Chapter 48: Chalu’s Journey (24)  

Colerio's revelation hung in the air like a lingering mystery, casting uncertainty over the group. Chalu, Raro, Gori, and Bale exchanged bewildered glances, grappling with the implications of Colerio's knowledge and his unexpected rescue.




Raro, still visibly shaken, stuttered out his question, his voice wavering. "H-How did you... kno-w?"



Colerio maintained his nonchalant demeanor, though his eyes betrayed a hint of emotion. "I have a gift for sensing. It's not foolproof, but it gave me insight into who you are. When I met you, I sensed something different about each of you, and I also didn't feel animosity between you three."



Chalu, the weight of the situation settling heavily on his shoulders, spoke up next. "Then why did you hide it from us, Gori, and Raro? Why keep our secret?"



Colerio's gaze softened a fraction as he regarded Chalu. "I kept your secret because I believe in fairness in every being, whether you are Eldoans or beastfolk. And also..."



Chalu pressed on, his curiosity piqued. "Also?"



Colerio hesitated briefly before continuing, his voice steady. "Nothing, some things are better left unsaid. All you need to know is that I don't care about your origins as long as you are not a threat."



Gori, who had been quietly listening, voiced his skepticism. "But why now? Why reveal this to us and protect us, especially after everything that happened today?"



Colerio's expression still nonchalant but his eyes still show a little bit emotion. "Because the situation has escalated beyond what I anticipated. Aro's reaction today showed me that tensions are rising dangerously between Eldoans and beastfolk. I had to intervene to prevent further harm."



Bale, sensing the underlying tension in the conversation, spoke up softly. "Sir Colerio, what do we do now? Where do we go from here?"



Chalu nodded in agreement with Bale's question, his expression serious. "Yes, Sir Colerio. What's our next move? After all, you, Bale, and Lyro have become criminals for protecting us beastfolk."



Colerio, maintaining his calm demeanor despite the weight of the situation, responded with assurance. "Don't worry. I have a safe house that only I know about. For the time being, we should stay there to ensure your safety."



Chalu nodded gratefully, his conflicting emotions of relief and uncertainty evident. "Thank you, Sir Colerio. For everything."



As they walked towards the hidden safe house, nestled deep within the dense forest, Chalu's emotions were a whirlwind of gratitude and apprehension. The fact that Colerio had known their true identities all along was still sinking in. He stole glances at his companions—Raro, who appeared cautiously hopeful; Gori, whose skepticism lingered beneath a facade of composure; Bale, whose loyalty to Chalu was unwavering; and Lyro, whose curiosity about their beastfolk nature seemed genuine and accepting.



Approaching the safe house, a sturdy yet simple structure hidden from view, Colerio gestured for them to gather around a weathered wooden table inside. His voice, calm and reassuring, broke the tense silence that had settled among them.



Colerio, ever composed and thoughtful, addressed them with a calm authority. "I understand this must be overwhelming, especially for you, Bale and Lyro, who have been caught up in these events. Please, feel free to ask any questions you may have. I will answer to the best of my ability."



Bale, her concern palpable in her voice, spoke up first. "What happens now, Sir Colerio? Are we fugitives? Will the kingdom hunt us down?"



Colerio's response was steady and reassuring, his gaze encompassing the group. "For now, you are safe here. This safe house is well-hidden, known only to a few trusted allies. I will do everything I can to protect you."



Gori, ever skeptical, couldn't help but question Colerio's claim. "But you said only you knew about this place. Who else knows?"



Colerio met Gori's gaze evenly. "You're correct. Among the school staff, only I knew about it. However, there are a few of my companions outside of the academy who are aware of this safe house. They are not here, but they can be trusted."



Chalu, sensing the need for clarity and unity among them, spoke up next. "I know you all must have questions about why we came to the Magux Academy in the Eldoans kingdom."



Bale, her curiosity piqued, voiced her question. "I have a question. Why did you come here, Chalu?"



Chalu's expression turned thoughtful as he considered his answer. "I came here with a purpose—to unite our people. I wanted to understand the Eldoans, to bridge the gap between our factions. If we can understand each other, perhaps we can find a way to end the war."



Lyro, fascinated by Chalu's goal, couldn't contain his admiration. He gently reached out to touch Raro's cat ears in a moment of camaraderie, but Raro stopped him, his annoyance evident.



Lyro smiled cheekily at Raro, his enthusiasm evident on his voice then he look at Chalu and said. "That's amazing, Chalu! Uniting the two factions... It's like a dream."



Bale, reflecting on her own desires for unity, spoke softly. "I, too, wanted to unite our factions. But I lacked the power to make a difference."



Chalu turned to Bale, determination shining in his eyes. "Then we work together. Together, we can achieve what none of us could alone."



Bale met Chalu's gaze, her resolve firming. "Together," she affirmed.



Chalu nodded, a sense of purpose settling over the group. "We will unite our factions. We will find a way."



Colerio fixed Chalu with an intense gaze, his face serious as he asked a profound question. "Do you truly believe you can achieve this? Can you really unify two factions that have been fighting for thousands of years?"



Chalu met Colerio's eyes with unwavering resolve, his demeanor serious yet determined. "Yes Sir, I do. It won't be easy, but I'm committed to this goal. I won't give up until I succeed."




Colerio's expression softened slightly, his voice gentle yet probing. "And if you fail?"



Chalu's response was immediate, infused with a quiet confidence. "Well If I fail then maybe I died, because the only thing that can stop me from trying is my death. As long as I'm alive, I'll continue to pursue peace." He offered a reassuring smile to his teacher, Colerio.



Colerio returned also a smile, a flicker of pride touching his features. What he saw in Chalu echoes of another determined figure he once knew, whose conviction had also shaped Colerio's own mindset.



As Chalu expressed his unwavering commitment to uniting their factions, Bale couldn't help but be moved. Her heart began to race inexplicably, a mixture of admiration and something more, causing her to instinctively clutch her chest.



"Chalu, you're truly amazing," she murmured softly, her voice filled with genuine admiration. The emotions stirring within her took her by surprise, catching her off guard. She hadn't expected to feel such a strong connection to him, his words touching something deep inside her.



Unaware of the budding feelings within her, Bale tried to steady herself, murmuring quietly to her racing heart. "Calm down... What's happening to me?"



Little did she realize, she was falling for Chalu, the chimpanzee beastfolk who had captured her admiration with his unwavering determination.



Meanwhile, Gori observed the exchange with a grunt, his thoughts kept to himself as he processed the unfolding dynamics among them



[Lyro side]


Lyro's curiosity knew no bounds as he bombarded Raro with questions, his excitement spreading in the safe house where they stood.



"Raro, what kind of food do you eat?" Lyro asked, genuine curiosity lighting up his face.



Raro, still adjusting to the new situation but maintaining his usual wit, replied with a hint of amusement, "Um, the same food as everyone else, I guess?"



"Cool!" Lyro exclaimed, undeterred. "Do you eat raw food? I'm just curious!" His eyes sparkled with childlike wonder.



Raro shook his head firmly, his expression serious. "No, we don't eat raw food. Well, maybe some do, but I definitely don't. It's kind of disgusting."



Lyro's fascination continued to shine. "Oh, interesting! And what are beastfolk like? Are they strong, big, or something?"



Raro, now slightly exasperated with the barrage of questions, raised an eyebrow. "Don't ask so many questions," he replied with a hint of annoyance.



"Hehe, sorry, sorry," Lyro apologized quickly, sensing he might have crossed a line.



Colerio watched Lyro and Raro interact with a mixture of nostalgia and sadness flickering in his eyes, especially when he looked at Raro. It reminded him of someone from his past—a person who had been dear to him and whose absence still weighed heavily on his heart.



Meanwhile, Chalu and Bale engaged in a serious conversation nearby, their voices low but earnest. Chalu, always the peacemaker, spoke passionately about his vision to unite Eldoans and beastfolk. His words carried the weight of determination and hope, outlining a future where understanding and cooperation could replace centuries of mistrust and conflict.



Bale, listening intently, found herself increasingly admiring Chalu's dedication and conviction. Her gaze softened as she absorbed each word, seeing in Chalu a leader who could inspire change and foster reconciliation between their peoples.



Gori, who observed them from a distance with his usual grumpy expression, was nonetheless drawn to the seriousness of their discussion. Despite his outward demeanor, Gori couldn't help but recognize the sincerity in Chalu's words and the genuine admiration Bale held for him.



In the safe house where they stood, surrounded by the calming sounds of nature, their conversation held the promise of unity amidst the lingering tensions between Eldoans and beastfolk. Each moment spent deliberating their shared future brought them closer together, forging bonds that would be crucial in the trials ahead.



Little did they realize that their journey towards unity would soon be put to the test in unexpected ways. But in this brief moment, they drew strength from each other and the quiet assurance of Colerio's safe house.



As I observed the world of Eldan from outside the universe, a sense of relief washed over me. Colerio had managed to transport Chalu, Bale, Gori, Raro, and Lyro to safety just in time. Despite his outwardly nonchalant demeanor, I knew Colerio to be a kind-hearted man, and I knew from his past experiences that Colerio had endured deep trauma, which had shaped him into the person he was. His nonchalant demeanor masked a kind heart, forever haunted by tragic memories that he carried with him.



Reflecting on Chalu's journey and the unfolding circumstances, I pondered the best course of action for them. It seemed prudent for Chalu to reunite with Mandu and their fellow beastfolk. Together, they could strategize and plan their next moves, perhaps even seeking an audience with the king or another influential figure.



I feel stupid not knowing what will unfold in Chalu's journey, and I hope he won't face too much hardship. I feel guilty because I gave him that aura power so he could reunite the two factions, and I know how hard that is. After all, it's not an easy feat to reunite two factions that have been at war for a thousand years. Heck, if I were the one to do this, I don't know if I could. Even though I'm a god, I don't like manipulating minds to reunite the two factions. Can I really do that despite being a newbie god? And I'd be a dictator if I brainwashed them.



My thoughts turned to Chalu and his journey. I believed in his potential to bring about change, but I also knew the challenges he would face. Athos, a formidable adversary, still lurked in the shadows, growing stronger with each passing day. If Chalu failed in his quest to unite the factions and confront Athos, the consequences would be dire for Eldan and possibly beyond.




I hoped for Chalu's success, not just for the sake of Eldan, but for the balance of the universe itself. The stakes were high, and the road ahead was fraught with uncertainty. But amidst the uncertainty, I held onto the hope that Chalu's determination, coupled with the support of his newfound allies and the wisdom of Colerio, would guide him towards victory.




As I watched over their circumstances, I knew that whatever unfolded next would test their resolve and unity. For now, all I could do was watch and hope that Chalu would find the strength and courage to face the challenges ahead and ultimately succeed in his mission to unite, protect, and confront the looming threat of Athos.



To be continue