Inner Circle Conundrums

October 4th, 1995 – Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office

"Headmaster," Severus Snape spoke into the uncomfortable silence, "that won't work for very long, and it's, well, a little disturbing."

"Well what else would you suggest, Severus? We are running out of options here, and Miss Tonks has other duties," said Dumbledore in irritation.

It had been just under 24 hours since Harry Potter's escape from Hogwarts, and Dumbledore's "inner circle"—Moody, Snape, and Shacklebolt—were discussing how to deal with his disappearance. It was imperative that his flight not become public knowledge. The 27 members of the Order of the Phoenix were discreetly searching for any sign of his whereabouts, but so far they had discovered nothing. Harry had not used his wand since leaving Hogwarts, and, without Fawkes' cooperation, there was no other way to track him.

Ironically, it was Moody who had recommended polyjuicing someone to temporarily replace him. Since Dumbledore possessed a small lock of Harry's hair, this was a potentially viable solution.

The group was shocked because Dumbledore had just proposed that Molly Weasley be the one to masquerade as Harry Potter. The chief problem was that they had only 47 hairs, which would allow for just several days worth of impersonation, even if "Harry" didn't sleep in the dorms. But it was the thought of Molly Weasley, a frumpy, middle-aged woman, inhabiting Harry Potter's adolescent male body that brought the conversation to an abrupt halt. She would be eating, sleeping, and studying with other teenaged boys, including her own son.

"I see no other options, Severus. Everyone else would be missed, and we can't use another student. Harry must show up for classes tomorrow or Umbridge will grow suspicious. If the Prophet learns of his disappearance, we are in trouble."

Shacklebolt, who had been listening to the exchange in silence, spoke up. "Even with polyjuice, Headmaster, we can only keep up the charade for a few days, and I agree with Snape that Molly Weasley is a terrible idea. She won't be able to mimic Potter's voice, and it is a little…creepy," he shuddered.

Moody took over from Shacklebolt, clomping his wooden leg in impatience. "Well, it will have to be the contagious disease ploy then, even if it's flimsy. That should keep Umbridge away from Potter for at least a few days while we sort him out. I still don't understand how the boy managed to get out of this castle, Albus. I thought you had him warded in."

Dumbledore sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "As I said, Alastor, there was a very strong suppression ward in place. It should have pushed him back if he tried to leave the castle wards, but I hadn't expected him to be flying full speed on his blasted broom."

But Moody wouldn't let the point go, eager to lay the blame for this disaster at Dumbledore's feet. "So you created a ward that would snap like a rubber band when tested? That's how you keep safe our most important commodity in the whole damned war?"

Dumbledore's temper flared at this accusation. "There was no indication that he was suspicious of anything, Alastor. You know we couldn't just lock him in a room, and if I had made that ward any stronger it would have been lethal. It shouldn't have been necessary with all of the tracking charms, anyway," he grumbled into his beard.

"Gentlemen, it's pointless to worry about this now," Snape snapped irritably, for once in his life the voice of reason. "We have to find Potter immediately, and our best hope is that the imbecile uses his wand for something. I'd say there's a strong possibility of that," he sneered.

When no one else spoke up, Snape continued. "Headmaster, I can delay no longer. I must inform the Dark Lord of this; if he learns of it from elsewhere, he'll kill me himself."

Dumbledore sighed again and clenched his jaw. "Very well, Severus. Perhaps it is for the best that he is looking for Harry as well. If Voldemort finds him first, at least the prophecy will finally be fulfilled. If we find him first, we may still be able to follow our original plan."

Dumbledore rose from his desk, indicating that he no longer wished to continue this meeting. "Very well, gentlemen, I shall inform Poppy that Harry Potter has a contagious case of something or other and has been quarantined in St. Mungo's." Hearing no objections, he concluded with steel in his voice. "We all know our tasks, so let's be about them. Be ready to move the moment that your charmed galleon vibrates."


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