Blow by Blow

After several hours, Milcar washed Eris's body in a nearby lake. He patiently dressed Eris in the clothes that had been discarded earlier, not without first washing them, and kissed Eris on the forehead.

After making love to Eris, she reached the first level of Qi condensation, just like Aqua. Eris couldn't bear the pleasure and fainted with a perverted smile.

Now, Milcar has reached the eighth level of Qi condensation.

Unlike before, when he could advance several levels, as he progresses to higher levels, the difficulty of advancing in his cultivation also increases.

After bathing and putting on the blue clothes that Aqua had given him, Milcar embraced Eris's body and lifted her in a princess carry before disappearing from the place.


There were no perverted movements from Milcar. He calmly entered the castle and let Eris rest in her bed before leaving her room, not forgetting to cover her tired body with a white sheet.

Milcar was about to prepare a hamburger with fries, meat, and cheese when he noticed something strange in the castle.

A bit cautious, Milcar extended his perception using his Qi to see who is in the castle, only to realize that his entire group was peacefully sleeping in their own beds.

Then, What is this strange sensation?

Milcar narrowed his eyes. With his cultivation level at the eighth stage, he could easily be considered one of the ten most powerful beings in this wonderful world. Defeating characters like Beldia would be easy for him at this moment. However, Is there still someone who could make him feel this way?

Milcar narrowed his eyes at the thought of this possibility. Who could it be?, The Demon King?, Vanir?, Or perhaps something that didn't appear in the anime?

The feeling of danger in Milcar's heart disappeared after a few seconds. Milcar glanced at the ceiling for a moment before licking his lips with some impatience.

Then, Milcar looked at the door not far from him. The next moment, a knock came from the main door where Milcar had been looking.

It is no surprise to him. After all, thanks to his spiritual perception, he could easily know who is visiting.

Milcar quickly opened the door. The person knocking is a beautiful woman with large breasts and hair shaded between yellow and orange.

"Lady Luna... It's been a while, it's...", Milcar smiled at this familiar woman. Luna also smiled slightly upon seeing Milcar. She made a slight bow, causing her breasts to move from side to side, before handing a letter to Milcar.

"It's from Governor Alderp, Mr. Milcar. Please keep in mind that this might be very important," Luna's voice sounded extremely serious, with a hint of envy as she looked at Milcar with some surprise.

After all, this novice adventurer had gained the favor of Alderp Alexei Barnes, to such an extent that the greedy governor sent one of his trusted people to ask her to deliver this letter.

Why didn't Alderp's men come to deliver the letter to Milcar?

Alderp thought it would be good for Luna, a beautiful woman working at the adventurers' guild, to have more contact with Milcar. After all, Who knows?

"Oh, Mr. Milcar, I forgot to mention...", Luna smiled mysteriously, taking a few coquettish steps towards Milcar, her lips getting closer to Milcar's right ear.

Luna's breathing is slightly agitated and hot, her bright eyes observe Milcar with a certain hidden desire, she lets out a light moan as she gets too close to Milcar's body, to the point that Luna's two large nipples, with silhouettes easily Visible due to their thin clothing, they could be about to touch Milcar's muscles.

"In a few hours, there will be an auction for rare items in Axel city. Many important people from the Belzerg kingdom will attend. If you have some money, don't forget to attend this auction. I've been informed that you've been looking for high-level weapons. This could be a good opportunity..", Luna said coquettishly before attempting to step back. However, before she could do anything, Milcar had already disappeared from his position and gave Luna a hard spank.

"Kyaah!!!", surprised, Luna can only feel a slight combination of feelings coming from both of her buttocks to her brain, she screamed in pain and pleasure. The sensation of her plump buttocks being slapped felt like an electric shock that activated the pleasure receptors in her buttocks.

Luna couldn't help but fall to the ground, her large breasts crashing against the floor in the castle entrance. Her heart skipped a beat as her brain processed what had happened. A moment later, she couldn't help but grit her teeth in anger and resentment.

What did this adventurer think he was doing?, Spank her like that?, Didn't he know she was the jewel of the adventurers' guild?

Luna was about to stand up to slap Milcar with all her strength. However, before she could do anything, a hand covered her mouth and another lifted her forcefully. Subsequently, Milcar closed the castle door and pushed Luna's body against the thick wall of the castle.

"Do you think you can act like that in front of me?, Who do you think I am?.. Hmph", Milcar murmured with feigned anger, his dangerous eyes looking into Luna's slightly surprised eyes.

"Well, since you like to act coquettishly, Why don't you take off some clothes and dance?", Milcar smiled wickedly as he observed Luna's entire body.

The anger in Luna's body quickly turned into regret and fear. Knowing Milcar's power, she could only swallow her saliva. What could this man do?

A cold chill seemed to freeze all of Luna's bones as she searched for words in her mind to beg for her life.

After all, these were the instructions of Alderp's subordinates. They promised her a good amount of Eris if she acted coquettishly towards Milcar, and another good amount if she managed to take Milcar to bed and win his love.

She never thought Milcar would be so wicked as to take her coquettishness as an offense and react this way. Luna's heart skipped a beat as she tried to open her mouth to beg for her life.

However, before Luna could say anything, from among the weeds surrounding the castle, a woman with an elegant hat, a blue suit with golden decorations, accompanied by two guards, came into the light.

"Enough!... I've seen too much of this spectacle!!!", The elegant woman took several steps forward. She wore high heels and black fishnet stockings that only highlighted the charm of her thick thighs, a small secretary skirt that barely covered the important parts, and a beautiful face with glasses.


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API = A Person from India