The little fight ends

At this moment, unnoticed by anyone, a faint white light enters Dust's body and the body of every resident of Axel City.

A gentle breeze carries the scent of summer, with a slightly addictive aroma.

However, no one paid attention to this. Dust takes a step forward with a slight smile after hearing Clarie's taunts.

"I didn't know I was talking to a lady. Are you sure you don't work in a brothel at night?, After all, your body seems accustomed to men....", Dust sneers at Clarie. There was a brief silence.

"That's enough... Claire, kill him....", Iris murmurs, her head completely bowed, her expression hidden from view. No one can tell what the princess Iris is feeling at this moment.

Almost choking with rage, Clarie receives news that could make her orgasm on the spot. She almost jumps for joy but contains that feeling.

Clarie looks at Dust for a moment before smiling.

"Accustomed to men?, Wow, I didn't know peasants spoke so grandiloquently... But it's not necessary for you anymore... Just die...", Clarie murmurs in a grim voice. Her large sword in hand glows with a golden light, and Clarie's body shoots forward like a lion leaping on its prey.

All the guards of Axel step back several paces, unaccustomed to this, a gentle wind stirring their hair.

Dust, who just minutes earlier might have run away at the sight of a person turning into a beam of light shooting toward him, shows no change in his expression. Dust watches calmly as the world seems to move in slow motion, Claire's form completely visible to his eyes.

Dust moves his body, his rapier in hand moving at great speed.

Unconsciously, energy inside Dust's body explodes, making his body shine with a faint white glow. The green sword begins to emit an almost blinding light.


In an instant, Claire, who had made a great leap forward swinging her weapon, clashes her sword against one of Dust's rapiers.

The sound is like the wind being cut, a slight crack is heard, Clarie's face full of surprise.

What happened?

Clarie feels a slight powerful pressure pushing her back, her hands holding the large sword trembling constantly, her body weakening, her breathing shortening, and pain spreading all over her body.

Even with the rapier and the large sword clashing without Clarie or Dust exerting pressure, Claire can feel the enormous difference between her power and Dust's.


At that moment, an audible crack is heard. Claire's sword breaks in two as she falls to her knees, unable to support her own weight on her trembling legs.

There was a brief silence, the royal knights watching Claire kneel with wide eyes, even Iris couldn't help but open and close her mouth like a fish out of water.

No one imagined that a simple guard from a city like Axel could humiliate the leader of the royal knights of the Belzerg kingdom this way.

The smiles on the faces of the guards and Dust can't be hidden, each of them ready to attack and kill all the royal knights along with the princess. However, at that moment, an intense cold spreads throughout the place.

The gravity seems to increase several times and a powerful magical pressure exerts force on Dust's body, making Dust feel as if he was carrying several tons of weight on his shoulders.

"What the hell?", several guards think in their minds, unable to understand.

"That's enough, Lady Iris is the princess of the Belzerg kingdom, she is a good friend and my student....", A majestic voice is heard, making all the guards and royal knights drop their weapons. Several large swords and rapiers fall to the ground with a dull thud, the weapons immediately penetrating the earth due to the weight they exert at that moment.

"I... can't move...", Dust murmurs incredulously, cold sweat running all over his body, his legs trembling. Several guards behind Dust have already kneeled due to the gravity.

The royal knights and Claire have fallen face down on the ground, unable to rise no matter how they try, as if gravity had increased hundreds of thousands of times for them.

At this, a beautiful woman with completely inhuman hips and breasts flies over the area near Axel's main gate.

With a smile, Wiz watches Iris, who doesn't seem affected by this gravity. After all, Wiz has used one of her star spells to prevent all guards and knights from fighting, leaving Iris free of any spell.

Slowly descending from a great height, Wiz observes more closely the face of her little student, Iris, with blue eyes, clean loose golden hair, a pretty face, and a developing body with a white dress. Everything about Iris is beautiful and custom-made, Wiz nods happily at the sight of Iris.

However, Iris looks around in confusion.

Why does everyone seem to have lost the ability to fight?

Iris was about to try lifting Clarie's body when she hears a familiar voice nearby.

"You've grown, now you look more charming. I'm sure in the future you'll be more beautiful than any woman who ever existed...", The sweet, high-pitched voice calms Iris's slightly annoyed and very anxious heart. The feeling of calm, happiness, and surprise fills her body, a sudden smile appearing on her face. She can't help but turn around, only to see the beautiful woman she had visited multiple times in the past.

Iris's eyes open wide, her white teeth reflecting the sunlight, and almost screaming with happiness, Iris runs to hug Wiz.

Naturally, Wiz doesn't refuse and opens her arms to receive this little girl who has won her heart long ago.

This moment, with Wiz hugging Iris while the little princess cries in Wiz's arms lasts a few minutes. In the end, Iris, like a little puppy, stays in Wiz's arms as if ready to sleep.

Smiling, Wiz lifts the gravity spell she had cast on everyone present. Several muffled sounds and held-back cries can be heard. The first to stand up is Dust, who had already confirmed through Iris's words that the person who had come was none other than Wiz, known as Milcar's right hand. He has no choice but to kneel on one knee without saying anything.

In an almost mechanical and well-coordinated order, the several guards behind Dust follow his movement, kneeling, each one showing their extensive experience and discipline.

The royal knights look at Wiz with relief, especially Clarie, who has known Wiz for quite some time.

In Wiz, Clarie, who has barely risen using her weak limbs, can see a glimmer of hope for the Belzerg kingdom.

The unconscious strength Dust used included a large amount of Qi that Dust had just received. Thoughts on how to control the Qi were implanted in Dust's mind and in all the residents of Axel City, so for them, controlling the Qi was like moving a limb.