The True Timeline?

"Time is up, Mr. Milcar. Now you belong to me, you are mine. How can I put it?... work for me!!!...", Hideki Tojo smiles slightly, moving his hands to conjure several holograms of small floating worlds in front of him.

"Great Demon King... Do you understand?, Archmage, evil god, Chukanlan, you should already remember... I need some things from there, especially I need to establish an army...", Hideki Tojo adjusts his round glasses and smiles broadly in Milcar's direction.

"You don't remember, but before you died in your previous life, you made a wish. Do you remember Lisa from Great Demon King?, Hehehe, it's a fantasy, but the world exists... you can do it", Hideki Tojo returns to his formal appearance, looking at Milcar with bright eyes and waiting for his response.

Milcar, on the other hand, simply raises an eyebrow in Hideki Tojo's direction before bursting into laughter.



"Do you think this is a damn game?!.... I'm not going to that crappy world... Maybe you, an imperial Japanese from old Japan, are a man of colonial or conquest ideas, but I... I simply need a break right now", Milcar refuses. He has no reason to go to another world and start conquering it, he doesn't want to, at least not for the moment.

Hideki narrows his eyes, looking at Milcar, his teeth showing a bit sharp thanks to his smile. "Do you forget that you accepted my contract?.. You owe it to me!!!.... This world, Aqua, Eris, Your damn bitches!!, and your damn harem of stupid ugly girls, everything... Everything is thanks to me!!!", Hideki Tojo spits with rage, his eyes completely focused on Milcar. Hideki looks like a lion about to pounce on his prey.

"Is that so?", Milcar snorts before smiling fakely, "Tell me something, What happened to the previous world?, Why did everything change in the world?", Milcar asks. This is something he has wanted to know for a long time and it seems that Hideki has the answer here.

In his mind, Milcar is devising several ways to kill Hideki. However, without knowing exactly what contract he accepted, Milcar doesn't have many ways to counter Hideki.

"Hehehe, Does the great Milcar miss his former girlfriends?.. but, nothing happened. There are several timelines in the universe. I simply played a little with the timelines to change to a timeline where you would feel obligated to make a bit more effort to do what needs to be done, nothing important", Hideki smiles as if waiting for a compliment.

However, Milcar simply narrows his eyes at Hideki's response, not because he was angry, but because despite his cultivation level in the golden core stage, he never realized there are multiple timelines.

"But you don't need to worry. As long as you accept my proposal, we can collaborate in a good way. I can travel to the other timeline where you disappeared and bring your girlfriends to accompany you to the world of Great Demon King...", Hideki Tojo nods his head while smiling paternally at Milcar.

"Besides, Why not?... What the hell were you doing?, Don't you remember?!!, power, women, eternity... What happened?!!, Before you wanted it all!!!, All the women of the different worlds!!!!, All the power!!!... I... we had a deal, Milcar, you don't remember...", Hideki Tojo narrows his eyes, observing Milcar.

There was a slight moment of silence.

In his own place Milcar can remember several nights in his old world, at that moment he really wanted to enter the anime world, touch what he could only dream or imagine, have it all.

Great Demon King was Milcar's favorite fantasy world, however, when did it start to change?

Milcar narrows his eyes for a moment before smiling to himself.

"What's changed? I... I guess I'm stupid, Mr. Hideki, so... tell me, being drunk, Could you remember why you get up every day?", Milcar looks down slightly as if he were apologizing, Although Milcar does not remember having made any deal with Hideki, this man's words are really what Milcar wanted, from one moment to the next Milcar begins to use his Qi. His body begins to distort as his Qi begins to boil.

"Mr. Hideki, time is up, I don't need someone to control my body...", Milcar smiles slightly, his eyes like two bright lights watching Hideki Tojo.

Milcar now understands, Why is Hideki trying to convince him of something?, Why doesn't Hideki simply erase his mind and control him like a slave?

A simple answer in Milcar's mind is because Hideki cannot, and he cannot because he doesn't have the ability to do so.

At this moment, Milcar's body begins to change from a physical state to a liquid state.

Milcar's mind begins to change, and his pure Qi directly affects his own soul.

Hideki's eyes widen, his heart skips a beat, and his mind barely understands what Milcar is trying to do, "Wait!!" Hideki shouts, trying to stop Milcar. However, Hideki's soul, connected to Milcar's soul thanks to the contract, trembles slightly.

After using his Qi to investigate why Hideki could control his body, Milcar realized that his soul and Hideki's soul had slightly fused.

This, to Milcar, is clearly the reason why Hideki can do everything he does with his body. However, that doesn't mean Milcar can't do anything.

The various thoughts in Milcar's mind unify. His Qi becomes purer, and while Milcar's soul splits in two, the part of his soul that was corroded and fused with Hideki's soul separates from Milcar's pure soul.

In the small hut, a great explosion of Qi is generated. However, the hut doesn't suffer any damage. Milcar's body, which has the appearance of the goddess of nature, splits in two.

Hideki is expelled from Milcar's soul in the form of a viscous black liquid. As soon as it separates from Milcar's body, it quickly takes the form of Hideki Tojo.

At this moment, Hideki looks furiously at the bright golden core that is Milcar's real body, his eyes filled with ferocity and greed can't help but slightly pop out of their sockets.

A kind of mocking feeling passes through Hideki's body before he smirks, "Hehehe, Sir Milcar, and what will you do now? Kill me?" Hideki mocks slightly before channeling a large portion of his Qi.

Since he was part of Milcar's soul, Hideki also possesses Qi, and it can be said that Hideki and Milcar's soul together make up the real Milcar with the complete power of the golden core.

Separated, the Qi is divided, each obtaining 50% of the original Qi.

At this moment, although Hideki smiles slightly, the truth is that he feels a bit worried. Why is the sense of danger in his mind alerting him?

Hideki touches his chest and looks at the bright golden core in front of him.

On the other hand, Milcar, who has divided his soul, can now clearly see the world around him. It feels as if the previous world around him was covered by a transparent veil that didn't let him see reality and the universe as they really are.

"Probably Hideki's fault", Milcar thinks with a slight smile before simply focusing on the universe.

At this moment, time in the entire universe stops. A lot of information reaches Milcar's mind.

"We can't go back, that's why it's hard to choose, but as long as you don't choose, everything remains possible."

"Time doesn't exist; it is simply the representation of the human mind to the events that have occurred. If time doesn't exist, then, Is everything already predetermined?"

Several thoughts appear in Milcar's mind. The understanding of time, the different timelines, and how to travel between worlds, as well as the basic laws of the universe, overwhelm him for a moment.

Hideki Tojo in front of Milcar looks like a statue. One of his hands seems to be grabbing a strange object and appears to be about to throw it at Milcar.

In the chaos of a mental universe, Milcar emerges as a light of reason and logical thought. Once his soul split in two, getting rid of the part of his soul that was contaminated, the universe showing itself as it is to Milcar's mind thanks to his golden core is incredible.

In the different timelines, Milcar can see one in which he destroyed the world, one in which he kills humans, one in which he murders Aqua, one in which he simply commits suicide, and most importantly to him, one in which he was previously.

The true timeline?