Curiosity made me ask

Feeling ashamed, Alex hastily tucked his underwear away and inserted it into his pocket. Then he stared right at John.

With a sneer, John said, "What the fuck?" in his lowest voice.

"As if you can not make such a mistake too," Alex murmured, waving them away.

"Hold on," John said while attempting to see if his panties were still in tact.

"Apparently, I did not lose mine." John giggled.

Alex brushed past John, gesturing with his confused thumb, "Fuck you!"

John was not even making an effort to mask his feelings. The thought of Estefania's final words before going to her room made him laugh aloud.

“Won’t you wait for me?” John hurried to catch up to Alex, and before long, he was standing next to him, dumbfounded and silent.

"This is not really that big of a deal, right?" Alex said, moving so very fast as his legs could carry him.

John sarcastically replied, "You know you can always talk to me about anything."