "Imagine a darkness so consuming that it blinds you to the light, a power so seductive that it promises everything but delivers more destruction in your self. That's what dark magic is, Momoa—a temptation that leads to ruin, both for the one who wields it and for those who dare to follow."



Momoa, visibly shaken by this revelation, voiced his concerns. "Such power... it's terrifying."



I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Indeed, Momoa. That's why I haven't spoken much about it. Exposing our village to such knowledge could lead to disaster."



Meanwhile, Aurathos watching in the distance, intrigued by the conversation, chimed in, "Fascinating. So this is the nature of the power I wield."


[Meanwhile Jono]


Jono's voice quivered with worry as he gently nudged Belz, hoping to stir her from her sleep. "Grandma, Grandma Belz!! Wake up," he urged, his tone filled with urgency.


Slowly, Belz blinked her eyes open, her gaze focusing on Jono. "I heard what you said," she murmured, her voice tinged with sleepiness.


Jono chuckled awkwardly, trying to lighten the mood. "Um, I just said that to get you to wake up," he admitted sheepishly, a nervous laugh escaping him.


However, Belz wasn't easily fooled, her expression turning skeptical as she assessed the situation. Rising to a sitting position, she brushed off Jono's attempt to divert the conversation. "Anyway, what's going on?" she inquired, her voice clear and direct.


With a gulp, Jono recounted the troubling news. "Roe and Grandpa Momoa are fighting that monster," he explained, his words laced with concern.


"Oh dear, that monster is tough. They don't have a chance against it," Belz remarked, her brow furrowing with worry.


Jono couldn't help but voice his uncertainty. "Is it really that strong?" he asked, his voice filled with doubt.


Meeting his gaze with a serious expression, Belz nodded firmly. "Yes, it's really, really strong," she confirmed, leaving no room for doubt in her words.


Jono felt a sinking feeling in his stomach as the weight of their predicament settled in. "Then we're in big trouble!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with despair.


[Roe side]


"Momoa, let's split up. You go right, and I'll go left," I instructed, trying to convey my strategy amidst the tension of the battle.


Momoa, wanted to be sure of our next steps. "Then what's next?" he asked, his determination shining through his eyes.


Locking eyes with him, I outlined our plan. "After we split up, we'll each use our spells in opposite directions," I explained, hoping to take Aurathos by surprise with our coordinated assault.


With a resolute nod, Momoa signaled his readiness. "Okay," he confirmed, prepared to execute the strategy.

However, Aurathos was quick to counter, recognizing the incoming threat. "What was it again that girl used? Ah, I think it's called a shield or something," he mused aloud, his voice dripping with arrogance. With a swift incantation, he summoned a Dark Shield, a barrier of swirling darkness that absorbed Momoa's fiery assault.


Then Suddenly Aurathos smirk and, his voice filled with cold and calm. "Dark Arrow," he declared, mimicking Momoa's power with disturbing accuracy.


Feeling the weight of the situation, I knew I had to act quickly to counter Aurathos's dark magic. Focusing my energy, I summoned the power of the air around me, feeling its currents respond to my will.


With a determined gesture, I directed a surge of wind toward the incoming barrage of Dark Arrows. The breeze enveloped me, creating a shield that deflected each shadowy arrow with precision.


Then, suddenly, Momoa's disbelief was palpable as he realized Aurathos's ability to mimic his magic. "You mimicked my power?" he exclaimed, a tinge of fear coloring his tone.


Aurathos's smirk spoke volumes about his confidence. "As long as I sense your magic, I can replicate it," he boasted he feels overconfident on his self (Superiority Complex)



Internally, I cursed the situation with frustration and concern churned within me as I comprehended the threat Aurathos presented.



 "This guy isn't just dangerous; he's also a prodigy," I admitted grimly to myself, mentally preparing for the impending clash. "We must overcome him before his power escalates further," I decided firmly, recognizing the urgency of our mission and the consequences of failure



Then Aurathos launched another attack, his dark tentacles snaking toward us, I reacted quickly, using my air magic to rise above , to evade the tentacles and find a better position. From where I was air up high, I focused my power, shaping the air around me into razor-sharp blades, creating what I called an "Air Knife." With a forceful shout, I directed the conjured blades toward Aurathos, intending to strike him down.


Despite my best efforts, Aurathos stood firm against my attack. With a quick spell, he conjured his Dark Shield once again, a dark barrier that effortlessly blocked my airborne assault, the Air Knife. His actions reminded me of his strength and impenetrable defenses, urging me to rethink our strategy with a newfound sense of urgency.



Momoa and I weren't discouraged by the failed attack. Instead, we pushed on, moving closer to Aurathos with determination. We were determined to find a weakness in his defenses and exploit it, no matter how formidable he seemed.



But just as we closed in on him, Aurathos struck back with a devastating move. He commanded a "Dark Wave," a fierce surge of dark energy that blasted us backward with overwhelming force.


As I fought to overcome the pain coursing through my body, frustration bubbled up within me at Aurathos's mocking words. "You're just not strong enough," he jeered, his arrogance is showing even amidst the chaos of battle


Gritting my teeth against the searing pain, I fought to regain my footing, frustration mounting at Aurathos's taunts. "You think we're weak?" I retorted, my voice laced with defiance. "We'll prove you wrong."


But just when I was thinking about something, Suddenly Jono's voice rang out, cutting through the chaos like a hero. "Hey Monster how about us," he declared boldly, his eyes filled with resolve


Looking over at Jono, I spotted Belz standing next to him. Despite the injuries she carried, her presence beside Jono provided a reassuring sense of strength amidst the chaos.


As we ready to fight, a new voice cut through the chaos, declaring, "Count us in!" We turned towards the source to find Lowena, Mero, and Xia stepping forward, ready to join the fight.


"Lowena, Mero, Xia!" I exclaimed, relieved to see their support.


As I turned my attention to the three girls, my concern for Ediz and Lero grew. "Where did Ediz and Lero go?" I asked, scanning the area in search of their familiar figures.


Lowena stepped forward, her expression clouded with worry. "I saw them earlier, looking completely worn out. They mentioned needing a rest and figured you could handle things here," she explained, her voice tinged with uncertainty.


Xia couldn't contain her frustration, her tone sharp as she spoke up. "Those two are so unreliable!"


Despite the tension, a soft chuckle escaped me at Xia's candid remark. "Classic Ediz and Lero," I replied with a knowing grin, acknowledging their tendency to avoid responsibility.



Aurathos smirked arrogantly as he observed our group. "Oh, it looks like all your comrades are here," he remarked, his tone dripping with disdain.


Meeting his gaze squarely, I corrected him. "Not quite. We still have two members missing, but with us here, that's all I need to defeat you," I declared with unwavering confidence.


Aurathos's expression remained haughty as he responded, "Is that so?" His eyes lock into mine, a silent challenge issuing from his gaze. "Very well then, bring it on," he taunted, his voice laced with defiance.


As we lunged towards him, Aurathos proved to be sneaky son of a bitch as he unleashed a devastating wave of darkness, sending us all flying backward with force.

"Aug!!!" cried Xia, struggling to regain her footing.

"Augh!!" exclaimed Lowena, her voice strained with effort.

"Damnit," cursed Momoa, frustration evident in his tone.

"Aurh," grunted Mero, wincing as she braced herself against the impact.


Jono, Belz, and I weren't hit as hard by Aurathos's attack since we had kept some distance while charging at him. Still, we were pushed back a bit by the force of the darkness wave, just not as much as the others who were closer to him.


Suddenly, Aurathos charged at me, his voice dripping with menace. "I should finish you first!!!"


As Aurathos targeted me, his intent clear, I prepared myself for the impending clash. With remarkable speed, he lunged forward, but I deftly sidestepped his initial assault using the Avatar Method. Seizing the opportunity, I retaliated with an air palm strike aimed squarely at him.


The strike caught Aurathos off guard, sending him staggering back slightly. His calm demeanor faltered for a moment as he acknowledged the threat I posed.


Aurathos acknowledged, "You are truly a threat." Without hesitation, he unleashed his dark magic once more, conjuring a "Dark Arrow."


Feeling determined, Aurathos retaliated with a Dark Arrow, but I quickly countered by deflecting it with my air manipulation. Seizing the opportunity, I then used my earth magic to launch a projectile towards him, delivering a powerful kick to send it hurtling in his direction.



Aurathos quickly blocked the flying rock with his tentacle arms, then his other arms turned into sharp claws aiming at me. I used my air magic to move quickly and dodge his attack.


But as the fight continued, I noticed my magic running low fast.Despite my efforts, I Know that my Avatar Roe form, with only 40 percent magic power, couldn't unleash all my magic power against Aurathos. I wish I could use my Jesus Avatar's after all his immense magic can beat Aurathos for good. But I knew I couldn't because this isn't a story about Jesus; it's about my Avatar Roe.

With everyone feeling tense and uncertain, Roe and his friends find themselves in a dangerous predicament. What will happen next? Is this the end of Roe's adventure? Find out in the next chapter!

To be continued