Chapter 87

On the tenth person's wrist, her tongue licked off the residue of blood on her lips, she finally savored it and the tasted like eating a meal without seasoning, it was not yet time to spice it up, to avoid suspicion, she would give them five months to adapt before it became her feeding ground.

She hopes her mansion staff won't disappoint her expectations. She walked back slowly to the Mansion, enjoying the night air, rustling of leaves, and full moons shining their light over the forest.

Strolling through an empty field, she thought back on her flowers. She disappeared in thin air.

Inside the space, Cyra went to a secluded place, the air was cold. The surrounding was filled with different species of flowers each a different color, blooming healthily. It was breathtakingly beautiful enough for you to feel unreal but filled with a sense of rejection subconsciously.