Berserk Assassin

With over a hundred skill points, Milcar has a large branch of skills to choose from, depending on the skills he chooses, some more advanced skills will be unlocked and then the higher skills, following this pattern several times until he chooses a killer max level skill.

For this reason, Milcar has to be careful and choose well the talent tree.

Among the various assassin talent trees, there is one that catches Milcar's attention.

This is the "Assassin Berserk" talent branch, a talent branch whose maximum ability is to be able to accumulate the souls of slain enemies to strengthen himself physically.

Berserk Assassin is a rather obscure profession, noted mainly for its ability to engage in melee combat.

However, unlike a paladin or a warrior, a Berserk Assassin is totally different, the Berserk Assassin is all about exchanging damage with the enemy.

To sum it up, "Assassin Berserk" can help a battle berserk become stronger the more damage he takes.

Not only this, but also Assassin Berserk is known for its great ability to damage the enemy.

Thinking about this, Milcar quickly starts to choose skills, some skills of Assassin Berserk need several or even dozens of skill points to reach the maximum, so Milcar doesn't have much to decide.

In the end, five skills were added to Milcar's empty repertoire, one of them is the Edge skill.

This skill allows Milcar to sharpen his daggers or short swords to a level that even seems impossible, the second skill is wound exchange, every time Milcar takes damage his strength and agility will increase slightly, the third skill is a skill that can make him invisible for a long period of time, it is useful when trying to ambush enemies of the same or lower level than you.

The fourth skill is blood for blood, this skill is used to improve the quality of the iron in your daggers or short swords, it consists in mixing the blood of the killed enemy with your own blood to bathe your daggers or swords in that blood for one night.

The next day, the steel of the sword or the material of which the sword is made will acquire more hardness and purity, therefore it can be sharpened with much more intensity.

The last skill is a skill that increases Milcar's hagility by 10%.

Nodding Milcar keeps the adventurer card in one of his pockets, he raises his head ready to eat the delicious toad meat in front of him.

There was a slight moment of silence, Milcar's group seems to have decided something, they all look at Milcar with frowns.

Ignoring the awkward situation, Milcar licks his lips, ready to eat the fried toad that glistens alluring his attention.

At this moment, unnoticed by anyone, a delicate little hand covered by a black glove grasps a toad leg that is too similar to a chicken leg only bigger.

The hand quickly brings the chicken leg closer to Milcar's mouth.

Squinting his eyes Milcar watches this hand for a moment before raising his head slightly to look at the owner of that hand.

Milcar's eyes dilate slightly, he smiles and a faint gleam passes through his eyes.

"My little walking nuclear bomb!!!,", Miclar suddenly shouts, startling Megumin and his group.

Receiving several looks `, Milcar begins to cough lightly to ease the tension, "I mean, lady Megumin, it's good that you're here", Milcar smile as he gives Megumin a friendly look.

Megumin with a flushed face can't look Milcar in the eyes, every time she tries to raise her head the image of Milcar naked and her naked, the two of them embracing goes through her mind.

Although Megumin knows she has no right to complain because it was probably all a coincidence, that doesn't mean that something has not happened to keep her awake at night.

However, Megumin still forces himself to look Milcar in the eyes.

"And, I want to...", there was a slight silence after megumin muttered those words.

Kazuma who was watching Megumin sighs in disappointment, he is a fan of curvy women and Megumin is a loli not at all attractive to him, so, KAzuma just continues to eat the frog meat on his plate.

Aqua squints her eyes, unconsciously moving a little closer to Milcar, Eris watches Megumin for a moment, a frown passes over her pretty face before she looks at Milcar with some suspicion.

However, Darkness smiles brightly at the sight of Megumin, some strange thoughts seem to be going through DArkness' mind.

"I want to join your group... I mean, please... Do you wanna take?..." Finally Megumin mutters with a voice like a gnat, what led her to make this decision and come to explicitly look for Milcar is a sense of belonging.


Before, after escaping like a headless chicken, Megumin discovered a little early that there was a large amount of water starting to flood the forest, coincidentally her archmage clothes were swept away by the current, saving her from having to look for clothes or buy new clothes.

However, her problem remained the same, food.

Previously Milcar had offered her an opening to join his group but she could not respond because Aqua's intense gaze made her heart pound.

But, now things are different, not only was she rescued by Milcar from becoming part of the black goblin corps, but she also had a close encounter with Milcar.

Also, it can be said that Megumin felt all of Milcar's love hitting one of her buttocks hard, obviously nothing happened, but Megumin always has the feeling of something slightly sticky staining one of her buttocks.

This is a medieval society, Megumin can't help but feel that her purity has been tainted, u with an aggrieved expression, Megumin could only think of looking for Milcar and trying to get closer to Milcar.

After all, even if Aqua is present at Milcar's side, should it still be possible to become a concubine, Right?

Megumin who unconsciously started to think that way, still can't help but blush.

"Hmph, hahaha, by the way, that's good, that's good, that's good, Megumin, come on sit down, they'll bring some food for you soon".

Milcar smiles generously, ready to order lots of food for Megumin.

"Hey, Why do I feel like this girl has something weird on her mind?", Auqa thinks to herself before watching Megumin cautiously, "Am I not being too...?", Aqua wonders inside her mind, however, her low IQ prevents her from thinking of the reason why Megumin would want to join the group.

Faced with this prospect the dinner went off without a hitch, everyone ate and drank some wine...,

"Eh, I forgot, tomorrow we'll buy a big house, hehehe", Milcar speaks casually making everyone at the table watch him.

"Brother Milcar, are you serious?", Kazuma asks in disbelief, his eyes start to fill with tears about to come out and his expression is slightly embarrassed.

Note: Are your hear this?... yes, its me, its me saying I love Modern Talking music