The Cost of Freedom

"Well, she was right," responded Dinesh, smirking just a little. "And you're lucky she begged me to do this. I wouldn't have done it for any amount of money otherwise."

Harry nodded. "I do appreciate it, and I'm happy to pay you. Did you have a price in mind?" he asked, fifteen years of naiveté shining through.

Now Dinesh gave him a full smile, his teeth straight and white like Parvati's, despite his apparent cigarette habit. "Well, how much do you have?"

Dinesh chuckled at the look of annoyance that washed over Harry's face.

"I only have 75 galleons on me. I can't get more without going to the bank, and that's a bad idea right now, obviously."

"That it is, lad, that it is," Dinesh agreed. "So we can delay payment for awhile, since you have more important concerns at present."

Here he paused, considering for a moment and taking a deep drag on his cigarette.

"10,000 galleons sounds about right, Harry Potter," he exhaled, blowing smoke right in Harry's face. "Is your life worth that much?"

Harry coughed and goggled a little at the amount Dinesh mentioned. He did some quick math in his head—he still thought like a muggle when it came to matters of money—and realized that Dinesh was asking for over 50,000 pounds.

"That's a lot of money," Harry replied, his eyes watering. "But if I have it I'll pay it. I promise."

He knew he was being shaken down by this unscrupulous man, but thought it unwise to bargain with him. There was no use tempting him to sell Harry's whereabouts to the highest bidder.

Dinesh considered him for a moment and then nodded. "It's settled then. 10,000 galleons, as soon as you can safely get it."

He stood and ambled toward what Harry thought was a pantry. "Are you hungry? There's not much to eat around here, but I thought maybe your elf could take care of that."

"That's alright," said Harry. "I'm sure Dobby will be happy to feed us while I'm here. He can probably steal stuff from Hogwarts."

Harry yawned widely. Since he sat down, his adrenalin spike had worn off and he was now feeling the effects of the night's excitement. It was past 2AM, and he badly needed some sleep.

Dinesh noticed, and pointed back to the living room. "That couch in there is yours. I'll find a blanket for you, but remember, no magic."

Harry nodded, rising from his chair and stumbling toward the living room. Suddenly all he wanted in the world was to close his eyes.

Harry awoke seven hours later to the smell of something frying in the kitchen. He stumbled to the loo to relieve himself, then made his way to the kitchen. He discovered Dobby levitating a couple of plates toward the table, where Dinesh was already treating himself to a breakfast of ham, eggs, and fried potatoes.

"Harry Potter Sir!" Dobby exclaimed, "Breakfast is being ready."

"Thank you, Dobby," Harry said, seating himself at the table and piling up a huge plate of food. He was absolutely starving after yesterday's excitement.

"Dobby, when breakfast is over, would you please pop back to Hogwarts and let Parvati know that her uncle and I are safe, and that she and Padma have my eternal gratitude for helping?" Harry asked. "But be careful, Dobby, make sure no one else sees you."

Dobby nodded happily. "Dobby will do, Harry Potter Sir."

"I'm going out for a few hours," interjected Dinesh, between mouthfuls of food. "Do NOT leave this flat for any reason while I'm gone."

Harry nodded, but was suddenly wary. Dinesh had basically strong-armed him into a 10,000 galleon payout last night; would he now go elsewhere and try to get more? Harry's paranoia had become a constant companion for the past three days, and it was telling him to tread carefully here.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked.

"Didn't say, did I?" replied Dinesh casually, regarding Harry with a slight smirk. "I know what you're thinking, lad. I'm not going to hand you over to someone for more money. I've got business; that's all."

"What is it you do, exactly?" Harry inquired; there was no indication in the flat that Dinesh was employed in any capacity.

"This and that," Dinesh replied, his smirk growing wider. "Nothing you need to know about, lad. You just be thinking about where you're going to go. If I were you, I'd disappear in a big muggle city."

Harry nodded, continuing his breakfast as Dinesh wiped his mouth and rose to go.

"Excellent meal, my little friend," he said in Dobby's direction on his way out.

Harry heard the door open and close, and was finally left alone with his thoughts. Dobby stood anxiously by the sink, and looked like he might have a stroke if he weren't allowed to clean the filthy flat.

"Harry Potter Sir, Dobby is having a favor to ask," Dobby said meekly, his eyes on the floor.

Harry barely restrained a laugh at his little friend's behavior. "Go ahead, Dobby; I don't think Dinesh will mind you cleaning up. Just don't move things around or touch anything that looks dangerous."


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