On hearing about the custodian, Lorrek says, "The custodian? Vonruil, don't tell me you don't know. The custodians, or the forerunners—all of them are Zeus's puppets. That seal that they have, it's just a gimmick."
Vonruil looks confused and says, removing it, "Do you mean this one?"
Seeing the seal, Lorrek says, "How come it's in your hand? The Forerunners have been guarding the seal for more than two millennia. And, even if any reason rises in shifting its place, the barbarians of The Lost Realm are given to transport it. This makes no sense."
Another Lord also says, "Yes, what's going on? Oh, it's a replica, but Vonruil, you will be in grave danger if Zeus finds out."
Vonruil sighs and says, "It's nothing like what you all are thinking. The seal was given to me by Forerunners Bunn and Punn with approval from their leader Zolgrus and barbarian leader Naul. I even attended the galactic meet as the custodian."