Cities past life....

13 years ago, Catie lived with her noble family, they were the most recognized magic users in the whole nation of Catangar .

She was the 6th princess. Her father was known to be the most powerful swordmen as well as the king of catangar .

Catie loved her father so much.

Since her mother died out of cancer , her father was the only parent known to her. Her father and the maids took care of her with love and compassion.

Things were quite peaceful in Cantanga, until the ruthless demon lord Zona attacked catangar.

At the age of 5 Catie's life was about to come to an end.

Her father and his nobel knight went after Zona trying to put an end to this calamity but they paid a painful price.

Many were killed .

Before Catie father met his fate with death, he decided to teleport Catie into a temple protected by grand stylers .

He used his magic spell on Catie trying to teleport her when he got stabbed at the back. He quickly killed the attacker and proceeded, as the portal open he looked into Catie's eyes and said my dear , I want you to know I love you much and I hope you can forgive me .

What do you mean ?Catie cries out.

Good bye my love , may God be with you and remember I will always be with you.

He then pushed her into the portal.

Aa Catie gazed into her father's dying eyes,She cried out father please don't leave me. good bye my daughter he said with a smile on his face.

Catie was then teleported in front of the temple as she saw 3 men in a costume of a ninja.

Welcome child of the So-Chang's, we've been waiting for you.

Who are you she asked as she suddenly felt dizzy and fell unconscious.

As she woke up she saw on top of the ceiling a flowers 🌼 of different colour ,

And filled with sweet aroma as the cool breeze blew around her . As she turned to the left she saw weapons of different kinds. She also saw pictures of different elementaries on the wall, as she glance at all the things she sees , a man walked in and said You are awake dear daughter of the So-Chang.

Who are you? catie asked .

I'm Wushu the grand styler and you must wondering where you are .

You are in the the grand stylers temple .

Your father told us you will be here , so we can take care of you , so currently this is your new home.

Father, is my father ok? Where is he?

We are sorry but he didn't make it alive.

Your father was a great man with a pure heart, I know that because he was my pupil.

Catie cries bitterly as Wushu tries to comfort her with his hand over heard and cleaning her tears.

10 years later...

Since the incident , Catie has been taking into into training and became the most powerful grand styler known to be seen so far.

She faught with demons and beast and defeated them so easily.

This made her a treat to her enemies but because of her fierce nature ,they feared her with all fate.

Remember Catie, use your power and abilities for good and do not seek for revenge, for you will gain nothing but a dark cloud over you head Wushu said to Catie .

Understood father , I shall always remember what youve said to me and promise not to use my strength and power for my own selfish vengeance Catie said with much seriousness.

Hmm, I'm proud of you my child and I know your father will also be proud of how grown you've become as he smiles.

Thank you father Wushu , I'm forever grateful for being my guidian.

3 years later .....

Catie .

Yes father.

Your time has come to go for your first quest.

Yes father , I'm aware of that.

Good, you see the boy in the picture ?

Yes father, I do.

Protect him at all cost . He is very special and has a mission to accomplish, help him complete this mission.

Yes father I shall do so without hesitation.

Remember, this is your life quest. It has its own rewards, so be loyal to destiny and it will be loyal to you as well ,ok?

Ok father, I shall go at once.

Goodbye my child , remember be stronger than the lightning itself.


She got on her way to her journey ,she travelled far and wide seeking for this boy she was asked to protect with her life.

As she got to the forest , she she saw something that looks like a person flying, she realized the person wasn't flying but was jumping. As she got closer she saw him, the boy she was supposed to protect.

Suddenly, she saw the boy swinging the sword at her direction from a far angle but was able to cut through the trees, said he saw through her invincibility.

She then jumped up to the boy.

Who are you? the boy asked .

I'm Catie I'm here to protect you at any course.


I've been put into a contract.

Ok then, I won't ask what contract that is. I am Anthony nice to meet you.

And that is how Catie met Anthony.


(MC commentates) Get ready as this two war queens are about to kill the stage . Let's enjoy the sight to behold.

Get ready , fight.

As Catie and the Viper stood in their position, they draw out their swords and stood in the thier fighting stances.

As the mc said fight, they charged toward each other slashing their sword at other trying to hit the opponent. As their swords clashed spacks begun to ignite.

Viper realize she met her much , so instead she stood in another stance,release a powerful hit ,that took Catie of balance as she blocked.

Her sword was hit out of her hand out of the stage.

Any last word Viper asked.

Wait a moment, this isn't over yet Catie said as she takes of 4 heavy band from her hand and legs .

Do you think loosing a couple of weight will help you defeat me? Get real Viper said.

As Catie drops the bands on the ground, dust lifted from the ground covering the whole stage.

The bands on her hands and legs weighed over a 101 kg which restrained her strength and speed

As you were saying? Catie mocked Viper.

You dare mock me , foolish girl . Now with meds the great power of a viper.

Viper started glowing and said , now face my wrath as she charged at Catie, she strikes with her sword towards her but to her surprise Catie broke of her sword with two fingers.

Hah, is that all you got? Now let me show you what I can do.

Catie shift her left leg forward and pushed viper with her palm pushing her out of the circle.

As Viper was thrown out out of the circle

She wondered how can this be? I lost to a human and she fell on the ground . That was a nice fight . Thank you for making this fun, it was a nice warm up Catie said and walked away as the audience started cheering for her.

Wow , she is really strong and energetic,

How come she never showed it before Anthony wondered.

(MC) Finally the match is over round 2 will begin tomorrow.

Wow Catie , you never told us you were this strong , how come you've never shown it before? Peter asked.

To be frank ,I have no idea Catie said even though she knew it was a lie . She wanted to keep her promise to be strong as the lightning.

Hey guys, Catie congratulations on your win, you were awesome out Anthony said.

You were not bad yourself.

Any way guys , I heard the next round was going to be a group match and that's not all we are allowed to use our power and abilities.

That great Peter said.

But one problem we need to be 4 participants in the group to qualify but we have only 3 on our group , we are in a miss of one Anthony explained.

Oh no, how are we supposed to get one more person it is not like someone will just come out of the shadow and ask to join us ?like a random anime Catie said.

Can I join you guys said a familiar voice , I heard you are in a loss of one .

Who is there ? Show yourself Anthony said.

Hi friend.

No way , Lewis.

How are you doing friend.

To be continued....