Chapter I: 31st of October 2023

20 hours, 27 minutes, and 8 seconds before the games.

Do you know those unfortunate events that happen to kids on cartoons or anime? This felt like one of those moments. I had to pull myself together and analyze what I was to do, as well as the information the A.I. provided me.

First, were the games themselves. Honestly, it all sounded pretty messed up. They did not provide much about the games per se, but they did say that it was a series of games. That being said, it could be theorized that it would be a game a day, for 31 days. That would mean thirty-one games.

Next, the thirty-two players. Since we have to kill each other to get released, that would mean only one person would be able to go free. Seems a bit unfair when they speak about 'helping' people. That would mean one person dies each day, unless of course, the games prevent this somehow.

Moving on, we have the unknown, unexplored location. Since Mona used the terms 'unexplored' and 'earth'. I can conclude that these games could take place anywhere on earth. If I narrow it down to all the unexplored areas of earth, that could be the North Pole, South Pole, The Oceans, The Amazon and so on. Basically, any place people would not go or do not normally go.

The only few things that do not make sense to me would be their knowledge of me. Like, my death date and time of birth… as well as the fact that these games take place, specifically every decade. I do not really see the relevance of that, currently.

Finally, the motive. I cannot really understand why anybody would put people through pain like this. Unless they are doing it for their own personal enjoyment. Sickos.

With this, all I can really conclude… is that no matter how much I do not want to… I have no choice but to participate. They have all the knowledge they need about me to find me if I do attempt to make a run for it. They also possess advanced technology or some kind of superpowers. So, running is futile. 

Guess, I will just have to prepare. How did I get myself into this? I am so stupid.

 "You okay, Derby?" A girl snuck up behind me, waking me from my daydream. She had on her school uniform. She had luscious, smooth, straight black hair that swayed with momentum as she walked. Large blue eyes that almost seemed fake and a bright smile. This was our class president, Shira Silverton.

I looked to my sides and realized that I was smackdab in the middle of the street. She could see the confusion on my face but chose to ignore it.

 "Yeah, I am okay. Just daydreaming, I guess." I responded. She was a very caring type of girl, so she probably was going to dig deeper.

 "You sure? You looked a little… distressed, is all."  And BINGO. She is quite predictable. She should be more careful. People could exploit that trait of hers… or find her annoying.

 "Yeah. It is a bit complicated, so…" I bet this will get her off my back.

 "Oh, I see. Then I will not pry into your matters." She backed off. Guess even she knows her limits.

She smiled as she then began walking by my side. I was taken aback, to say the least. I was a loner… a one-man army if you will. So much so, even the friends I was with when I got the card, I do not truly consider friends.

To be fair, I only met them 3 weeks ago and it is only due to my skills of persuasion that I wiggled my way into their friend group.

 "HEHE. DON'T FOOL YOURSELF, MONTANA." A loud voice with a buzzing effect echoed in my head.

I stopped briefly and held my head. My ears were zinging in pain. It was as though a migraine with no origin came upon me.

 "Something wrong, Derby?" Shira stopped a few feet ahead of me. She moved her eyes up and down my body. She looked at me with concern. I saw an opportunity.

 "Sorry, I'm just a little confused here." Now to see what her true motive is.

 "Why?" She smiled brightly once again and asked. It was obvious that her smile was fake.

 "You are one of the popular girls in school. If I had to rank you, I would say you come in a strong third place. You know quite a lot of other kids in school. By the looks of it, many of the students in your friend group are walking a few blocks ahead of us. So, I am confused as to why you are walking with me. I have nothing to offer you. 

You and I barely communicate at school, and I am concerned as to how you learnt what my name is." I bombarded her with things that seemed and did not seem coincidental.

 "Oh… I… uh…"  A thin layer of sweat covered her forehead as she turned her gaze to her left. Her smile as now distorted. It was clear she was hiding something.

 "What is your agenda, Shira?" I go for the finishing move. Will she respond honestly, or will she fold and direct the blame onto me to hide her true intentions? Either way, I win.

 "You are really smooth with your words, aren't you? With such a meek attitude. You truly are something else, Derby. I am sorry, but I cannot tell you why I am walking with you. You have not figured that out yet, so…

 You are one dangerous person though. I will tell you that. On the surface, you are innocent but underneath lies something deadly… docile… but deadly, nonetheless. When you figure it out, I will be in Classroom 48. Do not make me wait, Derby." And with those words, she giggled and skipped on her merry way. Leaving me with a riddle, I see. Well, I have to figure out what she is talking about before lunchtime.

She made her way to those she calls her friends a few blocks ahead and I continued on my way… alone.

There resides some beauty in loneliness. The silence, the mind fodder, the countless, interesting thoughts, the serenity, and the peace. These are all things you cannot have around others. Silence is broken by words, words which hold no value most of the time. Mind fodder is clouded by thoughts of acceptance and fear of rejection. 

Interesting thoughts are replaced with unnecessary ones. Serenity is abolished by anxiety and peace… is taken by those who surround us. People are detrimental beings to one, if one does not remove said detriment.

I found my way to the school and minutes pass. Students get into order, class goes into motion, chalk hits blackboard, pens scribble on paper, questions are asked. All of this continues for a few periods and during this time, I could not get her statement out of my brain. 

"When you figure it out…"

Figure out what exactly? You gave me nothing. Settle down, Hallam. Let us organize everything that led up to that.

First, it was the whole thing with the dungeon games. Then, I go to school and walk my usual route… a route Shira never takes.

Next, Shira herself. Talking to me and walking with me. That is strange by itself, but what was more interesting was the fact that she took my route, like she was looking for me.

Finally, her agenda. If I had to guess from what she was doing, I would say she was scanning me out.

Taking out her caring personality and popularity, she had business with me. But what business? Scanning me for what purpose?

All of these oddities occurred after finding the card.

She is part of the games, isn't she? Yes… that could explain how she knew my name without us even communicating. It could also explain her concern for me.

Guess there is only one way to figure it out. That voice that popped up must have been the A.I. Maybe, I can access it by touching the card.

I took the card out of my backpack and began rubbing it. Alas, nothing happened. So… I rubbed it more and as my finger grazed upon the logo… VOILA. A blue, holographic screen emerged before my eyes with assorted options on it.



Players Selected for the Dungeon Games. Possible Rewards. First Three Games and the Rewards and Punishments

thereof. Day One Gameplay. Terms & Conditions.


They really got terms and conditions, hilarious. Guess I will take option one.

I reached out and tapped on the option. Some of the students turned their heads and giggled at my actions. I did not mind, as long as the teacher did not see me.

I then opened the option.


Players Selected for the Dungeon Games.

-Player 1: Nyx, Lillith

 -Player 2: Montana, Hallam

 -Player 3: Beau, Janus

 -Player 4: Kruger, Draco

 -Player 5: Silverton, Shira

 -Player 6: Lycidas, Phoenix

 -Player 7: Hiroshi, Jun

 -Player 8: Anakin, Evander

 -Player 9: Irina, Ekaterina

 -Player 10: Wolfgang, Hans

 -Player 11: Yael, Hannah

 -Player 12: Levi, Oliver

 -Player 13: Jericho, Ashley

 -Player 14: Adonis, Theseus

 -Player 15: Fletcher, Felix

 -Player 16: Forrest, Michael

 -Player 17: Gonzales, Gabriela

 -Player 18: Feng, Ling

 -Player 19: Khan, Kiaan

 -Player 20: Kruger, Dominic

 -Player 21: Freeman, Luan

 -Player 22: Torahiko, Genki

 -Player 23: Peterse, Juanic

 -Player 24: Gate, Jeffery

 -Player 25: Unknown, Unknown

 -Player 26: Hendrix, Keenan

 -Player 27: Addison, Ash

 -Player 28: Irina, Yelena

 -Player 29: Hayashi, Natasha

 -Player 30: Makino, Kai

 -Player 31: Lǎoshǔ, Nezumi Possible Rewards.

3. First Three Games and the Rewards and Punishments


Day One Gameplay. Terms & Conditions.

Interesting! She's Player 5. We have some other intriguing names here. Chinese, German, Russian, Spanish, Greek… the list goes on. Let me go to Classroom 48. This will be one weird confrontation. Nevertheless, I am curious as to what she wants.

I made my way through the hallways of the school and came upon the quietest area in the entire school… Area 40. It was quiet because all the classrooms here were used for art or science.

I stood before Room 48, and I could hear a gentle, soothing voice within. Singing a melody so sweet and hypnotic. I listened for a few seconds before walking in.

Lo and Behold, she was sitting on a stool, painting blissfully as she sang to herself. Each stroke onto the canvas had a certain ring and beauty to it. I began to wonder how she got herself into a situation such as this.

She noticed me, but continued doing what she was doing.

 "So, you have figured it out. Have a seat, Derby." She said, her back turned to me as she continued painting. She did not even bother turning to face me.

 "No thanks. I will stand."

 "Suit yourself." She giggled.

 "So, you are Player 05. How'd you get yourself into this messed up game and what do you want with me?"

She stopped her singing as she placed her paintbrush into a bowl of water. She slowly turned around to face me and smiled ever so gently.

 "I was bored."  Silence set in for a moment.

I stood still, slightly confused at what I just heard.

 "Maybe I do need to sit down."

She giggled, holding her stomach. Then she gave me the 'I told you so' look. I sighed.

 "What do you mean you were bored?" 

 "I mean I had nothing better to do. The card popped up on my front porch one morning before I went to school. I did not pick it up, but I did do some research on the logo. I found out about the association and decided why not. So, I joined the games. You can call it curiosity or whatever, but I was just bored." She smiled as she took off her apron thingy. She did a little twirl as she looked at me with a slight smirk.


 "Do you like my skirt?" She asked me, holding the ends of her skirt, doing a slight bow.

 "I see you in it everyday. It is your school skirt, after all. If you are asking if I like the way it looks on you. I guess you could say that." I looked at my wristwatch. Recess was nearly at its end.

 "Hmph. Whatever. I do not need your validation." She turned her back toward me with her arms crossed.

 "Then why ask me?"

 "I was evaluating you." She replied, obviously lying.

 "Why'd you ask me to come here anyway?"


 "Oh, that is right! I wanted to ask if you wanted to team up with me for the games." She turned back around, holding her hands together with a smile. She had a slight glimmer in her eyes, like a kitten asking for food.

 "Yeah… I am not really a team type of guy. I am going solo. But thanks for the offer, Shira."

 "Come on! Do not be like that." She pleaded. I sighed.

Maybe I should just say yes and ditch her when the games begin so she can leave me alone. I pulled my hair down, rubbing the tip.

She looked at me, waiting for a positive response. I winced.

 "Fine. We can team up, but not for the entire duration of the games. Just for the first one, okay?"

She nodded with a smile, nearly jumping out of her shoes.

I sighed as I stood up and walked toward the door.

 "I'll see you later, Derby."  She waved at me with a smile stretching from ear-to-ear as I looked over my shoulder. 

I turned to look forward again

 "I'll see you later, Shira." I closed the door behind me as I returned back to my homeroom.

The hours at school passed by. Class to class. Everything was normal for those around me, and that is a good thing. They are having their day-to-day, normal lives. Shira did not seem bothered at the fact that she was entering a life-threatening game whatsoever. Nevertheless, that did not really concern me.

The bell had its final ring, dismissing the school. Students rushed out. Some heading home, some heading to hangout sessions with their friends. I remained in my desk for a few minutes after the class was left empty.

This might be my last Tuesday here. Funny that I will be disappearing on a Tuesday.

I let the silence seep in as I took a breath. I looked at my watch. There were 12 hours, 57 minutes, and 8 seconds before the games. I took my bag and left for home.

I got home. As I entered my room, I took a book and placed it in my jacket pocket. I believe we could only take the things that were on our person, so I decided to take a book to keep me from boredom.

I then took a bath, ate dinner, watched some anime, read a manga, and laid down on my bed, letting time pass by.


"Hello, Mr. Montana."

 "Please, call me Hallam, Mona."

"Very well, Hallam. The games are about to begin. We are 2 minutes and 45 seconds from the games. We are going to teleport you to the location. So, I would like you to close your eyes when the process begins."

I nodded as I closed my eyes.

 "Let's go, Mona."

"I see you are still in your school uniform. Would you like to change your outfit before you enter The Dungeon Escapades?"

 "No, I think I will be fine. Thank you for asking."

"Very well. The process will begin now."

I could feel my body burn slightly as I laid in my bed. The sensation was not necessarily painful, but it was not enjoyable as well.

"Welcome to The Dungeon Escapades, Hallam."

-Chapter I End-