Beauty and Bravery

While trailing behind her, Harry could not help but notice how well-dressed Parvati was for so late in the evening. She had taken off her black Hogwarts robes and donned a light blue outfit that looked to Harry like some combination of a dress and a robe. The blue color presented a nice contrast with her long black hair and dark bronze skin. Parvati truly was a very attractive girl, and Harry knew it. He thought her best feature was the brightness of her smile, her white teeth standing out beautifully against the color of her skin. If she weren't such a divination-obsessed gossip, Harry thought, I might have crushed on her last year rather than Cho Chang.

But the fact was that Harry didn't have a crush on Parvati, however much he admired her beauty, and he was faintly annoyed that she was persisting in trying to help him. He was grateful to both her and her sister for informing him about what they heard, but now he failed to see how a girl like Parvati could help him. She may do me more harm than good, Harry thought.

When they arrived on the seventh floor, Harry removed his cloak and led Parvati toward the Come-and-Go Room. She watched him pace back and forth in front of a blank wall, and then a door appeared which led into a luxurious room that looked very familiar to both of them.

"Wow, what is this place?" Parvati asked in wonder at the exact replica of the Gryffindor common room.

The two seated themselves on a huge couch near the fire and Harry explained to her how Dobby had introduced him to the room. She was impressed that he had a house elf, as they were usually associated with old pureblood families. Harry just stared into the fire as she talked, not sure how to broach the topic they were there for. Silence eventually reigned.

Finally breaking the awkward moment, Parvati asked in a small voice, "What are you going to do, Harry?"

Harry didn't meet her eyes and continued to stare at the fire.

"I don't know yet…it…well, at first I didn't believe it was real. I'm still trying to get a handle on things."

Parvati had no answer for this, and after another tense silence, she interjected, "Harry, I think you should leave Hogwarts. The sooner the better."

Harry snorted. "Do you? And where should I go?" he snapped out bitterly.

Parvati frowned at his tone, but otherwise ignored it.

"Well, I don't know, do I? I guess you can't go back to your relatives; the Headmaster would you find you there…don't you have a family home or something that you can hide in?" she asked.

Harry sighed and shook his head. "It was destroyed the night I got this bloody scar."

"What about friends in the muggle world?" tried Parvati.

Harry couldn't hold in another small snort. "Parvati, every muggle I grew up with thinks I'm a deranged criminal. They'd probably turn me in to the police."

Harry brooded for a few seconds, then said bitterly: "Look, Parvati, you and Padma are the only two people I know who are not suspect, as far as I'm concerned. My two best friends are plotting to have me killed, and Merlin knows who else is in on it. I've got an elf, an owl, and the Patil twins on my side. I'm bloody well fucked."

Parvati gave no immediate response, but did feel a little slighted by Harry's dismissal of her help. This whole situation was just so far beyond her usual comfort level.

She ground her teeth while musing for a moment, then spoke aloud. "You've got to start somewhere, Harry. Maybe you should make a list and figure out what you need…I wish Padma was here; she's so much better at thinking things through."

Harry eyed Parvati for a few seconds, choosing his words carefully.

"Parvati, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not sure how you can help me. I don't even know why you're trying to help me. You know that if someone sees us together you'll be in danger, right?"

Now Parvati was offended. "Well pardon me for trying to do the right thing, Harry Potter. Would you rather I just left you in here to rot? It seems to me you need all the help you can get."

Harry sighed. He wasn't trying to be mean to Parvati, but he didn't really think she'd be an asset to him right now.

"I'm sorry, Parvati. It's just…well, you're not exactly the kind of girl who's into, er, this kind of thing. I mean, I know you can do magic…I just….I mean the things you know about are a little too, girly, I guess, to help me."

Parvati surprised Harry by standing up and glaring at him with flashing eyes.

"Too girly, huh? I've got news for you, Harry Potter. I am a girl. And just because I like dancing and nice clothes, it doesn't I'm mean stupid or a coward. Would you stand aside and do nothing if someone you knew was about to be murdered?"

Harry, a bit shocked at her outburst, shook his head hesitantly.

"Well, neither would I, you bloody git. And it's got nothing to do with being a girl. But I'm delighted to know what you truly think of me," she snapped.

Harry thought he heard her mutter "bloody wanker" under her breath.

Harry put his head in his hands and exhaled deeply. He really was being an arse, taking his frustrations out on her of all people. She was right, after all. He did need all the help he could get, even if it came from someone like Parvati Patil.

"Now," Parvati continued evenly, still standing over him, "should I go get Padma so she can help your sorry arse or should I leave you here to whine about how 'fucked' you are?"

Harry, properly shamed, decided that he should take the former option.

"I'm sorry again, Parvati, and I do appreciate your help. I'm not thinking clearly, and I'm taking out my anger on you. You don't have to get Padma. Hang on a sec."

Harry reached into his robes and pulled out the Marauder's Map. It had not left his presence today, as he felt the need to know where his potential enemies were at all times. He quickly located Padma, who was alone in the Ravenclaw dorms.


Dobby popped into the Come-and-Go Room less than a second later.

"How can Dobby be helping, Harry Potter sir?" he asked eagerly.

"Dobby," Harry said, gesturing in Parvati's direction, "this is Parvati Patil. She's a friend of mine who's trying to help me get of here alive."

Dobby bowed toward Parvati and she gave him a beautiful smile in return. "Hi, Dobby."

"Dobby," Harry continued, "Parvati's twin sister is named Padma, and she's in her room in Ravenclaw Tower. Do you think you could find her and tell her to come to the main seventh floor corridor and meet us?"

Dobby nodded enthusiastically and popped away before Harry could thank him.


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