
As to why this story is not widely known in Axel as well as in the Belzerg kingdom, perhaps it is because it simply happened five hundred years ago according to Duke.

With this new information received, Milcar gained no information about the power of the Demon King, however, Milcar still feels some confidence in his own power in the establishment of the foundation.

Now, with a new target in sight, Milcar simply wants to wait for a while before going to kill the Demon King.

After all, the Demon King lives in a secluded area in the heart of the demon city and the entire city is guarded under a protective barrier that is kept in place by the demon king's generals.

Although Milcar can use his Qi to break this barrier according to himself, he still needs to wait for some time before going to kill the demon king, just as a precaution.

Nodding to himself, Milcar watches the blue sky for a moment before flying back to Axel City.

The danger to Axel City ended as soon as it started and Milcar began to give orders to Wiz and Yunyun, Milcar has to reform the entire Axel City from head to toe, spread the knowledge about cultivation to strengthen the city, after all , has killed Alderp, the former governor of Axel alongside Walter, and although this news is not known, it will not be long until the kingdom of Belzerg realizes what happened.

A few hours later.

Sitting in a chair in front of a table in an office, Milcar analyzes and approves multiple projects presented by Luna.

The project to recruit adventurers as soldiers, the project to establish a militia armed with soldiers, and the project to become independent from the Belzerg kingdom.

All were quickly approved, and Milcar simply smiles at Luna's good work.

"Hmph...", Milcar mutters something difficult to understand as he leans his whole back against the backrest of the chair.

Milcar allowed himself a few moments of rest, enjoying the tranquility that reigned in his office. Sunlight filtered softly through the windows, illuminating the papers and projects Luna had meticulously organized. Despite the calm, Milcar knew that the peace in Axel is temporary. The real challenge still lay ahead.

As he pondered his next steps, the door to his office opened and Luna entered, with her characteristic energy and efficiency.

Closing the door behind her, Luna takes quick steps and approaches Milcar, the two large clubs of flesh on his chest moving up and down in a rhythmic motion each time she takes a step.

"Sir, the leaders of the most prominent adventuring teams will not receive this new news with a smile...", Luna fixes the glasses on her with a finger, she mumbles somewhat wearily after seeing the sheets of paper with the approved projects on the table.

"Hmph...", Milcar mumbles something difficult to understand again before smiling hmphily, Milcar waved a hand at Luna to come closer.

Luna squints her eyes, she slightly tilts her head with some confusion making her breasts bounce back and forth, with the tight secretary outfit Luna is wearing at the moment ,she is extremely charming, the tight clothing makes her small waist only make her huge breasts look even bigger, even though those huge breasts are barely half the size of Wiz's, they are still somewhat surprising in size.

Luna's hips are large and her ass threatens to tear the shorts Luna is currently wearing.

Luna with some confusion written on her face takes a few steps forward and bends down bringing her face close to Milcar's.


Milcar places his hand on Luna's head starting to pat it with slow rhythmic movements.

"Hmph...", not at all surprised by this move by Milcar, Luna mumbles something hard to understand, her eyes become slightly bright while a charming smile appears on her face.

Luna lightly pushes her head against Milcar's hand just like an extremely docile puppy.

"No need to say anything, I'll talk to those leaders soon...", Milcar smiles while murmuring with a smile making Luna feel a huge relief all over her body, she relaxes and simply closes her eyes and smiles slightly letting out a charming giggle.

Every touch from Milcar makes Luna feel a pleasant tingle running through her head, numbing her brain and passing through her body, filling her with light ecstasy.

Luna's red lips pucker as she starts to blush, again she starts to push her head against Milcar's hand this time with more force, her two red cheeks are hot and her body starts to sweat slightly.



In just a moment, the door of the office where Milcar was standing was kicked hard making a loud noise.

"Khhh!!!", Luna opens her eyes, chokes on her own saliva and like a frightened cat moves several steps away from Milcar as she starts coughing desperately.

"I have come to regain freedom in the village Axel!!!", a loud and majestic voice can be heard coming from the entrance of the office.

Milcar who was waiting for this to happen because he felt the Qi of this person approaching simply smiles.

Blue eyes, yellow hair, a muscular body and two girls behind him, all this while the teenager wears a majestic armor.

"Ah, it's you, Sir hero, Kyouya if I'm not mistaken, hehehe... well, I must say, it's not a pleasure to meet you", Milcar smiles, the yellow haired teenager takes a step forward while an arrogant smile appears on his face.

"Have you heard of me?", Kyououya speaks arrogantly, though his arrogant voice doesn't match his body at all.

Though his armor and bearing are top-notch, Milcar can clearly see the missing right arm on Kyouya, as well as the scar around his neck.

Milcar squints with some curiosity at the state of this hero who came from the same world as him.

Kyouya, as a prominent figure of the adventurer's guild can be considered a kind of Idol to many adventurers, has achieved great feats that have saved Axel City from getting into a lot of trouble over the course of a few years.

For Milcar, Kyouya can be a key piece, the axis that can connect him with the hearts and feelings of each of the adventurers of Axel City.