Chapter 29: Chalu’s Journey (5)  

As I watched from beyond the universe, Chalu and his friends trained together seamlessly. They were driven by a clear purpose: to bring both factions together for a shared goal. Chalu's leadership shone through, his charisma and strength inspiring his comrades to work towards unity.


However, my attention shifted to the other side —the Eldoans.



Ah, it seems there's some activity stirring among the Eldoans, huh?



[Eldoan side]

Inside the Eldoan kingdom, Bale Lomius, Lyro Spera , and their fellow classmates prepared for an expedition, eager to gain battle experience against the creatures lurking in the wilderness.



Aro Lupe, their magic teacher specializing in Offensive and Defensive combat magic, stood tall before the assembled students. His gaze swept across the group, each student eager and attentive, awaiting his words.



"Today," he began, his voice firm yet laced with a hint of anticipation, "we embark on an expedition." The declaration hung in the air, stirring a palpable sense of excitement among the students.



The students listened intently, nodding in understanding as Aro continued. "But," he added gravely, "be cautious. The monsters in the forest are different—they are wild and mindless."



A curious student, Eura Lomo with violet mullet hair, raised a question. "Sir, what's the difference between a monster in the forest and the beastfolk? They look the same to me," he remarked, his tone tinged with mockery, eliciting laughter from some of his peers.



"Pfttt, hahahah," chuckled the students, joining in on the jest.



Aro allowed himself a small smile before responding. "True, true," he acknowledged, playing along with the banter. "But remember, beastfolk are capable of speech, while monsters from the wilderness are not as intelligent."



With that clarification, the students prepared to venture into the unknown, armed with their magic and guided by their teacher's wisdom.



Aro issued his instructions clearly. "First, group yourselves into five and spread out to explore the forest on your own," he commanded, his voice firm but reassuring. "And remember, if you encounter a beast that you cannot handle, simply activate the teleportation device you've been given. It's a form of magic that will transport you back to safety. Understand?"



Each student nodded in understanding, their determination shining in their eyes as they prepared to embark on their individual explorations.



With a final nod from Aro, the students dispersed, venturing into the dense foliage of the forest, their senses alert and their magical abilities is already prepared.


[Bale side]


As they ventured into the forest, Bale Lomius, the smart leader type with brown hair, kept them focused. Lyro Spera, the yellow-haired adventurous guy, added excitement with his playful ideas. Lory Lawen, with her dark hair and proud attitude, led confidently. Bax Wood, fiery and hot-headed with red hair, was eager for battle. Roki Bilzton, practical with blue hair and sunglasses, kept them grounded.



In short, they formed a diverse group, each bringing something different. Bale was the smart leader type, Lyro was fun, Lory was confident, Bax was fiery, and Roki was practical and also smart.



Lyro's mischievous smirk widened as an idea formed in his mind. "Hey, what if we prank our fellow classmates?" he suggested with a mischievous glint in his eyes, his adventurous spirit sparking with excitement at the prospect of a playful prank.



Bale, the level-headed prodigy with brown hair and eyes, sighed at Lyro's mischievous suggestion. "I can't believe this guy," she muttered under her breath, her patience tested by Lyro's antics.



Lyro, the adventurous and playful boy with yellow hair styled in a messy manner, grinned mischievously. "Hey, don't be like that, Bale! We're in a forest full of adventure!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm contagious.



Bax, the hot-headed redhead with curly hair, eagerly expressed his desire for battle. "Speaking of adventure, I want to take down these monsters!" he declared, his determination clear as he anticipated the thrill of combat.



Roki, with his dark blue hair and layered haircut, remained pragmatic and cautious. "We need to be careful, Bax. In these forests, we don't know what might come our way," he warned, his practicality balancing out Bax's impulsiveness.



Lory, the prideful girl with dark long hair and green eyes, grumbled about the lack of luxury in their current situation. "Seriously, this is disgusting. I should have brought my servant," she complained, her annoyance evident as she longed for the comforts of home.



Roki reminded her firmly, "No servants are allowed here."



Lory huffed in response, her frustration clear as she pouted.



Observing the dynamics within the group, Bale suggested a course of action. "Guys, how about we explore over there? It looks like something interesting is happening," she proposed, pointing in the direction of a distant commotion.



Lyro's eyes lit up with excitement. "Let's go! Adventure awaits us!" he exclaimed eagerly, eager to embrace whatever challenges lay ahead.



Bax cracked his knuckles, ready for action. "I'm ready to pulverize these monsters!" he declared confidently, his determination to prove himself evident in his words.



With their individual personalities and motivations driving them forward, the group set off towards their next adventure.


As they ventured deeper into the forest, the group encountered a pack of Kwelers, creatures resembling orangutans but with razor-sharp claws. Bale was quick to spot them, alerting the others to their presence.


"Look, Kwelers!" she exclaimed, pointing towards the group of ten menacing creatures.


Bax's eyes gleamed with excitement at the sight. "They're my prey now," he declared eagerly, his hot-headed nature driving him to take action.


Bale's voice rose in a frantic plea. "No, Bax!" she shouted, but her warning fell on deaf ears as Bax charged headlong towards the Kwelers.



As Flame Bax faced down the approaching Kwelers, his fiery determination ignited his magic. With a fierce shout, he declared, "I'll burn you all to the ground!" His hands moved swiftly, tracing intricate patterns in the air as he conjured the power of his flames.



Forming a circle with his arms, Bax channeled his energy into a potent spell. "Tempesto!" he incanted, his voice resonating with power as the flames surged forth from his fingertips. Within the circle, a vortex of fire began to swirl, growing larger and more intense with each passing moment.



And then it takes the form of a large triangle of flames and It shot toward the Kwelers, roaring with heat and power.



As Bax unleashed his fiery spell, two of the Kwelers were engulfed in flames and quickly burned to ash. But instead of being intimidated, the other Kwelers became furious at the attack. With anger fueling their actions, they charged towards Bax with a clear intention to attack fiercely.



Facing the oncoming Kwelers, Bax remained defiant. "Come on, I'm ready!" he declared confidently, preparing himself for the imminent confrontation.



Meanwhile, Roki watched the scene unfold with a mixture of frustration and concern. "This idiot," he muttered under his breath, his practical instincts urging caution.



Bale swiftly formulated a plan, her quick thinking guiding the group into action. "We need to help Bax. Lyro and I will handle one side of the Kwelers, while you two take the other," she directed, her voice firm and decisive.



Roki nodded in agreement, recognizing the urgency of the situation. "Okay, but first, I need to support that idiot," he remarked dryly, his focus shifting to aiding Bax in the impending confrontation.



With their roles defined and their objectives clear, Bale led the charge, determination etched on her face as they prepared to face the Kwelers head-on.


 [Bale and Lyro side]

With seamless coordination, Bale and Lyro leaped into action, their movements synchronized as they prepared to engage the remaining Kwelers.


"Lyro, ready?" Bale inquired, her voice steady with determination.


A mischievous grin spread across Lyro's face as he responded confidently, "You don't have to ask me."



Bale nodded, her eyes fixed on the approaching Kwelers. With a calm determination, she summoned her magic without forming a circle. Her hand moved gracefully through the air as she concentrated, drawing forth the essence of water from her surroundings.


With a flick of her wrist, Bale shaped the water into a sharp, icy arrow. The once-liquid substance solidified into a frozen projectile, gleaming with frosty intensity. It was a testament to her skill and mastery over the elements. "Frost Arrow!!!,"she commanded



Following Bale's lead, Lyro mirrored her actions, summoning flames with practiced ease. "Fire Arrow!" he exclaimed, shaping the fiery energy into a deadly projectile of his own.



As the combined magical attacks took form, they surged towards the Kwelers with unstoppable momentum. Caught off guard by the speed and precision of the spells, the creatures had little time to react. The frost arrow pierced through one Kweler, encasing it in ice, while the fire arrow engulfed another in flames. With agonized cries, the Kwelers fell to the ground, defeated by the powerful magic unleashed upon them.



The synchronized attack of Bale and Lyro showcased not just their skill, but also the progress of magic over time. Through centuries of study and practice, magical techniques had evolved, becoming more potent and efficient with each passing generation. This evolution had reached a peak, resulting in spells that were faster and more powerful than ever before.

It was a clear demonstration of how magic had advanced over the years, culminating in abilities that surpassed those of previous eras.


Meanwhile on Bax side



As Bax found himself locked in combat with the Kwelers, his laughter filled the air, a testament to his reckless bravado. However, his carefree demeanor was soon interrupted when a Kweler lunged dangerously close, only to be thwarted by Roki's quick intervention. Utilizing his mastery over earth magic, Roki ensnared the creature's legs, immobilizing it momentarily.



Bax swiftly summoned fire magic into his hand, then aimed his fiery attack, called "Burn Palm," at the Kweler held by Roki's magic. He didn't need fancy spells or circles; he just let loose the flames. The Kweler, unable to escape, suffered in agony as the fire engulfed its face.



Roki couldn't help but express his exasperation. "I told you to be careful, idiot," he chided, his frustration evident.



Bax waved off Roki's concern with a dismissive grin. "Okay, okay, don't be a baby," he retorted, his nonchalant attitude unwavering.



Sighing in resignation, Roki warned, "That attitude will be your downfall if you're not careful."



"Lory said, 'Um....Plebeians, a little help here,' as she directed a stream of water magic towards the remaining Kwelers.



Responding to Lory's call for help, Bax and Roki swiftly moved to assist her, their irritation clear despite the urgency of the situation. With a mix of exasperation and determination, they retorted in unison, "We're not plebeians, Women!" Their voices carried a hint of annoyance, reflecting their frustration at being called upon in the heat of battle.


Meanwhile Joe pov


As I observed the events unfolding outside the universe, witnessing Bale and the others effortlessly dispatching the Kweler, I couldn't help but marvel at the strides made by this new generation. Their mastery over magic and combat was evident, a stark reflection of the changing times.


It wasn't just the Kweler they encountered; there were numerous other monsters lurking in the forest, each posing its own threat. Yet, the students handled them with remarkable ease. It was no wonder that the Eldoans held such dominance over the Beastfolk, even with their unique abilities known as "fok."


Many Beastfolk possess a unique ability known as "fok," but Chalu stands apart—he doesn't possess this fok, yet he has something far more potent: the power of Aura, a gift from me. I'm confident that he'll not only teach all Beastfolk about the fundamentals of Aura, regardless of whether they possess fok or not, but also elevate their understanding to new heights. However, even with this knowledge, they won't match Chalu's mastery. You see, I didn't just teach Chalu aura like any other people; I implanted the basics directly into his mind. Additionally, I enhanced his IQ to a staggering 180 plus. With such profound understanding and intelligence, Chalu has the potential to take Aura to unprecedented levels, perhaps even surpassing the prowess of Belz Lomius herself.


Reflecting on the Eldoans, I couldn't help but wonder about the potential of Belz in their era. With her unparalleled understanding of elemental magic and her genius intellect, she would have undoubtedly surpassed even the most advanced Eldoan mages. But such musings were mere speculation on my part, tinged with my own biases and fondness for Belz's legacy.



But then, amidst all my thoughts, something unexpected happened: the King decided to meet with Chalu. This was a surprise that grabbed my attention.


As I watched, I couldn't help but wonder what this meeting might lead to. Would it bring about some sort of agreement or understanding? Or would it stir up even more tension between the two groups? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


To be continued