Chapter 24: Chalu The Chimpanzee  

As I observed the chimpanzee before me, a thought occurred to me. Turning towards the system, I spoke with a hint of excitement in my voice.



"System, can you make it so that this chimpanzee can talk to me in his dreams? Like in those anime where characters chat in dreamlike realms. Even though he's asleep in the real world, we can communicate in his mind. It's like a shared dreamscape where we can have conversations. Can you do that?"



The system acknowledged my request with a reassuring "Affirmative, host," and began the process of enabling communication within the chimpanzee's mind.



As I awaited the outcome, anticipation coursed through me. I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation at the prospect of establishing a unique form of communication with this remarkable creature.



With a little smirk, I decided it was time to bring out my Jesus avatar again. Sure, I felt a bit guilty about the whole charade, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do for the greater good, right? Even if it means bending the truth a little bit to move things forward.


[Meanwhile Inside Eldan]


Chalu, the young chimpanzee, turned to his mother Haly with a troubled expression, his thoughts consumed by the conflict between the beastfolk and the Eldoans.


"Mother, do you think there's any hope for the beastfolk to unite with the Eldoans?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.


Haly gazed at her son with a mixture of sadness and determination, gently caressing his face as she sought to comfort him. "My dear, you know how the Eldoans view us—the beastfolk. To them, we are nothing but monsters," she replied, her words heavy with the weight of years of discrimination.


Her fingers traced the outline of a necklace she wore, a tangible reminder of the struggles faced by their people. "Your father is currently in discussion with Her Majesty, King Regulus the 5th, regarding the ongoing attacks from the Eldoans," she continued, her voice laced with concern.


Worry etched across her features, Haly confessed her fears for Chalu's father, who fought tirelessly to protect their tribe. "I fear for your father's safety amidst the battles with the Eldoans," she admitted, her voice trembling with emotion.


Chalu nodded in understanding, his own apprehension mirrored in his eyes. "I know, Mother. I share your worries," he said softly, his thoughts drifting to the strength of King Regulus, renowned for his prowess as the lion king.


With a wistful gaze towards the sky, Chalu voiced a silent plea. "I hope that one day, our beastfolk tribes and the Eldoans will set aside their differences and come together as one united people."


[After the conversation between Chalu and his mother.]

As Chalu joined his friends Mandu, Lomi, and Raro, the group began discussing their plans for the day.


"So, what's on our agenda today?" Mandu, the wise and gentle elephant beastfolk, inquired, his deep voice carrying a tone of curiosity.


Lomi, fast and agile cheetah beastfolk, suggested a playful game. "How about a game of catch? If you can catch me, I'll reward you with a few bronze feralos," she proposed, her eyes sparkling with mischief.


Raro, the nimble and cunning cat beastfolk, grinned at the idea. "Sounds like a challenge! Let's see if you can outrun us, Lomi," he teased, his tail flicking with excitement.



[Name: Feralos (plural: Ferals)]


Symbol: Ƒ



Appearance: The Feralos coins show a lion and eagle together, representing bravery and freedom. On one side, there's a lion's face with a big mane and an eagle's wings behind it. They're surrounded by patterns that show how beastfolk communities work together. The other side has a picture of nature, like a forest or mountains, to remind us how important nature is to beastfolk. There are pretty borders around the picture, with words like "Strength in Unity." These coins are made from shiny metal and have special marks to make sure they're real. They're a symbol of how strong and united the beastfolk are.



Usage: Feralos could be used for trade among different tribes and communities of beastfolk.


Value: 1 Gold Feralos = 1 gold coin

 1 Bronze Feralos = 1 Bronze Coin



Mandu's voice carried a hint of maturity as he voiced his reluctance, "Oh, come on, we're 15 years old. We're not kids anymore."


"Oh, come on, Mandu, we may be 15 years old, but we're not adults yet," Raro interjected, his voice carrying a note of amusement. "Our beastfolk lifespan is different from that of the Eldoans. We have 250 years to live, whereas the ordinary Eldoans have a lifespan of 150 years. Of course, they can extend their lifespan through their magic tier circle or something like that"


While Mandu may have felt they were too old for such activities, Raro recognized that they still had plenty of time to enjoy the carefree adventures of youth before the responsibilities of adulthood beckoned.


Then Lomi noticed Chalu lost in thought, she approached him with a concerned expression. "What's going on, Chalu?" she inquired, her voice gentle yet probing.


Chalu sighed, his gaze drifting upwards towards the sky as he grappled with his thoughts. "Nothing, I'm just... you know," he replied vaguely, his words trailing off as he contemplated the weighty issue on his mind. "I've been thinking... do you think this ongoing war between the beastfolk and Eldoans will ever stop?"


Mandu and Raro exchanged glances, a silent communication passing between them regarding Chalu's question.


"Why are you even thinking about that, Chalu?" Mandu responded, his tone tinged with frustration. "Those Eldoans are murderers who have killed our beastfolk people!"


Raro intervened, attempting to diffuse the tension. "Calm down, Mandu," he urged, his voice steady and calm.


Lomi nodded in agreement with Mandu's sentiment. "Mandu is right. They are indeed murderers," she affirmed, her voice tinged with sorrow as she remembered her own loss. "My father died in that war between the beastfolk and Eldoans. Those Eldoans are the ones who killed him."


Her eyes searching Chalu's face, Lomi's tone turned somber as she shared her grim assessment. "There is no end to this war, Chalu. The only way it seems to end is with one faction destroying the other and emerging victorious," she concluded, her words heavy with resignation.


As Chalu pondered Lomi's grim words, a sudden sharp pain pierced his head, causing him to cry out in agony. "Aurgh!!!" he exclaimed, clutching his head as his vision blurred and darkness threatened to envelop him.


"Chalu!!!" his friends cried out in alarm, rushing to his side as he collapsed to the ground, unconscious and vulnerable.


Fear and concern etched on their faces, Mandu, Lomi, and Raro hovered anxiously over Chalu, their hearts pounding with worry for their friend's well-being.



With a sense of urgency, Mandu quickly picked up Chalu, holding him carefully. "We need to get him to the healer, Laksan," he said firmly. "I'm sure he'll know what's wrong with Chalu."


Lomi and Raro nodded in agreement, their concern mirroring Mandu's as they followed closely behind, their footsteps quickening as they made their way to seek aid for their fallen friend.



[Within the depths of Chalu's unconscious mind, a strange thing happened, he found himself in a weird place.]


"Hello, where am I?" Chalu ventured, his voice tinged with confusion and apprehension.


"We are in your consciousness, my friend Chalu," the enigmatic figure replied, their voice resonating with an otherworldly serenity.


Perplexed, Chalu regarded the figure with wide eyes. "Who are you?" he inquired, his voice trembling slightly with uncertainty.


The figure revealed themselves with a gentle smile. "I am Jesus, the Son of the Heavenly Father Joe," they proclaimed, their presence imbued with a sense of divine reassurance.


Chalu's breath caught in his throat at the revelation. "Jesus... you mean the God of Magic?" he stammered, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of the being standing before him.


Jesus nodded, their expression kind and understanding. "Indeed, child," they affirmed, their voice resonating with warmth and compassion.


Overwhelmed by the encounter, Chalu's mind raced with questions. "How... why are you here?" he managed to stutter out, his thoughts swirling with a mixture of awe and uncertainty.


Jesus gazed at Chalu with a tender smile, his eyes filled with a sense of understanding and compassion. "Chalu, my friend, I am here to share something important with you."


Chalu, shocked and stuttering, leaned in attentively. "Wh-what is it?"



Jesus regarded Chalu with gentle eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. "Chalu, my friend," he began, his voice carrying a weight of compassion. "The Heavenly Father, Joe, has been keeping a vigilant watch over the turmoil that plagues Eldan, the very world he crafted with care and love."

Chalu listened closely, feeling a wave of sadness wash over him as Jesus spoke. "War," Jesus continued, "has torn this world apart, like a never-ending storm, destroying the peace of the world"


Chalu's heart sank as Jesus mentioned the ongoing conflict. The weight of suffering and strife bore down upon him, filling him with a profound sense of empathy.


"In the midst of this chaos," Jesus continued, "your presence caught his divine attention. He sees within you a potential, a spark of hope that can ignite change."


Chalu's mind raced with disbelief. The idea that he, a simple chimpanzee, could hold such significance was almost too much to comprehend. "Me? Potential?"


Jesus nodded reassuringly. "Yes, out of all the beastfolk, you possess the unique ability to bridge the divide between the Eldoans and Beastfolk, to bring an end to the conflict that plagues this land."


Chalu's eyes widened in astonishment. "Truly?"


With unwavering confidence, Jesus affirmed, "I am certain, my friend."



Chalu's voice quivered with uncertainty as he poured out his concerns to Jesus. "But what am I supposed to do? I'm not strong, and I'm terrible at fighting. We beastfolk don't have any magic like the Eldoans do. All we have are our own unique special abilities and combat prowess, and... and I don't even have any special abilities."


Jesus met Chalu's gaze with unwavering reassurance. "Do not fret, Chalu. I will bestow upon you a gift, a power capable of uniting the world."


"Gift?" Chalu echoed, his curiosity piqued.



Smiling warmly, Jesus extended his hands, a radiant glow emanating from his palms. "Yes, a gift indeed. This is Aura," he explained gently, "a powerful energy that flows through all living beings. It has the remarkable ability to enhance one's natural body and strengths, allowing you to unlock your full potential.



As Chalu stood in awe, his mind reeling with the concept of Aura.

Jesus extended a welcoming hand. "Come here, my friend."



As Chalu moved forward, he felt a little scared. His heart was beating fast, but he believed what Jesus said. He trusted Jesus because he had a feeling deep down that Jesus wouldn't lie to him.



As Jesus gently placed his hand upon Chalu's head, a surge of warmth enveloped him. The world around him seemed to blur as he felt the transformative power of Aura coursing through his being.


"Aurgh!" Chalu exclaimed, his brow furrowing as he closed his eyes tightly, attempting to absorb the flood of new knowledge. It felt like trying to catch a river with his bare hands, overwhelming yet exhilarating.


Time seemed to stretch endlessly as Chalu grappled with his new knowledge. But then, suddenly, everything clicked into place. It was like a light turning on in a dark room. With newfound clarity, Chalu's eyes opened wide, filled with determination.


"I now understand the concept of Aura!" Chalu exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and wonder. The realization of his newfound abilities filled him with a sense of purpose unlike any he had felt before.


Jesus nodded solemnly, his form beginning to fade. "Then I should leave now, my friend, as I have bestowed upon you the Aura."


"Wait, wait!" Chalu called out, reaching out as if to grab hold of the fading presence. But Jesus was already gone, leaving behind only his words lingering in the air. "Spread the Aura if you want, my friend."


With those words echoing in his mind, Chalu stood alone, the weight of responsibility settling upon his shoulders. But within him burned a newfound resolve, fueled by the gift of Aura and the words of Jesus. He knew that his journey to unite Eldan had only just begun.


[Meanwhile Joe]

Outside the universe


As I thought about what I did as Jesus, I remembered that I didn't just give Chalu Aura; I also made him smarter, boosting his IQ to 180 so he could understand the complexities of Aura. However, the costliness of Aura was surprising. It took a whopping 10 million contribution points for just a basic Aura book.


"It's only natural, host," the system chimed in, its voice a reminder of the fundamental laws governing the universe. "Aura possesses the ability to strengthen both the mind and body of a person, a quality distinct from the basic magic spells you once purchased."



Nodding in agreement with the system's explanation, I turned my thoughts towards the evolving tale within Eldan. "Indeed," I mused, feeling a sense of excitement as I anticipated the unfolding events.

"Let's see how Chalu's journey unfolds and how Aura will shape the world of Eldan." With a feeling of anticipation, I settled in to witness the story as it continued to unravel, knowing that Chulu story had only just begun.




As Mandu, Lomi, Raro, and Laksan stood around Chalu's bed, the atmosphere was tense with anticipation. Mandu couldn't help but worry about his friend's well-being, while Lomi and Raro exchanged concerned glances. Laksan, the experienced healer, remained calm, his eyes focused on Chalu whole being.


Then Inside Laksan's healing abode, as Mandu, Lomi, and Raro gathered anxiously around Chalu's unconscious form. Mandu's concern was palpable as he turned to Laksan for answers.


"What's happening, Sir Laksan?" Mandu inquired, his voice heavy with worry.


Laksan, the seasoned healer, examined Chalu with a practiced eye before responding. "There's no physical ailment. It appears he's merely sleeping," he assured them.

[Laksan, with his weathered fur and wise, amber eyes, resembled a dignified old goat, His presence made everyone feel calm and assured, like they were in safe hands.]

Raro, showing some skeptical, voiced his doubts. "Are you sure, Old Man? We saw what happened earlier," he insisted.


Laksan remained steadfast in his diagnosis. "I'm certain," he affirmed.


Suddenly, Chalu's eyes fluttered open, surprising everyone in the room. and he rose to a sitting position, his gaze scanning the concerned faces around him. 


Lomi said, her voice filled with concern, "Chalu?"


But Chalu didn't respond to her. Instead, he announced, "I have something to say."


As Chalu's friends and the healer watched in anticipation, a sense of uncertainty lingered in the air. What would become of the world of Eldan? Could Chalu truly bridge the gap between the Eldoans and the Beastfolk? Would he be able to halt the relentless tide of war that had engulfed their lands for centuries?


Only time would reveal the answers to these questions. As we journey through Chalu's story, we'll discover the challenges he faces, the allies he finds, and the adversaries he must overcome.


To be continued