The Worst Enemy

Dominic drove towards the governor's base, making sure to bring Merle with him to guide him to the exact location. After an hour of driving, they arrived at the place.

"I don't understand; why the hell is a leader like you in this place?" Merle spoke after a long silence.

Daryl also wanted to know the answer to that question. There were many things that didn't add up with what Dominic had said, so he was also eager to find out.

"I killed my loved ones when all this started. At least I prevented them from turning, but if you ask me, all this is my fault." Dominic was honest. He had no problem expressing his pain because, in a way, it made him feel much better.


"All this time, the army has been eliminating both infected and non-infected people as if it were a damn game. Their plan was to bomb the entire city of Los Angeles, but we stopped them when we rebelled against their orders and established a resistance on the coast."

Dominic wanted them to know how the world had come to an end. "This happened in every state in the country. The high command ordered the army to exterminate everyone, and those who rebelled attacked the army, creating a damn civil war that led to total extermination."

"I was the first to stage a coup in Los Angeles. I killed my superior and became the new leader. I freed the prisoners, and they happily joined me."

Dominic's words grew increasingly devoid of emotion. His gaze passed through the rearview mirror, and looking at Daryl, who was smoking, he said, "I need strong leaders. I think they tried to kill me, so you will help me a lot if you become high-ranking officers who facilitate my orders."

Merle was about to say something when Dominic handed him a knife to cut his bindings. Smiling, he said, "Your decision is very important because it will greatly affect the fate of the world. If you help me, we will change things."

These people, more than anyone else, were essential for moving forward. No one else had the capability to be a leader like these people.

"Will you accept my brother after he tried to kill you?" Daryl didn't believe Dominic was the kind of person to forget grudges.

"If he is useful and disciplined, I can accept him. I need new base leaders when I expand my territory." Dominic stopped about a hundred meters from the governor's base and honked the truck's horn twice.

Once he did, Dominic got out of the truck and walked towards the governor's base while putting on a helmet to avoid getting shot.

"That son of a bitch is something else; he's got some big balls." Merle, seeing that Dominic wasn't afraid, got out of the truck.

Daryl shook his head and also got out. He scanned the surroundings to check for walkers and, upon spotting some, began to eliminate them.

"Zz., Drones in position and ready to attack."

Dominic lowered the volume of his radio and said, "At my signal, wipe out everyone in that shelter."