Planes for the future

Wiz opened and closed her mouth several times like a fish out of water, her heart trembled, and her body didn't seem to react for a moment. She started to murmur some words as a feeling of warmth filled her body.

Wiz's right hand moved almost unconsciously to touch the thick and hard thing in Milcar's pants.

Wiz swallowed hard, her mind spinning, her body seemed to react to this thick and hard thing, her eyes became slightly bright, and her breathing relaxed.

"I think I'll let you know what I taste like....", Milcar murmured before pushing his crotch again, this time against Wiz's right hand, as if asking Wiz to be bolder. Wiz swallowed hard again, her hand moved to start rubbing the thick and hard thing.

"Oh yes... hmph... slowly... slowly. It's delicate...", Milcar murmured in Wiz's ear with a broken voice, breathing heavily.

"Come on, move your hand a bit more, my lever needs skin-to-skin contact", Milcar murmured in Wiz's ear, making her almost choke on her saliva.

At this moment, Wiz was breathing heavily, her entire face was completely red, and she couldn't help but feel a slight sense of anticipation.

Wiz's hand moved to delve inside Milcar's pants.

Her movements were soft and slow, almost methodical.

The next moment, Wiz grabbed that big and thick thing, but upon feeling the touch of it, Wiz couldn't help but narrow her eyes in slight surprise.

"Why is this thick and hard thing so cold?", Wiz wondered, her flushed expression changing to one of astonishment. Before she could do anything, Milcar moved, letting that thick and hard thing that Wiz was holding come to light.

Milcar took a few steps back with a smile, looking pleased.

"A fish sausage, of course, it will be one of Axel's specialties soon...", Milcar said in a cheerful voice, observing the immobile Wiz.

Wiz observed the frozen sausage in her right hand for a moment, her mind processing everything that just happened.

A slight fury like an overflowing sea filled Wiz's body. She gripped the sausage tightly, Wiz took a deep breath and felt completely humiliated. In an almost robotic movement, Wiz turned to look Milcar in the eyes.

Only Wiz could tell what she was thinking at that moment. Her dark gaze, clenched teeth, fists, and eyes full of resentment.

"Ah, sorry, you don't like fish?, Maybe I should bring a chicken sausage?", Milcar smiled after speaking, almost as if he were mocking her.

"Fuck you...", Wiz murmured in her mind for a moment before showing a serious and stoic face.

"Sir, I don't think making these kinds of jokes is appropriate for the new lord of the city. If you don't show majesty to the public, you might lose the citizens' respect, although first, you would have to earn that respect, of course...", Wiz spoke in a straight and dignified voice, like a competent secretary, she looked at Milcar with her expressionless face and simply seemed like a strict secretary.

"Calm down bro", Milcar murmured with a smile before taking a few steps forward and gently patting one of Wiz's cheeks. "There's no need for any of that. The city of Axel will become a city of cultivators very soon. If people respect me, that's fine, if they don't, that's fine too...", Milcar downplayed the matter before opening his mouth again after a pause.

From the beginning to the end of all this, Yunyun remained silent and still, her mind perfectly analyzing everything that happened.

To put it in few words, Yunyun felt a little relieved that Milcar didn't seem like he was going to punish her teacher. Yunyun's agitated heart gradually calmed down as time went on.

"The time has come to balance the scales, I will withdraw to train some new skills and to refine two powerful weapons for a few days. During this time, it is necessary for the plan to build a nation to progress gradually...", Milcar began giving orders, his voice heard by Wiz and Yunyun, both nodded to Milcar's plans.

A moment later, two white lights came out of Milcar's body and entered Yunyun and Wiz's bodies.

"This is... to put it simply, the ability to cultivate Qi. It is necessary to practice cultivation along with magic, it is necessary to be considered part important of the new city of Axel", after saying this, Milcar disappeared as if he had been erased from existence.


Both Wiz and Yunyun stood stunned for a moment, some thoughts about how to cultivate Qi engraved in their minds, and they couldn't help but be surprised by all this.

Their minds opened to a new perspective of the world around them, gratitude towards Milcar beginning to blossom in their hearts.

Milcar returned to his castle, ready to withdraw to a private room and start working on new skills to face the Demon King without needing to eat.

However, before Milcar could do anything, Aqua and Eris blocked his path.


Two sharp and affectionate voices were heard, the two little goddesses moved with coquettish and cheerful movements towards Milcar to hug him.

"Milcar, Milcar, Hmph, that bitch... Eris, Eris told me she was the main woman who occupies your heart, I... that's... that's a lie, Right?", Aqua pressed her head against Milcar's chest, lifted her head slightly to look at Milcar with two big bright eyes, and spoke with a pleading voice.

"Milcar, you can tell Aqua the truth, when we first... you told me I was the only goddess who truly occupies your heart, I... hehehe, you can tell Aqua she's just a concubine, right?", Eris rubbed her head against Milcar's chest and asked with a coquettish voice.

Each of them asked in an innocent and seemingly cute way, but the implication of their questions was too dangerous for Milcar.

If Milcar had to decide, he couldn't do it. A slight nervous smile appeared on Milcar's face.

Milcar's two hands moved to embrace the slender waists of both goddesses, waiting for a moment before opening his mouth.

"Well, that, naturally, should not be said. As for whom I prefer, the answer lies in your hearts...", Milcar gave an ambiguous answer while affectionately hugging the two goddesses.

Although each of them asked for a different reason, the answer did not make them angry. On the contrary, both Eris and Aqua strengthened the idea that they were the main woman in Milcar's heart.


"Milcar, Milcar..."

After an hour in which Milcar spent time with both goddesses, he entered the small private room at the end of the hallway, ready to start training.

Entering a state of thought while resting on a comfortable bed in a dark room, theories about the possible use of Qi filled Milcar's mind.