An Asteroid Attack on Artmitis

Adriel was about to go back to his cabin when he noticed a shower of asteroids rushing towards them. He quickly released the red alert flare. As the flare lights up, Sky, Zildor, Xavier, Regal, and Zen reach the border as well.

Seeing the asteroids rushing towards them, Sky summons for Selgar. On arriving at the border, it didn't take long for Selgar to figure out why he was called. On seeing the rushing asteroids, Selgar quickly summons his light stone and unleashes its powers. As his hands light up, he raises his arms up into the sky and casts a barrier over Artmitis. As the asteroids rush towards the barrier, they hit the barrier with full force. Selgar loses his balance and gets pushed back, but he gets his grip on the ground back and intensifies the power release.