Chapter 69

Cyra felt tempted by his expression, she took the second spoon inside and scooped some putting it into her mouth. She frowned tasting the waxy paper taste and her eyes dim with disinterest.

She dropped the spoon and felt blood was better, she gazed at Zane's pleasure-filled face and felt peaceful and light in her slow-beating heart.

A yawn forced its way out of her mouth and she felt sleepy, she wanted to lay down on the bed but stopped in her tracks when she remembered they had somewhere they were going today at it was already 7:30am.

She frowned and finished putting on her clothes which were a pair of jeans and a woolen top, both black. She combed her waist-long hair and let it fall to her back with the tips fluttering about.

She bought two suitcases, one big one to pack their clothes and the other smaller one to store the golds she would be exchanging.