Chapter 22: 2 thousand Years Later

[Outside the universe]


Tears welled up in my eyes as I gazed upon the statue they made of me. The Eldoans had really outdone themselves, and I felt a warm fuzzy feeling inside. The planet I created thrived, and seeing the gratitude of its inhabitants filled me with pride. Now that the saga of my avatar, Roe, had concluded, I pondered my next move.


Should I create another planet or should I create Heaven this time?


I turned to my creation system and inquired, "System, how many contribution points do I have now that I have spread magic?"


The system responded, "You have 1 million contribution points, host."


"What? That's so little!" I exclaimed.


The system explained, "Host, you have only just begun to spread magic. It hasn't even been a month yet. That's why your contribution points are still low. Wait for many years, and your contribution points will significantly increase."


I nodded in understanding. "That's true. It's only been weeks since they learned magic, so yep." With a new idea forming in my mind, I turned to the system once more.


"System, can you fast-forward the time on the planet Eldan by 2,000 years? " I commanded.


The system acknowledged my request, and the world of Eldan began to shift and change as time accelerated by a millenniums.


[3rd Pov]

 Weeks, Months, Years Has passed.

As Jesus was revered as the God of Magic, having imparted the knowledge of magic to Belz and others. He was also known as the Son of the Heavenly Father Joe, bringing divine guidance and blessings to the Eldoans.


Belz became known as the Mother of Magic because she was the first to learn magic through Jesus and created powerful spells. Even though Roe was her teacher and an apostle, he didn't earn the title of Father of Magic. Instead, Roe became a celebrated hero for defeating Aurathos. Alongside him were Jono, Momoa, Mero, Xia, Ediz, Lero, and Lowena, who all played significant roles in defeating the evil calamity Aurathos. Although they were hailed as heroes, Roe's legacy as the legendary adventurer who sacrifice himself was the most impactful.


Zam, the brave warrior who died during the battle, was also honored as a hero in memory of his sacrifice.


Adam and Eva, the first Eldoans, had their own statues created by their descendants. Thousands of years ago, Cain reconciled with his mother, Eva, after his father, Adam, had passed away. This reconciliation brought peace to Cain's heart.



Momoa married Belz, and they had children together. Belz shared the story of their fight against Aurathos with their children, ensuring that the tale would be passed down through generations.



Jono became an adventurer to honor his friend Roe, who died on the battlefield. He lived his life as an adventurer in tribute to Roe's memory.

Xia, Mero, and Lowena focused on magical research alongside their master, Belz. Ediz and Lero followed their own paths, dedicated to protecting their village and continuing their own quests.




[Eldan: A Thousand Years Later since Roe died and Jesus Imparted the Knowledge]



Fast forward 2,000 years, and Eldan had changed a lot. Back in 900, the Eldoans lived in simple wooden houses, much like ancient humans. But now, in the 2930 era, their civilization had taken a giant leap forward.


The once simple wooden villages had grown into bustling cities. Stone and brick buildings lined the streets, and intricate architecture adorned public squares. The Eldoans had mastered not only magic but also technology, blending the two seamlessly.


Tall buildings made of stone and reinforced with magical materials rose high into the sky. Streets were paved with cobblestones, and magical lamps lit up the night, casting a warm glow over the city.


Education had become a cornerstone of Eldoan society. Large libraries and academies were filled with books on magic, natural sciences, and philosophy. Universities were established, producing scholars and magicians of great renown who pushed the boundaries of knowledge.


Trade and commerce thrived as well. Markets were alive with activity, with merchants selling goods from all corners of Eldan. Artisans created beautiful, enchanted items, from simple tools that made everyday tasks easier to elaborate works of art that enchanted the senses.


Public Transportation had improved, but it was still simple. Horse-drawn carriages were common, made better with small magic spells to make them last longer and be more comfortable. Ships, using both wind and magic, traveled across big seas, connecting faraway places.


Even with all these changes, the Eldoans still remembered their roots. Festivals and old traditions were celebrated with lots of joy. They looked up to Jesus as a god of magic, and his apostle Roe the adventurer was honored as a hero.

The statue of Roe and other Heroes such Belz The mother of Magic etc.. had become a famous spot, where people gathered to remember their history and get inspired for the future.


[Joe Pov]


As I watched from my spot outside the universe, I couldn't help but feel proud. The Eldoans had not just survived; they had thrived, building a civilization that blended the old with the new.



"The system informed me, 'Host, it's been 2000 years since you created it'


I was intrigued. 'Really? Then I must see the progress they've made.' I turned to the system and requested, 'System, show me the creation map mode.'



Suddenly, the display transformed into a comprehensive map of Eldan. It was like viewing a detailed blueprint of the entire civilization. I could see cities, towns, and villages, all interconnected by winding roads and flowing rivers. Symbols dotted the landscape, indicating important landmarks like buildings or something like that.



Taking a closer look, I saw the busy streets of the cities alive with activity, much like the bustling scenes from ancient Rome. The buildings were impressive, resembling those from ancient Rome but with a little bit advance due to magic. They were adorned with intricate designs and looked grand and majestic. The magical energy in the air gave the scene a mystical vibe, as if the land itself was brimming with life and potential.


Navigating through the creation map mode, I marveled at the progress they had achieved. It was incredible to witness the evolution of their society over the centuries. From humble beginnings to thriving metropolises, the Eldoans had truly flourished.


As I kept looking around, I felt a surge of pride. Their achievements showed how strong and determined they were. Their story was all about winning despite facing challenges, and I felt proud to have been involved.


[Meanwhile Inside the Eldan World]


Timeline: 2000 years


Meanwhile, inside the world of Eldan, 2000 years had passed since the time of Belz and Momoa. Their descendant, Bale Lomius, was renowned for her prodigious talent, rumored to even surpass the great Mother of Magic "Belz" herself.


Belz and Momoa's descendants had not only inherited their magical prowess but also their legacy of leadership and resilience. To honor their ancestors and to signify their own greatness, they adopted the surname Lomius. This name became synonymous with strength, intelligence, and innovation throughout Eldan.


The Tribe of Lomius had risen to prominence over the centuries, They were known for doing great things that became part of Eldoan history. From their ancestral roots to the present day, they had navigated challenges with unwavering determination, forging a path of excellence that inspired admiration and respect.



The Lomius family were like the guardians of ancient knowledge and leaders in progress. They were symbols of hope in a world full of magic and ambition. They didn't just sit around—they helped society in many ways. They made magic easier to understand and even made important discoveries. Plus, they were really brave in battles, doing things no one else could. They were basically heroes, making the world better for everyone.


As time went on, the impact of the Lomius family kept getting bigger, shaping Eldan's history in a lasting way. Their name wasn't just a name—it represented something much bigger. Its a symbol of the enduring spirit of perseverance and achievement that defined their lineage. 


[Outside the door of the professors' offices]

 Bale Lomius spoke up firmly, "Stop it, Lyro." She aimed to halt the mischief of Lyro Spera, descendant of Jono.


Just as Belz and Momoa's legacy lived on through the Lomius lineage, Jono's family carried forward their own surname: the Spera lineage. Spera embodied the essence of hope and adventure, qualities deeply ingrained in Jono's heroic spirit and passed down to his descendants.


After Jono became an adventurer inspired by Roe, his descendants inherited his adventurous spirit. The Spera family continued to thrive on the thrill of exploration and the promise of new horizons, just as their ancestor had done.


The Spera family lived for adventure and discovery. They eagerly embarked on journeys to new places, facing challenges with courage and determination. Whether exploring uncharted lands or confronting difficulties head-on, They faced every problem with a positive attitude and a strong will to succeed.


Through their journeys, the Spera family earned a reputation for their strength and positivity, motivating others to tackle life's challenges with bravery and hope. Their legacy was founded on the idea that no hurdle was too high to overcome and that every experience offered the chance to learn and develop.


Like Belz and Momoa's family were admired for being strong and smart, Jono's descendants were praised for their unstoppable courage and strong faith in hope. In a world full of magic and secrets, the Spera family were seen as a bright symbol of positivity and excitement, motivating the future generations.



Lyro's mischievous grin grew wider as he tried to justify himself, "Come on, it's just a one-time prank. You know how tough those professors can be; I just wanted to lighten things up a bit, kekekeke."


Lyro's mischievous grin faltered as Bale chided him, "You are really childish, hmmp!"


Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the stern voice of their teacher, Colerio Sapher, a professor of magical theory. "What are you two doing here?"



 Lyro's nerves kicked into overdrive as he nervously stammered, "Teacher Colerio, it's, uh, nothing, sir."


Colerio's penetrating gaze bore down on Lyro as he inquired, "Then What are you holding?"


Lyro attempted to deflect, his voice strained, "Just some tools, sir, nothing important."


However, Colerio saw through the facade. With a firm insistence, he demanded, "Hand it over."


Lyro hesitated, knowing the repercussions of revealing the foul-smelling potion. Yet, under Colerio's unwavering stare, he relented, reluctantly passing over the mischievous item. His heart sank as Colerio identified its purpose.


"This? A potion for creating foul odors," Colerio remarked, disappointment tinging his tone.


Lyro swiftly apologized, "I'm deeply sorry, sir."


Colerio's sigh was laden with disappointment as he pronounced the consequences, "Minus 10 points, Lyro."


Bale, witnessing Lyro's discomfort, couldn't help but stifle a giggle at his predicament. But her amusement was short-lived when Colerio turned his attention to her "You too, Bale, minus 10 points.".


"But it—" Bale attempted to protest, only to be swiftly interrupted by Colerio's firm voice, "No excuses! My decision stands. Now, both of you, back to your rooms."


Bale's heart sank at the unfairness of it all, but she knew arguing further would only make things worse. With a heavy heart, she resigned herself to the consequences and trudged off to her room.


Lyro, seeing Bale's disappointment, attempted to console her with light-hearted banter, "Come on, Bale, it's just 10 points. Don't be so down about it."



Bale turned to him, her expression somber, "Just 10 points? If it weren't for your prank, I wouldn't be in this situation. It's not just about the points, Lyro."


Lyro's playful demeanor faltered as he realized the impact of his actions on his friend. "I'm sorry, Bale. Please forgive me. I promise I'll be more careful in the future."


Bale looked at him, her expression softening, "Alright, but there can't be a next time, Lyro."


Lyro nodded earnestly, "I promise."

With an understanding and forgiveness between them, the two friends walked off together in their respective rooms. Little did they know, their journey was about to take them on a wild ride of excitement, danger, and amazing discoveries beyond their wildest imaginations.

To be continued