16th April, 20??


Dear Dia,

Tuesday Tits!

My Dearest Tabbies,

The heart of your favorite writer weighs heavily with grief.

Now, before you start wondering who died and making those pathetic grief-stricken faces. I have to bring it to your notice that I mourn not just one person, but all of you. All whom I won't get to write about in the length of your spring break.

When I think about all the juices and spices I would be missing out on, I can't help, but wail in lament.

And it's true, it's a bit early to start mourning after all I still have a few days before the lot of you exit these halls. Yet, I wish you would stay and, honestly, what use is a break if it's only for a week? A whole week of wondering what stories I would have been writing if you were here.