Dark days

Sophia and Leo went to the hospital to visit Sam. Sophia was still holding a flower when they entered. She looked at Leo's face and said, "That Uber driver looked and sounded familiar." Leo agreed and said he would check the Uber app for the driver's name, Bruce.

As they entered, they saw a man named Paul walk by, but they didn't know him. Their focus was on seeing Sam.

When they reached Sam's ward, they saw his face covered with a white bandage. Sam thought they were Paul and asked, "Paul, is that you?" Sophia replied, "It's me, Sophia." Sam greeted her in a sick voice, and Sophia answered. Leo also greeted Sam.

Sam said one of his colleagues had just left, and they thought it might be Paul, the guy they saw when they entered.

Leo asked about Sam's wife, and Sam said she had gone to work but was there in the morning. Sophia smiled a little, and they gave Sam the purple hydrangea flowers they had brought. Sam was happy to receive them and said it had been a long time since he had smelled something nice like that. They all laughed.

Sophia excused herself to go to the toilet, leaving Leo and Sam together.

Sam had overheard Paul telling the doctor not to discharge him early, so the gang wouldn't come to his house looking for him. Sam wanted to ask Leo about gangs, but he changed the subject and asked, "Hey Leo, can I ask you something?"

Leo: "Sure Sam, what's on your mind?"

Sam: "I've been wondering, how do you see the world? Like, what's your view on things?"

Leo: "Hmm, that's a deep question. I try to see the world as fairly as possible, while still knowing that my views are shaped by my own experiences and biases."

Sam: "Can you give me an example?"

Leo: "Well, take something like politics or current events. I try to look at issues from multiple angles, considering different viewpoints and ideologies. I don't just accept one side or get caught up in partisan arguments."

Sam: "But doesn't everyone think they're being fair?"

Leo: "You're right, it's easy to fool ourselves. That's why I really value critical thinking and constantly questioning my assumptions. I'm always trying to learn and grow, to expand my understanding."

Sam: "I can respect that. So do you generally have a positive or negative view of the world?"

Leo: "I'd say I'm a realistic optimist. I acknowledge that there are a lot of challenges and problems in the world, but I also believe in the human ability for progress, innovation, and positive change. We've overcome so many obstacles throughout history."

Sam: "That's a good way to look at it. Thanks for sharing your perspective, Leo."

Leo: "Anytime, Sam."

Sophia just came back from the toilet and told Leo they should start going.

Instead of ordering an Uber, Leo found Bruce's details on the app and called him. After 5 minutes, Bruce arrived. When they entered Bruce's car, they started a conversation.

Leo looked at Bruce and said, "You're the man who saved us from the fight against Jack and his friends that day, and you took me and Sophia home."

Bruce was shocked that they still remembered him. He said he remembered when he first brought them to the hospital. He didn't want to get too personal, and they all laughed.

Bruce jokingly asked how they were coping with those guys now. Leo replied that he had learned new martial arts skills.

Bruce offered to teach Leo some new moves and deadly combat skills if he didn't mind.

Sophia told Bruce that a lot had happened lately.

When they reached their destination, Bruce dropped Sophia off first at her home. She went straight inside and greeted her mom, then went upstairs.

Bruce then dropped Leo off in front of his house. Leo hugged Bruce and said, "Thank you."

Bruce replied, "Anytime."

When Leo got home, he greeted Jared, his butler, and went straight to his bathroom to take a cold shower.

Meanwhile, Aaron met with Andre.

Aaron: Andre, my boy. It's good to be back on familiar soil.

Andre: *nods respectfully* Welcome home, boss. The streets have been holding steady in your absence.

Aaron: eyes narrow* Is that so? Because I've heard a few troubling rumors...

Andre: shifts uncomfortably* Yeah, about that...we had a situation with Nico.

Aaron: The low-level dealer who owes us a considerable debt?

Andre: The very one. He got a little...uncooperative with the collections.

Aaron: *anger flashing across his face* You know how I feel about disloyalty, Andre. It needs to be smashed out quickly before it spreads.

Andre: I hear you loud and clear, boss. That's why I took things into my own hands.

*Aaron raises an eyebrow, gesturing for Andre to continue*

Andre: Nico tried to run gambits, make excuses, and pay us off with pennies. Said he'd get us the money soon as he could.

Aaron: *scoffs* Worthless lies, I'd wager.

Andre: You know it. After the day you left he was jerking us around, I decided to make an example of him.

*A sadistic grin spreads across Andre's face*

Andre: I had my guys grab him off the street in broad daylight. Brought him in here and worked him over good with bats and pipes until he was a blubbering mess.

Aaron: *nods approvingly* A fitting punishment for disrespecting the family.

Andre: Oh, I wasn't done. When he finally stopped gasping out please and mercy, I put a bullet in his knee.

*Andre mimes shooting a gun*

Andre: Clicked the safety on and off a few times while he sobbed. Let him know that was just a warmup.

Aaron: *chuckles darkly* You're a brute, Andre. I do miss that flair for cruelty.

Andre: Like you always say, boss - fear is the only universal language these rats understand.

Aaron: *claps Andre on the shoulder* That's my protege. Did our little message get through to Nico?

Andre: *grins wickedly* Let's just say the next day, his grandmother arrived with every dime he owed us in a grocery bag.

Aaron: *bellows with laughter* Now that's how you handle insubordination!

Andre: *joins in the laughter* Felt good to flex those muscles again while you were gone.

Aaron: *squeezes Andre's shoulder* My reign would crumble without heels like you doing the dirty work, son. Keep it up and there are bigger things coming your way...

*The two men walk off, their malicious laughter echoing through the warehouse