Calm before the battle

At this moment, the shouts of various spectators in the stands can be heard. These shouts are due to the appearance of a woman with scant clothing, marked muscles, a calm face, short hair, and cat ears in the battle arena. This woman is none other than Seresdina.

There was a brief moment of silence before many men began to shout with joy.

"My love!!!, Why don't you come to my house?, I'll take care of you and feed you every day!",

"Darling!!, Come on, show us more skin... More skin!!, More skin!!",

Several men go crazy seeing this scantily clad woman stretch her limbs in a pre-battle warm-up.

In the VIP box, the fat Alderp smiles, his eyes fixed on the woman. After all, this woman is his most precious treasure.

In this moment of immense noise created by a crowd of people, Milcar walks calmly towards the coliseum, his eyes calm as he checks his own abilities.

Milcar's Qi control has improved; now the Qi in his body can do more than just increase his physical strength. If he thinks about a basic law of physics, Milcar can manifest some fire in the palms of his hands.

If Milcar practices a little more, he is sure he can shape the fire or make it move quickly towards his enemy.

Aqua walks behind Milcar, bouncing while murmuring something difficult to understand.

Although Aqua has reached the first level of Qi condensation, she doesn't seem to realize the new power she now possesses. In fact, she can lift rocks weighing several hundred kilos or crush coins as if they were nothing.

When Aqua noticed her strength and agility, her eyes simply shone with curiosity, and she began to play with various things.

Aqua doesn't seem to be the type of woman interested in battles. Milcar has noticed that whenever Aqua is near him, she acts differently than when she is near someone else.

Taking advantage of the moment, Milcar grabs Aqua by the waist and begins to kiss her sweet lips, taking his time to savor the beauty in front of him before telling her to find a place to sit or somewhere to be in the coliseum.

Aqua observes Milcar suspiciously, her eyes somewhat bright and her expression somewhat confused, "You're going to hit her on the face, Right?", Aqua suddenly asks with a voice full of seriousness.

There was a slight moment of silence, Milcar looks at Aqua with some confusion but then Aqua smiles, she moves her hands to take out a chocolate candy from the bag she was carrying.

"Forget it... I'll give you this, so, you know, hmph, hit her on the face...", Aqua mutters as she shoves the chocolate candy into Milcar's hands as if she's doing something illegal, Aqua smiles nervously before heading towards the coliseum.


In the Coliseum.




The shouts grow louder, with several men screaming for the battle to begin. Milcar can hear them from his position, but he simply ignores these shouts as he enters one of the coliseum's entrances, walks down a corridor, and arrives at a compartment the gladiator can use to enter the coliseum's battle arena.

There wasn't even a moment of tension or hesitation in Milcar's eyes before he walked several steps forward.

In the battle arena, which is more than a hundred meters in diameter, Seresdina, wearing a tight bra that barely covers her nipples and light underwear, sits on the floor, her eyes watching the compartment that should open to let her opponent in.

"That man shouldn't have escaped, Right?" Seresdina wonders in her mind.

As one of the demon king's generals, Seresdina has many powerful abilities. However, having these abilities also took away the fun she used to find in overcoming a challenge.

A year ago, Seresdina embarked on a mission to find strong men to fight. One day, she found a book hidden in a forest.

The book was called "The Art of Governing", a book about how one should use their power.

Since that moment, her life changed completely, the way she fought changed, and now Seresdina can be considered one of the strongest existences among the demon king's generals.

Last night, she simply thought about killing Milcar for a bit of fun. However, after the handshake with Milcar, Seresdina's thoughts have been chaotic.

While Seresdina thinks about all this, the forged gates that should open to let her opponent out emit a loud sound similar to a creak.

This quickly catches Seresdina's attention, and she lifts her head to see where this creak is coming from.

Her eyes widen enormously, her body trembles, and her mind cannot process what she sees.

Milcar, with one hand, pushes the huge forged iron door weighing several tons forward.

The iron door in the shape of a grid bends with Milcar's push before the entire iron door flies out as if something had thrown it.

Everyone in the coliseum watching Milcar with terrified eyes swallows hard at this moment. How is this even possible?

The shouts stop, and a silence falls over the entire coliseum.

In the VIP box, Alderp drops the chicken leg he was eating, his surprise evident. That door made of molten metal weighs at least ten tons; a man, with the simple push of his right hand, bent this metal and sent the door flying.

Alderp's eyes widen in surprise, his mind unable to process what his eyes see.

At the same time, Alderp's son gets up from his seat and quickly runs to the railing of the box to get a closer look at Milcar.

"Impossible", Alderp's son murmurs through clenched teeth, his mind working to process what he saw.

After all, Milcar's feat is comparable to the feats of the strongest adventurers in the entire kingdom.

Alderp's son, Walter Alexei Barnes, quickly turns around to look at Milcar's group.

His eyes scan all the girls and the only boy present, trying to read their expressions.

However, Walter is even more surprised to notice that Milcar's group is observing the arena with relatively calm expressions.

Maybe they don't know that door weighs more than a dozen tons?

A slight thought crosses Walter's mind before he calms down. After all, these feats are incredible but not completely rare in the Kingdom of Belzerg. In fact, Walter had heard that recently, a young man with blonde hair appeared who could exert unparalleled strength and agility.

Walter swallows hard before calming down, and Alderp does the same, regaining his composure.

Alderp's shrewd eyes observe Walter; there wasn't even a need for a word for Walter to understand what his father was trying to communicate.


Sometimes I like to think that I travel to an anime world but only to retire, spend time planting plants, cooking, eating and just sitting in one of those old people's chairs.