
Not knowing any details about the resurrection ceremony, Dumbledore had not understood why they didn't just kidnap Harry immediately. Why wait so long? Did they really think that Crouch could remain undetected in Hogwarts for an entire year? They had decided it was too risky to let Snape reveal himself to Crouch, as the Dark Lord's reaction would be unpredictable. So Alastor Moody had been left in his magical trunk until the Third Task rolled around and Voldemort finally made a move.

"I think I can safely say that our plan will not involve magical trunks, my friend," Dumbledore smiled. "And I am sorry that we could not discover you sooner. I would have endeavored to put Harry in the Dark Lord's hands long before the end of the tournament."

"As to your question," Dumbledore continued, "I'm afraid that any new plans for Harry will have to wait until Severus returns from Eastern Europe. The Dark Lord has sent him to gather restricted potions supplies for some foolish ritual or other. I am hopeful that he will return soon and that we may set a trap for Voldemort."

Moody's lip curled at the mention of Snape. "I hope you know what you're doing with that sneaky bastard, Albus. Once a Death Eater, always a Death Eater, I say."

Dumbledore sighed and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "I am well aware of your opinion of Severus, Alastor; trust me when I say that he is working for the Dark Lord's downfall. He is just as appalled as I am with Voldemort's behavior since his return."

Moody snorted. "What's he doing then? Making skin suits out of muggles?"

Dumbledore winced at Moody's bluntness. "Thankfully, nothing so extreme yet. But his new appearance is nothing at all like his previous one. And apparently he is very fond of using the cruciatus curse on his followers; he rants about revenge constantly and is very unstable."

"Well, thank Merlin for small blessings. Maybe the wanker will take out his own forces and we won't have to fight them."

"I can only pray that we are so lucky, Alastor. It is growing imperative that we stop the Dark Lord before he can make himself known. I fear that he will try to destroy the magical world rather than rule it."

"Just tell me when and where, Albus, and I'll be there. Better keep a closer eye on your bird, this time, no?" he replied, his magical eye focusing on Fawkes' sleeping form.

Dumbledore nodded. "I shall endeavor to do so, Alastor. Sometimes Fawkes has a mind of his own."

Moody grunted in acknowledgement as he rose from his seat. "I need to be off; Dung has guard duty tonight at Potter's and he's probably dead drunk in a pub. Are we going to be watching the place all summer?"

"It looks likely. Molly Weasley is complaining about the danger to her family if he goes there, and I obviously don't want the boy here," Dumbledore sighed. "I'm starting to wish those blood wards weren't so powerful."

Moody smirked a little on his way out. "Well, we'll make sure the lad stays put until the time is right."

"Thank you, Alastor, and remember that only Severus and Kingsley know the truth about Mr. Potter's ultimate role."

"Aye," replied Moody. "I'll keep it under wraps."

Dumbledore smiled wanly at Moody's departure, and then turned to stroke the scarlet feathers of his sleeping familiar.

"What am I going to do with you, Fawkes?" Dumbledore whispered.

Fawkes snuffled softly, cocked a single eye at Dumbledore's voice, and then went back to sleep.

Fawkes was in many ways still an enigma to Dumbledore, and he wasn't certain that "familiar" was the best word for him. Phoenixes were very mysterious creatures, and no one really knew why they bonded with certain wizards or where they went when not serving their 'masters.' Even their immortality was a subject of speculation rather than fact.

Fawkes had flashed into his life one morning in 1977 and just stayed. He had just finished a meeting with his Head Boy and Head Girl, James Potter and Lily Evans, when Fawkes made his unexpected entrance. The fire bird had landed on Dumbledore's desk, cocked his head at the man, and then flown to a perch that Dumbledore kept in his office for visiting owls.

From that moment on, Fawkes had been a reassuring constant in Dumbledore's life. The phoenix's presence made others hold Dumbledore in even greater reverence, as phoenixes supposedly bonded only with great light wizards. Though Dumbledore couldn't truly communicate with the bird, it seemed to understand what he wanted and usually did what he wanted. Usually.

The phoenix seemed to have taken a liking to Harry Potter that made Dumbledore very uneasy. In Harry's second year, Fawkes had rescued Harry from the basilisk without being ordered to do so. Most recently, he had removed Harry from mortal danger after the Dark Lord's resurrection, his timely intervention preventing the fulfillment of the prophecy.

Dumbledore had been beyond irritated by the bird's most recent interference, but did nothing more than chide him for "sticking his beak where it didn't belong."

In truth he was a little afraid of what might happen if he antagonized Fawkes too greatly; he wasn't sure just what the bird was capable of. Fawkes seemed to disapprove of his plans for Harry, yet he remained here in this office, doing the other things Dumbledore asked of him without hesitation.


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