Chapter 31: Chalu’s Journey (7)


[Outside of the universe]


As I observed from outside the universe, it was intriguing to see Chalu and his companions embarking on this risky mission, disguising themselves as Eldoans to infiltrate their territory. Welp The dynamics between the beastfolk and the Eldoans were complex, rooted in a history of conflict and animosity.


Just you know the Eldoans lived together under a single kingdom and ruler. Their unity resembled the early human civilizations when communities united to form organized societies. However, the exact reasons for the Eldoans' unified kingdom remained unclear. One could guess that their cohesion arose from a common fear of the beastfolk, their main opponents. This fear probably drove them to join forces, pooling their resources to confront the perceived threat posed by the beastfolk.



By the way, in the land of the Eldoans, there are many countryside areas, but they don't form separate kingdoms. Instead, they're all part of the larger Magux Kingdom, kind of like how different states exist under a central government in the United States, with Washington D.C. being the capital. So, think of it like different neighborhoods in a big city. Anyway, back to the story. It looks like they've come across an Eldoan man.



[Inside Eldan]


As Chalu the chimpanzee, Raro the nimble, cunning cat with orange fur, and Gori the Gorilla set off on their journey disguised as Eldoans, they moved cautiously through the dense forest. The air was thick with the scent of pine and the occasional chirping of birds. Sunlight filtered through the leaves above, creating patches of light and shadow on the forest floor.



"Let's go," Chalu said, holding a worn map that supposedly showed the way to the Eldoans' location. His brown fur blended with the shadows, making him almost invisible in the dim light.



Raro eyed the map skeptically, his yellow eyes, almost orange, narrowing. "Are you sure that map is accurate?" His sleek, orange fur bristled slightly, reflecting his unease.



Chalu shrugged, his broad shoulders rising and falling. "I don't know, but it's all we've got."



Gori snorted, crossing his muscular arms over his broad chest. "Such an incompetent leader." His black fur was almost shiny, and his presence exuded raw power.



Chalu chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry, eheh."



Suddenly, they spotted an Eldoan man in a robe adorned with an intricate crest, fighting off a group of monsters. His robe shimmered with enchantments, and his movements were precise and fluid.



"Look, an Eldoan man," Chalu whispered, pointing ahead. "It seems he's fighting some monsters."


The trio nodded at each other and approached the Eldoan man slowly. They watched as he cast a spell, "Wind Slash!" A blade of wind sliced through the air, cutting down the monsters in seconds. The creatures fell, lifeless, their blood soaking into the ground.



Raro's eyes widened in astonishment. "He took out all those monsters so quickly?" His whiskers twitched, and his tail flicked back and forth.



Gori gritted his teeth, his fists clenching. "And it wasn't just any monster, it was a hobgoblin." The tension in his voice was palpable.



Chalu nodded, his eyes serious. "Yeah, hobgoblins are known for their speed and toughness. He cut them down with ease."



Just then, Gori slipped on a loose rock, making a noise that echoed through the forest.



Raro muttered under his breath, "This dumbass gorilla…"



The Eldoan man heard the noise and spun around, his eyes sharp. "Who's there?"



Chalu glanced at Raro and Gori, signaling them to follow his lead. "Listen, we'll introduce ourselves, okay? Follow me."



Raro and Gori nodded, their faces tense.


Chalu stepped forward, raising his hands in a gesture of peace. "Um, don't attack us. I'm an Eldoan... and I'm Chalu." He motioned for Raro and Gori to join him, making a funny face to encourage them.



"This is my friend Raro and Gori. They are also Eldoan," Chalu added, trying to sound confident.



The Eldoan man looked at them skeptically, his expression nonchalant. "What? No way they are," he muttered, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.



Chalu tried to keep his voice steady, his heart pounding. "Kind sir? What did you say?"



The Eldoan man sighed, his face still nonchalant. "Nothing. I guess you all are from the countryside?" His gaze lingered on each of them, assessing their disguise.



Chalu laughed awkwardly, trying to dispel the tension. "Yes, we are from the countryside, right guys? Hahaha."



Raro forced a laugh, his orange fur bristling slightly. "Yeah, hahaha. We're just here for an adventure and then we found you, kind sir. You seem like someone important, maybe a noble. You have a wonderful presence." He grinned slyly, his yellow eyes glinting with mischief. "You're powerful too, the way you fought those hobgoblins—sheesh."



Raro glanced at Chalu and Gori, seeking their support. "Right, guys? He's super strong."



Chalu and Gori nodded silently. Gori gritted his teeth, recognizing the Eldoan's immense power. It reminded him of the beastfolk who had defeated him when he was 14, a memory that still haunted him.



The Eldoan man frowned, his eyes narrowing. "Stop your flattery. You have a sly tongue."



Raro chuckled nervously, his ears twitching. "Hehehe."



The Eldoan man introduced himself, his voice steady and authoritative. "My name is Colerio Sapher." His expression turned serious, his eyes boring into each of them. "I should be going now."



Chalu quickly interjected, desperation creeping into his voice. "Wait!"



Colerio turned, his gaze cold and calculating. "What?"



Chalu stammered, his hands trembling slightly. "Uh, we're lost. We just want to go to the kingdom."



Colerio sighed, his tone nonchalant yet slightly irritated. "Fine, follow me." He turned on his heel, his robe billowing slightly as he started to walk away, not bothering to see if they were following.



Chalu breathed a sigh of relief, realizing he had been tensing up without noticing. He glanced at Raro and Gori, and they shared a look of relief. With unspoken agreement, they hurried to catch up with Colerio, their hearts pounding in sync.



[Meanwhile Eldoans side]


A day had passed since their thrilling expedition, and the classroom buzzed with animated chatter as Aro Lupe, the seasoned magic teacher, surveyed his students with a knowing grin. His question hung in the air like a lingering spell: "How was your experience?"


Excited voices filled the room, each student eager to share their tales of adventure and triumph.


"It was great!" exclaimed one student, their eyes sparkling with excitement.


"It was amazing!" another chimed in, their enthusiasm infectious.


Then, amidst the chatter, came a curious revelation. "I even cooked that fish monster... what was it again? Fiso?" revealed one student, their tone a mix of pride and disbelief.


A wave of incredulous responses followed. "Dude, you ate a fiso? Are you crazy?" questioned a classmate, their disbelief evident.



But the adventurous spirit prevailed as the student confirmed, "Yep, it was delicious!"



Amidst the light-hearted banter, one student, in the throes of their chunibyo phase, made a dramatic declaration. "That hobgoblin is strong, but nothing could defeat the monster sealed in my arm," he proclaimed with conviction, his words met with a mixture of amusement and skepticism.

"Pfft, are you kidding me?" scoffed another student, unable to contain their skepticism at the fantastical claim.


Sensing the need to reign in the excitement, Aro interjected with a calming presence. "Okay, calm down, calm down," he urged, his voice firm but gentle as he redirected the focus back to the purpose of their discussion.

Once the classroom had quieted to a respectful murmur, Aro's gaze swept across the room, his eyes alight with curiosity and anticipation. "Can somebody tell me what they noticed about the expedition?" he inquired, his words prompting a thoughtful pause as the students contemplated their experiences.



Hands shot up eagerly, each student eager to share their insights and revelations from their time in the wilderness. But amidst the sea of raised hands, Aro's eyes settled on one individual, his gaze drawn to Bale Lomius, a prodigy whose exceptional observation skills were renowned throughout the kingdom. As a descendant of the legendary Mother of Magic, Belz, the Lomius family was esteemed for their innate talent and intellect in the magic arts.



"You, Bale," he called, his voice projecting confidence in her ability to provide meaningful insight.



Bale, poised and composed, rose to her feet, her demeanor exuding a sense of quiet confidence. "Well, sir," she began, her voice clear and articulate, "I noticed that teamwork was absolutely crucial during our expedition."



As she spoke, Bale's eyes sparkled with a quiet intensity, her words carrying the weight of genuine observation and reflection. "Each member of our group brought unique strengths and skills to the table, whether it was our magical abilities, strategic thinking, or resilience in the face of adversity."




Aro nodded approvingly, his expression reflecting a sense of pride in his student's astute observation. "Indeed, teamwork is crucial, everyone!" he declared, his voice commanding attention as he emphasized the importance of their collective efforts.



Locking eyes with each of his students, Aro's voice took on a solemn tone as he conveyed his philosophy with conviction. "In our war against the opposing Beastfolk factions, cooperation becomes our greatest asset. Each of you must leverage your individual capabilities—whether it be strategy, magical prowess, confidence, or even cunning—to secure victory," he imparted, his words imbued with a gravity that resonated with the reality of their circumstances. "Now, more than ever, as we engage in a battle against those Beastfolk, unity and collaboration will be our greatest strengths."



With his words hanging in the air, Aro's gaze lingered on his students, a silent reminder of the responsibility they bore as participants in the ongoing conflict. It was a lesson not just in magic or combat, but in the enduring power of solidarity in the face of warfare against the Beastfolk factions.



[Meanwhile in Chalu side]



After hours of walking, they finally arrived at the Magux Kingdom's front gate.



Colerio announced, "We are here in the Magux Kingdom."



Chalu noticed the long line of people waiting at the gate.



Raro murmured to Chalu, audible only to him, "Chalu, not good. They have magic check-ups. It looks like they can see through our disguises. What should we do?"


Chalu gulped, feeling the weight of the situation. He murmured back, "Shit. What should we do?" He then tried to reassure Raro, whispering so only he could hear, "We just have to pray that they can't see through our disguises."



Raro's expression tightened with worry. "I told you this was a bad idea."



Colerio interrupted their conversation, gesturing for them to follow. "Follow me."



Chalu exchanged a glance with Raro and Gori, and they nodded in silent agreement. Chalu knew they had no choice but to follow Colerio. Escaping now would only raise suspicion.He really hoped that no one would see through their disguises.


As they approached the checkpoint line, the guard recognized Colerio immediately.



"Sir Colerio," the guard greeted with a respectful salute.



Colerio nodded in acknowledgment, his expression remaining nonchalant. "You can check me first."



The guard complied, inspecting Colerio thoroughly. After confirming his identity, the guard saluted once more, showing even greater respect.



Colerio acknowledged the guard's diligence with another nod.



Then The guard, noticing Chalu, Raro, and Gori, inquired, "Should I check them too, sir?" as he glanced at them.

Colerio declared, "No need."


The guard hesitated for a moment, but ultimately followed Colerio's command. They trusted Colerio implicitly, considering his position as one of the king's vassals and a teacher of magic theory. There were even rumors that Colerio surpassed the strongest mage of their era, Rowena Lomius, although such claims remained speculation.


Raro was taken aback by Colerio's decision, suspecting ulterior motives.


Meanwhile, Chalu held a different perspective. Despite Colerio's nonchalant demeanor, Chalu sensed kindness emanating from him. He believed in Colerio's inherent goodness, trusting his instincts over his doubts.



[Joe POV]


As I observed from the outside of the universe, witnessing the unfolding events, a question nagged at me: Why did Colerio let them in? It seemed suspicious, as if he knew something about Chalu and the others.



"Would you like me to show you, host, why Colerio let them in and what his past is?" the Creation System said.



I nodded in agreement. "Okay, show me everything," I replied.


The system affirmed, "Affirmative, host. Initiating data transmission."



As the system revealed Colerio's past and the reasons behind his actions, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for him. The hardships he endured and the choices he made were laid bare before me, painting a complex picture of his character.



I wanted to share the intriguing details I'd learned about Colerio, but I resisted the temptation. After all, part of the excitement of storytelling lies in uncovering the mysteries and complexities of each character along the way. I trusted that readers would enjoy discovering Colerio's past for themselves as they journeyed through the story.



With that in mind, I returned my focus to Chalu and his companions, eager to see how their adventure would unfold.


To be continued