Chapter 34: Chalu’s Journey (10)


[Inside the Theory Class]


The theory class buzzed with excitement as the new term began. Five notable students from prominent eldoan families sat together, discussing their expectations for the year ahead.



Bale Lomius, with her brown hair, came from a family known for their exceptional intellect. Next to her was Lyro Spera, the yellow-haired boy from a family famous for their adventurous spirit and curiosity. Lory Lawen, with her dark hair, carried herself with pride and arrogance, often clashing with her peers. Bax Wood, with his fiery red hair and hot-headed nature, added a volatile edge to the group. Finally, Roki Bilzton, the practical one with blue hair and ever-present sunglasses, often served as the voice of reason.



As they debated the possibilities of their upcoming lessons, the door to the classroom creaked open. The room immediately hushed, with Bale being the first to notice their teacher's entrance. "Guys, Sir Colerio is here," he announced, drawing everyone's attention to the front. 



Sir Colerio, known for his strict yet fair demeanor, stepped into the classroom with his usual commanding presence. But this time, he wasn't alone. A new face followed him, catching everyone's attention. The newcomer was a short, cute boy with orange hair that looked charmingly messy. His white skin stood out among the diverse eldoan students.



The classroom erupted into a murmur, curiosity and speculation filling the air. Colerio cleared his throat, calling for silence. "Quiet," he said, his voice authoritative. As the murmurs subsided, he addressed the class. "This person from now on will be your classmate. He has an affinity for Air and Water."



A wave of shock and further murmuring swept through the room. It wasn't every day that a new student with such unique dual affinities joined their ranks.



Bale, always the question one, asked what everyone was thinking, "Who is this guy?"



Lyro, eyes sparkling with interest, added, "I don't know, but he is interesting."



Bax, ever the blunt one, couldn't resist a jab. "Shorty," he muttered under his breath.



Roki, rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses, sighed, "Stop it, Bax."



Lory, with a teasing smirk, said, "He is kinda cute, though, unlike you two," directing her playful insult towards Roki and Bax.



Roki retorted with a grin, "I agree, he's cuter than you."



Lory's temper flared. "What did you say!!" she snapped, glaring at Roki.



Sir Colerio's eyes flashed with irritation as he called for order once more. "Silence," he demanded, his nonchalant gaze silencing the room instantly.



Turning to the new student, Colerio gave him a nod. "Introduce yourself."



The boy stepped forward, his nervousness evident but masked by a shy smile. "Hello, guys. I'm Raro, 15 years old, from another countryside. Heheheh." Raro chuckled awkwardly, trying to fit in with the eldoans. What they didn't know was that Raro was actually a beastfolk, a secret he had to keep hidden for his own safety.



The class watched him with a mix of curiosity, skepticism, and intrigue. To them, Raro was a new puzzle, a potential friend, or perhaps a rival. But for Raro, this was a chance to start anew, to blend in and survive among the eldoans while keeping his true identity a secret. He didn't have a choice; his desire to learn magic and support his friend Chalu in Chalu's ambitious goal of uniting their people drove him to take this risky path. As he took his seat, the students whispered among themselves, speculating about the new boy and what his presence might mean for their class.


[Meanwhile In the Battle]


Rowena gazed out at the battlefield, her eyes fixed on the chaos unfolding before her. Beastfolk clashed fiercely with Eldoans, the sounds of battle echoing across the landscape. With determination etched on her face, she raised her hands, channeling her magical energy.



Without the need for a circle or incantation, Rowena unleashed her spell, her voice cutting through the din of combat, "Hell Flare!"



A torrent of blazing flames erupted from her fingertips, streaking toward the beastfolk who were locked in combat with the Eldoans. Panic swept through the beastfolk ranks as they scrambled to evade the inferno, but the encroaching flames left them with nowhere to run.



Desperation filled the air as the beastfolk cried out in terror and agony. "No!" one of them shouted, while others wailed in anguish as the flames consumed them.


Rowena's lips curled into a triumphant grin as she watched the devastation unfold. "Serves you right, you beastfolk!" she declared, her voice laced with bitter satisfaction.



Her eyes blazed with anger as she recalled the loss of her Big brother at the hands of the beastfolk. "This is what you get for killing my brother," she spat, her voice dripping with venomous hatred. In that moment, her thirst for vengeance burned brighter than ever, driving her to unleash her wrath upon her enemies without mercy.


Meanwhile on Beastfolk side


Falo, the third vassal from the Eagle Tribe, possessed a sharp mind and an extraordinary ability to see vast distances. Her proficiency in camouflage made her an indispensable asset to the kingdom, especially in times of conflict. As she witnessed the devastating events unfold, she vowed silently to herself, "You will pay for what you've done, Rowena Lomius!"



Swiftly, Falo utilized her Fok abilities to cloak herself from view as she flew towards the barracks to deliver the grim news to her comrades. Tears welled in her eyes, a mixture of sorrow and seething anger at the loss of her fellow warriors.



Upon reaching the barracks, Falo encountered Lee, the esteemed first vassal from the tiger tribe. Lee's reputation as a martial arts prodigy preceded him, and his bravery on the battlefield was legendary among the Beastfolk.



Concern etched on his face, Lee approached Falo as he noticed her tear-streaked eyes. "Falo, what's happened?" he inquired, his voice tinged with worry.



Struggling to contain her emotions, Falo relayed the tragic events. "Some of our comrades fell at the hands of Rowena Lomius," she explained, her voice quivering with grief and anger.



Lee's expression darkened with anger and determination as he heard the news. "Rowena Lomius," he muttered, his voice tinged with disdain. "The direct descendant of Belz Lomius, the legendary mother of magic. Her power is unmatched, and her hatred for the Beastfolk runs deep."



With a steely resolve, Lee clenched his fists, his jaw set in a grim line. "The Lomius family's animosity towards us is well-known," he growled. "But mark my words, one day, I will exact revenge for every Beastfolk life taken by their hands, just as her brother perished in that war."



Falo nodded solemnly, her own eyes reflecting the pain and determination mirrored in Lee's gaze. Together, they shared a silent vow of vengeance, their hearts heavy with the weight of their shared loss and the burning desire for justice.



[Joe side]

Observing the conflict from outside the universe, my heart sank as the senseless violence unfolded before me. The sight of Eldoans and Beastfolk locked in a brutal struggle, with no regard for the lives being lost, filled me with a profound ache.


"Damn it," I muttered under my breath, my thoughts consumed by Rowena Lomius and her devastating power. Witnessing her incinerate her foes with such ease only reinforced the magnitude of her threat. I couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility, knowing that she was a descendant of my disciple, Belz Lomius.



 Belz Lomius, the student I once guided as my avatar, Roe. Looking back, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow for the path Belz had chosen. Our shared history was riddled with moments of pain and loss, each one leaving its mark on her journey.



I couldn't stop blaming myself for the mess we were in. Every decision I made, every vision I chased—it all seemed to have backfired, leading to this chaos and sadness. What was meant to be a heroic sacrifice by Roe had turned into a heartbreaking story of pain and misery. a stark reminder of the unintended consequences of my actions.


[Well Let me explain to all of you, my intention had been to create a story of noble sacrifice, a narrative showcasing heroism and selflessness. But things didn't go as planned. Roe's sacrifice in the battle against Aurathos ended up causing unexpected problems, which now lead to this moment.]



Then as I reflected on our past interactions, it became clear how those moments had shaped Belz into the person she was today. From our initial mentorship to the tragic events that followed, each experience had contributed to her descent into darkness.



I let out a deep sigh, feeling the burden of my choices weighing heavily on me. It was hard to accept that my efforts to create a story of heroism had actually made things worse. When it came to light that Beastfolk were linked to Aurathos due to their bloodline deepened the existing divide between them and the Eldoans. This revelation fueled more prejudice and tension, adding fuel to the fire of conflict.



[Well all of this happened back in Expansion Era]


After the deaths of my avatar Roe and the calamity Aurathos a century ago, Belz witnessed a startling revelation. Beastfolk, creatures with the intelligence of Eldoans but the appearance of animals, emerged from hiding. Initially, Belz and others sought peace with these beings, believing them to be long-existing inhabitants of Eldan that they only discovered by now.



However, everything changed when it was revealed that the blood of these beastfolk bore a striking resemblance to that of Aurathos. This discovery ignited fear and anger among the Eldoans, who saw the beastfolk as manifestations of Aurathos's malevolence. The belief spread that these creatures had gained consciousness through Aurathos's tainted blood, turning them into a new breed of calamity.



Fuelled by prejudice and fear, some Eldoans waged war against the beastfolk, viewing them as a threat akin to Aurathos himself. This conflict, born out of misunderstanding and mistrust, would go down in history as a dark chapter in the annals of Eldan.


So, Yeah that's the backstory behind this conflict. But let's return to the tale of Chalu. Because I truly believe he has the potential to bring an end to this war. My faith and trust in him is unwavering.


To be continued