Birth mark

"I'm fine," Jasper replied to Aurelia, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. She regarded him skeptically but didn't push further.

"Your father is calling for you," Aurelia said, gesturing toward Theodore.

With a deep breath, Jasper steeled himself and walked towards his adoptive father. As he approached, he saw Theodore beckoning Elisapeth and her husband over. Jasper's heart raced, realizing what was about to happen.

Theodore's voice was warm as he made the introductions. "This is Duke Christopher Darrington and his wife Elisapeth," he said, seemingly oblivious to the tension crackling in the air.

Jasper remained outwardly calm, his face an impassive mask, as he shook the Duke's hand.

Christopher was a handsome man, a few inches shorter than Jasper, with a firm handshake and a confident smile. "It's finally nice to meet you," Christopher said, his tone genuinely warm.

Jasper merely nodded in response, unable to trust his voice. His eyes flickered to Elisapeth, who seemed frozen in place, her gaze fixed on him. He noticed her eyes widen as they fell on his wrist, where a distinctive birthmark was partially visible beneath his cuff.

Theodore continued speaking, but his words were lost on both Jasper and Elisapeth as they stared at each other, years of unspoken words hanging between them.

"Why don't we leave you two while I talk with the man of the hour?" Elisapeth suddenly spoke, her voice slightly shaky as she regained her composure.

Theodore smiled, oblivious to the undercurrents, and moved away with Christopher. The latter looked at his wife, but he went along with Theodore.

As soon as they were alone, Elisapeth turned to Jasper, her eyes brimming with a mixture of emotions: shock and recognition. "Jasper," she breathed, his name catching in her throat.

Jasper stood still, his face carefully neutral, even as his insides churned with conflicting emotions. He could see now where he had gotten his looks - Elisapeth was indeed strikingly beautiful, even with the passage of years. The resemblance between them was undeniable.

"I... I can't believe it's you," Elisapeth continued her voice barely above a whisper. "You've grown so much. You look just like..."

"Like who?" Jasper interrupted, his voice cool. "Like the son you abandoned? Or like the man you wished I would become?"

Elisapeth flinched at his words, her pain flashing across her face. "Jasper…I never meant to-"

"Never meant to what?" Jasper asked, his calm facade cracking slightly. "Never meant to leave me? Never meant to start a new family and forget about your firstborn?"

Tears welled up in Elisapeth's eyes. "It wasn't like that. There's so much you don't know, so much I couldn't tell you then."

Jasper felt his anger rising, threatening to overwhelm him. But he was acutely aware of their surroundings and of the curious glances being cast their way. This was neither the time nor the place for such a confrontation.

"Perhaps," he said, his voice low and controlled, "but it seems you've had many years to find a way to tell me. Yet here we are, meeting by chance at a ball. Tell me, did you know I would be here tonight?"

Elisapeth opened her mouth to respond, but before she could, they were interrupted by the approach of her teenage son. The boy looked between them, curiosity evident on his face.

"Mother?" he said, "Father's looking for you."

Elisapeth nodded, visibly gathering herself. "Of course, darling. I'll be right there."

She looked reluctant to leave and followed the boy towards his father.