Chapter 90

After finishing the milk and cookies, Kyle gave himself a ten-minute break. He tapped on his bracelet, and with a few fingers taps a line of codes appeared on the screen. Within a minute, a video feed from every corner of the Mansion was shown on his screen. He looked through the footage, of the places he planted cameras except the bedroom and other off-limit areas.

He saw Zane frolicking in the indoor pool. He was about to look elsewhere but was shocked when Zane looked directly in the position of the hidden camera.

Kyle was shocked- Zane's senses were very sharp.

He quickly warned himself to be careful around her husband; both wife and husband were strange, and not in a good way for him.

Bitting the tip of his finger in a daze, 'there's no rush.' He closed the screen and didn't see Zane get out of the water and went to that hidden corner and picked up a tiny pebble-like camera was planted, blending with the walls.