The Weight of the Curse

Lin Yue felt a pang of sympathy for Lyra and her clan. He couldn't imagine being trapped in a never-ending cycle of suffering. But he also knew that giving up the Amulet of the Elements would mean surrendering his own destiny.

"I understand your pain, Lyra," he said. "But I can't just hand over the amulet. It's a part of me now."

Lyra's face fell, and for a moment, Lin Yue saw a glimmer of sadness in her eyes. Then, her expression hardened. "Fine," she said. "If that's how it's going to be, then so be it. But know this, Lin Yue: you've just made an enemy for life. And I'll stop at nothing to get what's mine."

With that, she vanished into thin air, leaving Lin Yue feeling uneasy and unsure of what lay ahead. He knew he had to prepare himself for the battles to come, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that he had just made a grave mistake...