Chapter 67

She stretched lazily making her clothes lift showing her waist and toned stomach, he looked at her and sighed but when he remembered the jacuzzi, his mood cleared up.

He stood up from the bed and pulled off his clothes not minding her hot stares on his body, his mind was on that satisfied relaxed feeling he experienced last night.

Cyra saw the clothes he left on the bed and her mind clicked, she stopped him when he was almost reaching the door.

She pulled him to the bed and covered the tempting sight with covers. it happened so fast that Zane was disoriented, he looked at her with a face written 'Why.'

''We have to sign a marriage certificate to show that we are married.'' his face turned focused when she said this, she wondered how she forgot something so important. Opening his mouth to speak, he was happy with her next words.

''Will you marry me? Even when I am a bloodthirsty being.'' her eyes held his and she waited for his answer.