The Questions

The question Dominic was asking himself was who the joker using a drone to attract walkers to this base, expecting them to be attacked, could be.

It might be that whoever is behind these events has the priority of killing them all to take the resources from this base.

In recent days, people have changed a lot; most would no longer hesitate to kill a good man in exchange for a hot meal.

Good and bad had been left behind long ago; now, there was only survival, and in it, there were no values or codes.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Zz... Send an explosive drone and find the perpetrator of these events." Dominic was angry, so he would make sure to give the same trouble to the person who wanted to act smart.



In the towers, the flames that erupted from them bathed numerous walkers in fire, spreading the flames to others. These walkers would eventually die, but just to be sure, it was a good idea to eliminate them, and it also trained the newcomers.

Alicia felt a chill seeing how easily they were attacked. She knew that if she had been in another place, her shelter could have been easily destroyed by people like these.


Originally, there were only a dozen walkers wandering in sight of the base, and certainly some between the buildings who had been left behind when the helicopters took the horde, but these were not a threat as they were scattered.

But now that they were all gathered, the number skyrocketed to thousands, and that was indeed a problem to consider.

Now that they had taken down the drone, they could easily lead these walkers away from here, but the result wouldn't be beneficial for them if they always used this method, so Dominic believed the best idea would be to destroy them.

Many were terrified, the idea of escaping took over their minds, and seeing all those soldiers without making any movement made them even more nervous.

Everyone had seen what happened if one of the walkers bit you; no one wanted to be one of them, so quickly their speed of eliminations increased.

"Alicia, don't get too close," Dominic warned, seeing how Alicia was getting more and more excited eliminating walkers.

Alicia retreated, breathed, and after recovering, continued eliminating walkers that were now on fire. This was very dangerous, but with the necessary equipment, no one would be injured.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

"They're climbing."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dominic trusted the snipers, who were now having fun. He had the best he could offer to continue expanding his territory.

"A horde is approaching."
