Luna's Words

The words of Yunyun said made Megumin open her eyes widely and start to worry about her family.

Hearing this, Milcar couldn't help but think that something was wrong; after all, the Crimson Demons should be capable of defeating any demon king general except Vanir.

Thinking about this, Milcar couldn't help but shake his head; after all, what he knew about the original history of this wonderful world had completely changed.

Milcar simply patted Yunyun's head gently without using Qi so she wouldn't react strangely and began to calm her with a protective voice.

"Well, Then...?", Milcar asked, the two Crimson Demons in the room observing him with some confusion; however, Yunyun quickly smiled and hugged Milcar tighter.

"Hehehe, I mean, the other girls won't wake up for at least a week... we can take a trip to the village where you both come from", Milcar smiled, though his words were quickly understood by the two girls, who blushed deeply and mentally accused Milcar of being a pervert.

Nevertheless, the girls are happy to return to their village.

Milcar left the room without telling Yunyun and Megumin to wait a moment.

In Milcar's office, Luna, dressed elegantly as a secretary, was diligently working through the documents on the table: numerous reports on Axel City's assets, adventurer groups, and various other matters that the city lord should oversee.

Observing this, Luna couldn't help but feel a bit tired. Why?

Luna gently tapped her head against the desk before sighing resignedly.

"I... in an enviable position, but... Why?", Luna couldn't help feeling that the workload was too much for her.

"Should I perhaps resign?", Luna pondered to herself before shaking her head with some anxiety.

At this moment, a hand rested on her head.

"Hmmm", Luna let out a soft, charming moan; her body relaxed, her mind calmed, and she began to feel a deep warmth throughout her body.

An unconscious smile appeared on her pretty face as she felt a familiar hand start to stroke her head.

Again, the addictive sensation of pleasure washed over her body, causing her two ample breasts to for some reason become more vigorous, threatening to burst through her already tight white shirt that was pressing on them.

A hot breath escaped Luna's mouth; her clothes seemed almost like paint over her two breasts, and her two erect nipples threatened to pierce through the fabric of her clothes.

Also, a white liquid began to soak her underwear as Milcar's hand moved, stroking the strands of her golden hair; a moment later, Milcar's other hand on her head caused Luna to open her eyes with suppressed emotions.

"Kyah!!", Luna let out an audible moan as she felt her body reach divine ecstasy; her eyes turned slightly white as her mind clouded.

At this moment, Milcar stopped touching Luna's head to simply wait for her to calm down and stop moaning.

"Hmm", Luna rubbed her legs together, still feeling residual pleasure in her body. A moment after Luna had several perverted thoughts in which she took the initiative to get into Milcar's bed, her thoughts returned to normal.

"I...", Luna lowered her head slightly as she regained clarity in her thoughts.

"It's good that you're working so hard...", Milcar smiled, causing warmth to begin heating Luna's heart and cheeks.

It has been shown that intense waves of pleasure during orgasm unconsciously release the hormone that causes love.

Maybe it was because Milcar had been doing this for several days, or because Luna was too inexperienced in these matters; however, every time Milcar touched her head, the suppressed feeling in her heart grew like the...

As simple as adding two and two, Luna can slightly understand why she feels this kind of feeling for Milcar.

Adjusting her clothes a bit and lowering her head slightly, a slight blush that makes her already blushing face turn a deep red color makes Luna feel as if she is in the presence of the man who, the most.

However, this man already has many women in his bed, if Luna just thinks about this a slight feeling of hatred for Aqua, Eris, Iris, and Darkness is born in her body and comes to bathe her with a feeling of desolation, even reaching the urge to kill.

"If only those bitches died, then, then, Mr. Milcar would be just mine...", thinking slightly about this possibility Luna cannot help but smile broadly as her body shivers, almost as if she is eager for the future.

"I will retire for a few days to visit the village of the crimson demons, please take care of Axel until then", Milcar says before smiling and putting a hand on Luna's head, this time without using Qi.

Feeling the hand on her head this time no feeling of pleasure passes through Luna's body, however, Luna still closes her eyes, although Milcar is not sending Qi through his hand to stimulate her brain, Luna still feels a sensation of warmth, it is as if Milcar's hand on her head without needing Qi was enough for her to feel extremely happy.

"I... Mr. Milcar, I...", Luna begins to stammer while whispering some murmurs, it is as if she is encouraging herself to do something that could be catastrophic.

"Why Mr. Milcar like to have several women?", However, a question totally different from what Milcar expects comes out of Luna's mouth, Milcar falls silent for a moment, simply gently patting this woman's head.

"Well... who knows..."; Milcar smiles before shaking his head slightly, he was about to use his Qi to return to where Yunyun and Megumin are to head to the village of the crimson demons when a delicate hand grabs his forearm with force.

"Mr. Milcar...", Luna murmurs with her head bowed, her words hint at a trace of melancholy, madness, and fear.

"Hmm", Luna lets out an unintelligible sound from her red lips while she seems to be staring into nothingness, although Milcar cannot see her expression from his position, he can still slightly understand the feelings of this woman.

"Mr. Milcar... Hmph, I mean, I always strive, even though I can go back home to rest, I still stay to do extra work, I try to make sure everything that goes through my hands has a good future...", Luna seems to hesitate, her heart beats rapidly while she begins to breathe a little too fast.

"Why hasn't you noticed until now?, Why hasn't you given me at least a word of congratulations?, Mr. Milcar, what does it take to get your attention?", Luna lifts her head slightly to look into Milcar's bright eyes.

Raising an eyebrow, Milcar can see Luna's two bright eyes, slightly teary, her aggrieved expression only increasing her charm, and her red lips shine slightly.