The Big 5

Ramsey Balsley was on the phone with his brother Aaron. "Aaron, I need you to come to Singapore right away. We have an important meeting to attend."

"Sure thing, Ramsey. I'll make arrangements to fly out today," Aaron replied.

After hanging up, Aaron called Andre Cain. "Andre, Ramsey has summoned me to Singapore for a meeting. I'm putting you in charge while I'm gone."

Andre said, "Thank goodness you called, boss When you get back from Singapore, there is a new i want to share with you boss, aaron said okay when he get back.

"You got it, boss," Andre replied. "Everything will be locked down tight until you return.”

Andre said, "You got it, boss. Everything will be locked down tight until you return."

Ramsey then called his wife Elizabeth and asked how Italy was. "Darling, I'm heading to Singapore. I've already notified the other crews - the Baba group from Africa, the Goslings from Europe, the Tinolo group in Asia, the Angolos down in Australia, and Yega's groups in Central America. They should all be en route. I need to get there first before the others arrive."

Ramsey hung up, grabbed his luggage, and headed to catch his private jet to Singapore, ready to meet with his syndicate leaders.

Ramsey Balsey, whose influence spanned across each continent, sat at the head of a polished mahogany table in a dimly lit room in Singapore. Around him, the air was thick with tension and the quiet murmurs of his other crime syndicate leaders:

Baba group from Africa, represented by Kazim

Goslings group from Europe, represented by Antonio

Tinolo group from Asia, represented by Chan

Angolos group from Australia, represented by Drey

Yega gangs from Central America, represented by Armando

Each represented a powerful criminal organization under Ramsey's command, each eager to impress and wary of the consequences of failure.

Seated beside Ramsey was Aaron Balsey, Ramsey's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, commanding attention without effort. "Gentlemen and lady, thank you for joining us tonight. We have much to discuss."

Kazim, a stout man with a scar across his cheek, spoke first, his voice gravelly with authority. "Ramsey, our operations in Africa have seen unprecedented growth. The arms shipments to the Congo are on schedule, and our influence in the region continues to expand."

Antonio, a refined man in a tailored suit, nodded in agreement. "In Europe, our money laundering operations have been running smoothly. The recent heist in Paris was executed flawlessly, as you requested."

Ramsey nodded approvingly, his gaze shifting to a stoic figure with piercing eyes. "Asia?"

Chan inclined his head slightly. "Our bio-weapons shipments through Southeast Asia are proceeding as planned. We've encountered minor resistance, but nothing we can't handle."

Drey, a wiry man with a calculating expression, spoke up next. "Australia remains secure. Our smuggling routes are intact, and our profits have never been higher."

Armando, a fierce woman with tattoos peeking out from beneath her sleeves, leaned forward. "Central America is under our control. The cartels are cooperating, and our influence in the region is unmatched."

Ramsey listened intently, his mind already moving to the next topic of discussion. "Now, onto our most ambitious venture yet: bio-weapons."

Elizabeth stepped forward, a folder in her hands. She distributed the reports detailing their progress in bio-weapon development, each group providing updates on their contributions and challenges faced.

Ramsey's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he reviewed the reports. "Excellent work, everyone. But actions speak louder than words. Aaron, bring him in."

Aaron escorted a young boy, Orge, into the room. The child appeared ordinary at first glance — until Ramsey uttered a command, and the room fell into stunned silence.

Orge's body contorted, muscles bulging beneath his skin as he transformed into a monstrous ogre.

Strength: 99

Height: 9 feet tall

Weight: 800 pounds

Thick, mottled green skin

Huge muscular frame

Pointed tusks protruding from the mouth

Beady, yellow eyes

Large, flat nose

Powerful clawed hands and feet

Barrel chest and broad shoulders

Ability to lift immense weights and smash through obstacles

Loud, guttural roar that could be heard for miles

Tough, calloused hide that was highly resistant to damage

Regenerative healing abilities

Heightened senses of smell and hearing

Primal cunning and ferocity in combat

His eyes glowed with an eerie light, his growls filling the room with primal intensity.

Ramsey's voice cut through the astonishment. "This, gentlemen, is our latest creation. Through our research and investment, we've developed a mutagenic formula that enhances physical abilities beyond imagination."

The assembled leaders exchanged looks of awe and apprehension. This was no mafia organization. Balsey's corporation was built on innovation and ruthlessness, pushing the boundaries of what was possible in the underworld.

As the meeting drew to a close, Ramsey outlined their next steps: refining the bio-weapon prototypes, securing new distribution channels, and ensuring absolute dominance in their respective territories.

Leo pulled out his phone and dialed Bruce's number. After a couple of rings, Bruce picked up.

"Hello?" Bruce answered.

"Hey Bruce, it's Leo. I'm on my way to your place. That okay?" Leo asked.

"Oh, hey Leo. Yeah, that's fine. You can come on over. I'll send you the address," Bruce said.

A moment later, Leo received the directions to Bruce's house. He thanked Bruce and started making his way there.

As Leo pulled up to the address, he saw Bruce sitting on the front porch, looking lost in thought. Bruce noticed Leo's footsteps and stood up to greet him.

"Thanks for coming by, Leo," Bruce said solemnly as Leo approached.

"No problem. Is everything okay?" Leo asked, sensing something was off.

Bruce sighed heavily. "Today is the anniversary of my wife's death. I guess I'm just feeling it a bit more than usual today."

Leo's expression softened with empathy. "I'm sorry to hear that, Bruce. I can't imagine how hard that must be."

"It is. She was such an amazing woman. I miss her so much," Bruce said, shaking his head. He looked up at Leo. "Listen, I know the streets and the gangs and the mafia can seem tempting, but it's a dangerous path. Promise me you'll stay away from all that. Don't make the same mistakes I did."

Leo nodded solemnly. "I promise, Bruce. That's not the kind of life I want."

Bruce gave a small, sad smile. "Good. I'm glad to hear that. Come on inside, I could use the company.